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Saxon – Sea of Life Lyrics 10 hours ago
This long song explores complex themes of destiny, mortality, and the uncertainty of life's journey, painting a vivid picture of the precarious nature of existence while using metaphors and symbolism to convey a sense of inevitability and fate. In the beginning, it mentions a "single silent bullet" symbolizes the unpredictable and potentially fatal nature of life, followed by imagery of the bullet flying through the air, seeking its target, representing how events beyond our control can shape our lives. The bullet being guided by fate highlights the theme of destiny and the idea that some things are predetermined and out of our hands.

The track later refers to the idea of paying a ferryman to cross the "sea of life," as a reference to the ancient Greek myth of Charon, the ferryman who transported souls across the river Styx to the underworld. This symbolizes one's journey from life to death, with the payment serving as a metaphor for the sacrifices or dues one must make to navigate life's challenges and transitions. The repeated phrase "Could be you" serves as a haunting reminder of the unpredictable nature of life and death, reinforcing the idea that anyone could be a victim of fate or circumstance at any time.

In conclusion, the song reflects on the fragility of life, the inevitability of death, and the importance of confronting these realities with courage and acceptance while contemplating the mysteries of existence and the uncertainties that accompany the human experience.

Saxon – Piss Off Lyrics 10 hours ago
This one's a relatable message of frustration and dissatisfaction in the face of unexpected setbacks and negativity. It revolves around the theme of feeling content or optimistic, only to have one's mood soured by external influences. The phrase "piss off bomb" symbolizes the sudden intrusion of negativity that interrupts moments of happiness, with the repeated questioning of "How come every time you feel real good, somebody drops you a piss off bomb" reflecting a sense of inevitability and frustration at the unpredictable nature of life's challenges that puts one on an emotional rollercoaster. The song advises to take things slow and not to go fast, suggesting a need for patience and caution in navigating life's obstacles; It also says to be cautious about getting too comfortable or hopeful, as setbacks can come unexpectedly.

Saxon – What Goes Around Lyrics 10 hours ago
Rather simple, this one is about karma, that actions have repercussions, and that individuals will eventually face the consequences and outcomes befitting of their behavior. The song serves as a reminder that being mindful of how one treats others is important as everything eventually comes back around to you; What goes around comes around as they say.

Saxon – Are We Travellers in Time Lyrics 10 hours ago
While a bit convoluted, the song explores the concept of time and humanity's place within it, questioning whether humans are merely passing through different epochs of history as travelers, witnessing the past and facing the uncertainties of the future; It invites you to reflect on the nature of existence and the cyclical nature of time. By the end, it encourages listeners to contemplate the past to shape the present and future, not to let time flow by like gusts of wind, while pondering the cyclical nature of human existence and the interconnectedness of all periods in time.

Saxon – Prisoner Lyrics 10 hours ago
The track is an exploration of the notion of being held captive by one's lies and the repercussions of deceit, serving as a cautionary tale about the importance of honesty and the need to face the consequences of our actions before they lead to a state of imprisonment, whether literal or metaphorical. It's a compelling exploration of themes of regret, choice, and the desire to be liberated from falsehoods when you're unable to break free from your dishonesty or the lies of others.

Saxon – Song of Evil Lyrics 10 hours ago
This song tells a rather dark story for Saxon, the depravity and cruelty of someone who inflicts torment and suffering on others for their own sadistic pleasure; Likely under order or showing commitment to a demonic force. It depicts scenes of torture and pain, where the protagonist's actions cause countless souls to suffer, all while questioning the morals of the tormentor, asking how they can sleep at night and live with the haunting voices of their victims in their head.

Saxon – All Guns Blazing Lyrics 11 hours ago
A song very fitting of Saxon, this being a powerful message of defiance and resilience in the face of adversity. It revolves around ideals of standing your ground, fighting against oppressive forces, and being unyielding in the defense of your beliefs or values. Even when being cornered with "backs against the wall" it highlights the importance of not succumbing to the pressures of the system and not giving in to what a higher power dictates. The metaphor for "All guns blazing" refers to the determination to confront challenges head-on, and being fully prepared and ready to fight for what is right, even if it means facing opposition and conflict.

Saxon – Watching You Lyrics 11 hours ago
This song addresses personal themes of surveillance, invasion of privacy, and the feeling of being constantly monitored, reflecting a sense of paranoia and unease about the idea of being observed and scrutinized, whether it be through physical surveillance systems or metaphorical eyes watching every move. It describes the omnipresence of surveillance technology, such as satellites and cameras, that have made it almost impossible to find a place to hide; An idea is presented of a possible world where one's every action is under scrutiny, with references to satellite surveillance and the feeling of being observed from all angles. The song serves as a commentary on possible the implications of an evergrowing surveillance culture and the impact it has on individual freedom and autonomy.

Saxon – Conquistador Lyrics 11 hours ago
Pretty simple, this one tells the tale of the Spanish conquistadors who ventured far from their homeland in search of riches and adventure. The song revolves around exploration, conquest, and the allure of distant lands, portraying the sense of adventure and ambition that drove these historical figures to sail across the seas to unknown territories. They reference "Spanish main" which alludes to the historic term for the Caribbean Sea, a significant area of exploration during the Age of Discovery, the mention of the "kingdom of the sun" refers to their quest for the legendary El Dorado, a mythical city of gold believed to exist in South America, and the "land of gold" is symbolic of their lust for wealth and power that motivated their conquests.

By the end it reflects on the aftermath of their conquests, detailing the fall of the Inca empire and the legacy left behind by these Spanish explorers with the imagery of the "sunset upon the golden king" symbolizing the decline of the indigenous civilizations in the face of European colonization, highlighting the complex and often devastating impact of conquest on native cultures.

Saxon – Metalhead Lyrics 11 hours ago
This track delves into themes of extraterrestrial encounters, conspiracy theories, and the fear of unknown forces beyond our control. It refers to paranoia and questioning of reality, wondering if beings from other worlds are lurking among us with unknown intentions, which feeds into the fear of the unknown and the idea of beings from outer space having a hidden agenda; There are also repeated reminders to keep a lookout and that anyone around could be an alien in disguise. The name "Metalhead" could symbolize individuals who are awake to the possible dangers and complexities of the world, possibly metaphorically implying a heightened awareness and preparedness for the unknown; It could also refer to the stereotype of abductees waking up with metal implants in their heads.

Overall, the song conveys a message of vigilance, skepticism, and wariness toward the presence of otherworldly entities among us. It explores the unsettling idea of being under observation or manipulation by beings with superior intellect or technology, urging listeners to be wary of the unseen forces that may influence our lives.

Saxon – Absent Friends Lyrics 7 days ago
This song is a bittersweet heartfelt tribute to friends who have passed away. It expresses the deep sense of loss and longing felt by people whose friends are no longer with them, capturing the emotions of grief, regret, and the desire to have one last moment with the departed friends. They feel a sense of abruptