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Brand New – The Archers Bows Have Broken Lyrics 8 years ago
This song is basically a cheesy political anthem (no, seriously, it is) but it's so infectious and uplifting that I can't help but love it. The lyrics pretty obviously deal with the loss of faith and subsequent search for something to believe in, all the while observing how people misuse ideologies for the sake of garnering political clout.

Bear vs. Shark – Bloodgiver Lyrics 8 years ago
This song has some sexual imagery, but I think it's about procreation. I mean, seriously, the song's title is "Bloodgiver." A man and a woman reproduce, i.e., "give blood" to their children, thus they are blood givers. The verses talk about how the child is the narrator's only motivation for staying alive.

"Tire this wrecking ball on jagged line been waking morning" - He's emotionally unstable (wrecking ball) that's on a path he's unsure of (jagged line), and his child is tiring him way earlier than he'd like to be awake (tire... waking morning). Additionally, you could interpret this line as him trying to get the baby to fall asleep.

"A self defense machine to keep me up for the time being" - His child acts as a self-defense machine in the sense that without it, he'd destroy himself in some way (e.g., suicide, drug addiction, etc). It also functions to keep him awake at this moment.

"In two words: broken wheels, your four point stance is eaten" - Four point stance is on all fours, or crawling. It's "eaten" in the sense that although the narrator may not have been prepared for this, he can't help but eat it up and want to protect his offspring. "Broken wheels" could refer to the narrator himself who feels inadequate as a parental figure and/or human being.

"When you spread out like a venus
Into mucus
Into muscle
Blown by sand
Stand into the mountains
Stand into the moiuntains
Aphrodisiac to pull me west again"

This is beautiful. Venus is the Roman name for the Greek goddess Aphrodite who is associated with beauty, love and procreation. "Into mucus, into muscle, blown by sand..." all refer to taking a physical, human form from what are just gobs of genetic material to us. "Aphrodisiac to pull me west again..." might be referring to the westward settlers of the early 17th century in the United States. In the narrative, he likens the beginning of parenthood with the western voyages of the settlers; it's the start of a journey that's headed to an uncertain destination, but one that hopefully guarantees both him and his offspring a better life.

"Hibernation for some time now
Sleeping bears to wake at dawn
Travel far to surf the sky
Been bolted down and stepped on

Ties it back into the beginning of the song. He was sleeping, but now he's up because his child has woke up. He's traveled far in hopes to secure a future for himself and his offspring (travel far to surf the sky) and ultimately, both him and his child will be bolted down and stepped on by life and each other along the journey of parenting.

Fantastic song, the first track on this album that really grabbed me. The way he screams the title of the song is so visceral and gripping.

Glassjaw – Convectuoso Lyrics 8 years ago
I think he's being sarcastic, or at the very least, criticizing both men and women. The opening "I am Caligula" juxtaposed with the later "that's you, American womanhood" suggests an expectation on behalf of some sizable portion of females for men to all be domineering, id-driven pigs at heart.

Likewise, he has stripped down this expectation and presented it plainly throughout the song. "A notch in my bedpost is how you shall exist," "a notch on my belt," and "the whore over man."

Remember, art is the IS, not the OUGHT. This is a criticism of male/female relationship dynamics at its core. Or at the very least, that's how I've interpreted it. This is definitely not an EYEWTKAS-esque misogynistic anthem.

Glassjaw – Must've Run All Day Lyrics 8 years ago
This is one of my favorite Glassjaw songs. I'm not sure what it means. At first I assumed it was about virginity, ex. "if it takes you, it makes you," and "world premier," but upon second thought, I think it's about childbirth where the mother dies.

"If it takes you, it makes you" - The woman "makes" her child, but it "takes" her, i.e., kills her.

"I don't want to
If it makes you scared
In the bare, anyway" - He doesn't want this to happen, and scared and in the bare is how everyone is born.

"I don't want to
See your face when you feel
Not alive" - Self-explanatory.

"If you're lying in bed with the pride of a lion" - The pride to persevere and deliver the child, and also the pride in terms of the new family member.

"If you're shrewd enough to be underlined" - Her judgment which rendered the life of her child more valuable has caused her to be underlined, which could mean a number of things. Her name is literally underlined in an obituary, or it could be figurative in that it has given her a final purpose or impact in life, or both.

"A world premier" - Self-explanatory. It's the baby's world premier.

"If it's the last thing you do . . .
Plagiarize" - This is where things get complicated. Speaking of plagiarism, I believe the last verse of this song is lifted verbatim from another song.

"And where is my Sandinista?" - I honestly have no idea. I have seen some political interpretations of this song that make better use of this snippet.

"My boss said to me,
take my advice please
instead, for one second, up off your knees
we are not the competition
when we strive, we strive
to be number one" - We are not the competition anymore; we are passing the torch to our offspring, and we ought to strive to make them number one, much like the woman in this song did by giving her life for the child.

Just my two cents. I imagine the actual meaning is more political based, but I just don't see it aside from the Sandinista line.

Clawfinger – Sad To See Your Sorrow Lyrics 9 years ago
Valuable contribution, totally had no idea what he/she meant before your correction

Protest the Hero – Sex Tapes Lyrics 9 years ago
The sexual overtones are mostly for style. This song is about the digital age and surveillance, and with it the inevitable forfeiture of privacy. The sexual overtones are also here because what's more intimate and personal than someone's sex life, you know?

"Be careful what you're looking at because it might be looking back." - We watch things on the internet, and the internet watches us.

Glasseater – Second Door To The Right Lyrics 9 years ago
I can relate to being a lonely, socially awkward, maladjusted outsider. I've gotten a LOT better, but I still feel lonely a lot despite having a handful of very, very close friends I'm still a little awkward, but being articulate and seeming sincere helps (note that I said "seeming"). Basically, I've gotten better at faking it. I don't feel any more confident; I don't feel any increased sense of self-worth.

I relate very well to people. I'm scared people won't relate to me. I'm also more of a passive observer than a hands-on, go-getter and shake-it-upper which is a doublefuck because I'm male and I'm expected to be like that. All relationships are based on your perception of the other person, so no worries (well, pretty much everything is perception). At the end of the day, it's a competition between the relationship you see and want versus the relationship the other person sees and wants. I also sometimes hate myself. A lot. I don't think I have ever really loved myself, but I've gotten better about tolerating the person in the mirror.

Craving non-existence, eh? If you feel like a malfunctioning product that is simply sitting on the shelf awaiting the release of the superior model, then you're already giving yourself too much credit. You have already been replaced. There is someone more or less just like you out there; similar or identical strengths, less weaknesses, better suited for this world, etc. In fact, there have probably been hundreds of thousands of people just like you, but better. You aren't waiting to be replaced; you have been replaced. In fact, you were outdated when you were released. And you call yourself a nihilist. ;)

Religion? I don't feel much of a need to discuss "religion" anymore. That's too general of a term. I share your pain over what religion tells women they can and can't do with their vagina though (at least in the West...). As someone who just recently got left by a Catholic girl after three and a half years, I can assure you that the damage it does to people is pretty real, though probably not inevitable.

You do a good job at feigning apathy, and it would almost be enviable if it weren't so irrational. I can't think of one scenario where I seriously thought to myself, "wow, I'm so glad I'm lazy, indifferent, jaded and cynical." Apathy is your enemy. The older I've gotten, the more I wished I would have gone out on a limb more often, made myself more vulnerable, and taken that shot. You know, asked that girl out, made that joke in class, stuck up for that kid getting picked on, etc.

Nothing good comes from apathy.

Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines Lyrics 10 years ago
My apologies, I can't find the source for that stat. Can you share a news article or something? For the 1 in 3 women fear sexual assault from their partners. That stat is far more believable and less balkanizing — sorry again for misreading.

Also, please don't split hairs on the definition of rape when it comes to women raping men. One of the main reasons rape studies get criticized is the lack of a consistent definition for rape — in many studies, what gets passed as "rape" was actually molestation or sexual harassment. A lot of these rape studies are actually just looking for any sexual assault period, so there's a lot of generalizing and blanket cases. To say that men don't get raped by women is most certainly false. Men would get hard during a rape for the same reason women get wet during rapes. I can't believe you were actually trying to assert anything to contrary. It's just insensitive to say to a man who was forced to eat a woman out or something, "oh, but you didn't get *raped!*" It minimizes what should be treated as a serious trauma

Yeah, men are physically stronger than women, but not all rapes are through force. Some are done through excessive drug use (alcohol), deception, etc. It's not that sexism isn't a problem — it's that feminism is a bad doctrine to combat it.

Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines Lyrics 10 years ago
Sorry, but rape culture is a steaming pile of pernicious misinformation and propaganda. The whole "1 in 4 (or 1 in 3, I've heard variations) women will be raped in their lifetime" is a study that's been discredited widely. The original study was put in Ms. magazine, a TABLOID, with no real scientific credentials or methodologies. What a fucking JOKE! I also take problem with sociology being at the forefront of the movement here. You know, because if we actually want to find the root of a problem (i.e., why rapes occur and why rapists, you know, rape), it might be better to use a science that's actually useful, such as behavioral psychology. If you idiots were to do ANY research whatsoever, your views on this would be absolutely shattered. Rapes occur for a multitude of reasons; feminists only want to portray the white, middle class perspective of man-on-woman rape. Believe it or not, women rape men, other women, and *GASP*, men rape men!! You can fuck off with all your hooey about how women are the ones most likely to suffer from assault... rape is not a "male-on-female" issue. It's a larger issue.

The recent dissemination of "rape culture" and "slut shaming" is an insensitive, overly simplified, and myopic presentation of rape. It has you believe that ONLY women are raped, that ONLY men rape, that rapes are occurring every second of every goddamn day, and that the prime culprit is our "patriarchal men-should-rape-women-all-day-every-day" culture and society. It's a total LOAD OF SHIT. Rape has been around FOREVER... possibly before human beings, since it's easily argued that animals can and do rape one another. So shut the hell up with your self-righteous, repugnant garbage.

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – Face Down Lyrics 10 years ago
"One look puts the rhythm in my hand"

He enjoys fapping to her

AJJ – People II: The Reckoning Lyrics 11 years ago
I mean, if the song didn't literally say "manic depression" or "bipolar illness," would you still think it was about bipolar? I think bipolar is used as a metaphor here for highs and lows of existence, highs and lows of humanity, etc. The whole "fight-or-flight" line doubts free will.

I strongly disagree with your analyses of the lines "but there's a bad man in everyone..." and "there's a rapist and a Nazi..." This has nothing to do with how we have a side that is counter-productive to self-fulfillment IMO, but rather how human goodness is illusory. We're just products of our environment, and in the proper circumstances, we could be Nazis or rapists too; therefore, there's a horrible kind of offender in all of us, and it's just waiting for the corresponding external factors to manifest.

Megadeth – Tornado Of Souls Lyrics 11 years ago
Even though this is an amazing song and by far my favorite Megadeth tune, I would not consider this "fun music." This is a pretty heavy song, both musically and lyrically.

Aesop Rock – Daylight Lyrics 11 years ago
referencemark posted a lot of things I agree with.

"I did not invent the wheel; I was the crooked spoke adjacent." – Feeling like an outsider and that you are incompatible with reality on the terms that its been handed to you.

"Now it's an honor and I spell it with the 'H' I stole from heritage." – Probably a dig at colonialism. A line or two before this, he talks about the "American nightmare." He's talking about how the barbaric process of colonizing what we currently call the United States is dressed up as some prideful freedom that we are all entitled to just by virtue of being born on this soil. It's arrogant to think we ought to be allowed to own things like land and water.

"All I ever wanted was to pick apart the day,
put the pieces back together my way" – Similar to the meaning of the crooked spoke line. Aesop says that all he's ever wanted to do is to reconstruct reality on his own terms since he can't accept the world he's presently surrounded by.

"Who split HOLIDAY freaks ON A BOX CUT CINEMA, high road bellow
Heads ripped! Watch red bricks turn yellow
Sort of similar to most backbones at camp Icarus" – "Holiday freaks" refers to prostitutes. Think about the "Holiday Inn" and the "freaks" that keep finding themselves in them. This is another dig at the idea of the American dream. The "box cut cinema, high road bellow" is actually talking about a prostitute's aspiration to become a successful pornographic actor.

"Red bricks turn yellow" is a Wizard of Oz reference. This goes back to the idea that by having goals and such, we can achieve a better future for ourselves. The bit about Icarus is referring to the mythological character who flew a little too close to the sun and it ended up melting his wax wings and caused him to plummet into a body of water where he drowned and died. The myth itself is an illustration of hubris or pride, and Aesop likens it to the pride of those who believe in the American dream.

Cloud Cult – Bobby's Spacesuit Lyrics 11 years ago
It's basically about how the world becomes a lot less magical once you understand it. On the same token, life doesn't have to be any less beautiful just because we can understand it within a rational context. This song is a plea to live life simply and not fritter over details.

The first verse describes how a kid is pretending to be inside a rocket ship. "Pushing downwards out and sucking upwards in" refers to the sound of a rocket about to take off.

The second verse references our obsession over physical beauty, but it also shows that we are all comprised of the same components when it comes down to it (in the end, we're all just unrecognizable rubber since we just rot away in the ground). Also, this isn't a sexual kind of "lover" being sung about – it's more of a holistic, unconditional sort of love for mankind. This sort of love has no concern for physical appearance.

The last verse encourages listeners to stop brooding and fixating over difficult questions and instead just see them as a curious and necessary part of life.

The "this is truth to him/her/me" shows that adults recognize how kids sincerely believe their imaginations. The end of the song suggests we can learn something from those younger than us.

Nevermore – Medicated Nation Lyrics 11 years ago
Yeah, it's about literal, prescription drugs. This song just takes a piss all over the pharmaceutical industry.

Nevermore – Godmoney Lyrics 11 years ago
God money, I'll do anything for you... God money, just tell me what you want me to... God money, nail me up against the wall... God money don't want everything, he wants it all.

Nevermore – Sea Of Possibilities Lyrics 11 years ago
pjslash comes close to getting it right; this song is about the onus of free will. I could be wrong, but I'm actually pretty confident about this one. It's basically about how having free will is actually kind of disturbing in a way and that it puts us in a position to take responsibility for our actions.

The first verse is referring to how existential and philosophical bluster creeps up in our psyche on an almost daily basis, even if many of us prefer to ignore its calls. "Learning theology" refers to accepting the sort of free will stemming from the Bible, and the second verse makes this even clearer by mentioning Adam and implying Eve.

The chorus sets a sense of perspective – as each moment passes, we're "one step closer" to the end of our lives and this reality is unsettling. It's even more unsettling since we know that all of our previous actions have come to shape the world in a certain way and that after we have gone, our minute impact, as insignificant as it probably was, still lingers. "Some will find the answers..." refers to how some will become enlightened, accepting the truth of Dane's words and how others will succumb to the baser side of human existence and continue polluting the world, literally and figuratively.

The real clincher is in the part after the chorus. "I don't mean to alarm you, but the future is not written in stone." Pretty self-explanatory.

Günther & The Sunshine Girls – Ding Dong Song Lyrics 11 years ago

Eyedea & Abilities – By The Throat Lyrics 11 years ago
This song is about a tragic breakup and the aftermath, and from the sounds of it, it's a fairly amicable breakup (he wishes her well, wants to remain friends, etc). In other words, Eyedea and this girl were "meant to be," but some irresolvable conflict split them apart. From "secrets sneak out when you're asleep," it sounds like she probably cheated on him or did something behind his back that permanently broke his trust.

Anyway, this song is straight up gut-wrenching. Definitely one of the most emotional songs I've ever heard. "Oh, how easily they forget no anchor to the past..." What a perfect introduction.

I don't detect any undertones of addiction or heroin in this track; that's "Burn Fetish" for sure, though. Everyone seems to be misinterpreting the following line: "They say you always know right away
But you can't foresee the sand being pulled into the sea under a tidal wave"

This is not referring to addiction. Rational people usually agree that addiction is a slippery slope and sets in insidiously. This line is about how people think you should just intuitively know when a relationship is failing, but in reality, a relationship might have a latent flaw that manifests at exactly the right moment to screw everything up.

Here's the best part:
"You made me more me, and I won't forget the times you helped my find my feet
When I was buried in my head
Thank you, for givin' what you had to give
Takin' what you had to take,
And makin' me believe in you.
Even though I might be gone forever there will always be a place in my brain that'll think of you.
You look so graceful when you're flyin'
Keep goin', there's a lot of world that you haven't seen,
You have my best wishes, even if only in silence, you deserve everything that you've ever dreamed."

Eyedea & Abilities – The Dive (A) Lyrics 11 years ago
Wow. No comments on this one? It pretty much summed up my entire life at one point. I remember listening to this song for the first time and I had to shut it off in the middle of it because it was too eerily accurate.

Eyedea & Abilities – Burn Fetish Lyrics 11 years ago
yeah, he was mad smart. that's why it was an ACCIDENT. fucking christ

Eyedea & Abilities – Burn Fetish Lyrics 11 years ago
This song is definitely about heroin, but I don't know if it's literally about it or just allegorical. Eyedea had a hard time staying on topic in many of his songs, so there are a lot of parts in here which are unrelated to the song's central theme. The most unrelated part is the whole "the counter-culture can't count" jab at hippy liberals who esteem the humanities and social sciences but ignore math and hard science entirely.

The whole "my worst habit's waking up at least once a day" is probably just his way of saying that his existence is a bad habit that he needs to quit. Or he could be referring to life without heroin as sleeping and life on heroin as being awake.

That chorus is immense though. He's just devaluing humanity. "Empathy..." and "love..." = getting high on life, and he pisses all over them by calling one "the poor man's cocaine," (effective, will get you high, but cheap and not genuine) and the other "just a chemical by any other name" (reference to Shakespeare, basically any other chemical is as valid/real).

Nevermore – A Future Uncertain Lyrics 11 years ago
Just think it's about humans innately being dicks. I don't think it means to paint religion or anything in a negative light per se, but rather just speak about strictly human flaws. Really, I think this is what a lot of TGE is about, although there are definitely hints of religion bashing. The line about our image being imperfect is a direct shot at the Christian God.

New Order – Ceremony Lyrics 11 years ago

"Heaven knows, it's got to be this time" pretty much says it all.

Limp Bizkit – Creamer (Radio Is Dead) Lyrics 11 years ago
hahaha, co-sign. It's so catchy.

The Cure – Lullaby Lyrics 11 years ago
one of the catchiest instrumentals EVER. there's an obscure remix floating around featuring mc chris's verses from "ten year old" over top of this beat.

El-P – The Full Retard Lyrics 12 years ago
"Just a Cassandra too drained to painfully word it further
Future of a gerbil up ass of masochist, that's my word up"

El-P has a gift for saying terrible, gritty things in a poetic fashion. Of course, Cassandra is the cursed prophet of Greek mythology who was gifted with visions of the future, but no one believed her due to the curse placed upon her. In a way, El likens himself to Cassandra in the sense that he knows the world is going to shit and there's little hope (future of a gerbil up ass of masochist), but nobody believes him or takes him seriously.

"Throat fuck your lucky day, the flight of a torn kite"

Amazing internal rhyme (flight/kite) and again with the hopeless imagery. A torn kite cannot fly.

Cage – I Never Knew You Lyrics 12 years ago
It's definitely about a guy stalking a girl and killing her – there's really no doubt about it. The narrative offers evidence of a delusion: "the sky opened and God handed you directly to me." It might be worth noting that the first four lines (you're always dying inside... surrounded by people, all alone) are probably directed at the girl he's stalking. He thinks she is miserable and secretly yearns for him to rescue her, even if she isn't directly aware of it; this is also a component of his delusion.

I don't understand the line, "My finger aching for your doorbell like a random blog." What the fuck does that mean? Do fingers typically ache for random blogs?

Disturbed – Prayer Lyrics 12 years ago
I really disagree with everyone that this song is about turning away from God. I think it's about turning to God (even if not the Christian one) and it's clearly inspired from the story of Job specifically and the problem of suffering/evil in general. The singer is just begging God to take everything away from him, in the fashion of a person with a facetious victim complex, because he knows it's nothing compared to what some people have to endure everyday. David knows he's pretty well off, and yet he still suffers like the rest of us. When he's miserable, he realizes he's still more fortunate than many, and thus feels guilt for being upset.

Also, when David presumably requests God to burn him alive from the inside out, this is an obvious cry for spiritual redemption/forgiveness. At the end of the song, David begs for divine intervention (return to me, turn to me, cast aside my wrongdoings, leave me no one for I am guilty) and the line about turning away isn't about abandoning faith – it's about abandoning pettiness and working toward maintaining a teleological and grateful outlook.

Scars On Broadway – 3005 Lyrics 12 years ago
I FINALLY GET IT. It's about fundamentalists attacking science and its continuous attempts at advancing human life beyond Earth or changing nature because that's not what "God" has in mind. That's why Daron will be up in his spaceship still alive while the Christians wait for their savior to return.

AJJ – People II: The Reckoning Lyrics 12 years ago
Seems to be about the Tao (not everyone is completely good or evil) and humanism. "People I" is definitely a humanistic anthem, and I think this is just the darker side of that.

El-P – Flyentology (feat. Trent Reznor) Lyrics 12 years ago
"(No matter what heinous, and usually proven false, stories you may hear form desperate zealots) "

That's because most are in denial. You should read AJ Ayer's "What I Saw When I Was Dead." Ayer was a famous philosopher and mathematician in the 20th century and had a near-death experience during the later years of his life.

Anyway, the meaning of this song is pretty obvious.

El-P – Habeas Corpses (Draconian Love) Lyrics 12 years ago

Nevermore – Who Decides Lyrics 12 years ago
"But who decides, who defines, who draws all the lines?"

This song is obviously about objective morality. What is right? What is wrong? Okay... but who decides?

El-P – Drones Over Bklyn Lyrics 12 years ago
I have no idea what this song means. I'm guessing it's about the invasion of privacy and corrupt government rule, hence "drones over Brooklyn" referring to spying and "you better stay aloof when the troops move or suicide booths soothe" meaning that even if you don't agree with what the army does, you best not oppose it in a militant nation or your best bet is just to commit suicide before you are killed. Great song though. I love El-P.

El-P – The Overly Dramatic Truth Lyrics 13 years ago
"you still think i'm here to save?" what a brilliant song.

Utada Hikaru – Simple And Clean Lyrics 13 years ago
also, the e.g. references are reasons as to why it could be morally impermissible; they aren't morally impermissible acts themselves.

Utada Hikaru – Simple And Clean Lyrics 13 years ago
canonical meaning aside, i think it's about a girl losing her virginity. it's about feeling totally natural (simple and clean) even though she is engaging in a morally impermissible act (e.g. religion, marriage, social reasons, parental reasons, etc). also, "hold me/whatever lies beyond this morning/is a little later on" is pretty much exactly how you feel when you wake up next to someone. so i suppose i'm a dicksucking fag for liking this song, whatever.

Eyedea – Weird Side Lyrics 13 years ago
fucking WORD. i love this song! i can relate to eyedea so much, i really enjoyed his music. R.I.P., if there is an afterlife of any sort, i hope him and big L are blazing a blunt together.

Big Pun – Shatterer Lyrics 13 years ago
"With one pistol and two clips, I'll make your crew do flips
Like acrobatics, I'm charismatic, my gat is magic"

jesus christ.

Big Pun – Twinz (feat. fat joe) Lyrics 13 years ago
every line in this song is fucking awesome. what a perfect hip-hop song.

Swingin' Utters – Jackie Jab Lyrics 13 years ago

Eyedea – Even Shadows Have Shadows Lyrics 13 years ago
agreed. eyedea is the most poetic hip-hop artist we've had in years, possibly ever.

Edwin McCain – Grind Me In The Gears Lyrics 13 years ago
you listen to awful music

Big L – Danger Zone Lyrics 13 years ago
snap in heaven/mac-11 is incredible internal rhyme, not to mention he closes it with a multi. great price/rape christ. big l's lyrical abilities will frequently be under appreciated.

Big L – Da Graveyard Lyrics 13 years ago
it's "too intense," not "to win tits." big l was too nasty with his word play.

Big L – Put It On Lyrics 13 years ago
it's hops, not hobbes.

The Clash – Red Angel Dragnet Lyrics 13 years ago
dorota? i like your name.

Justin Bieber – Baby Lyrics 13 years ago
judging from your name, we are not friends.

Aesop Rock – Daylight Lyrics 13 years ago
hit the nail on the head.

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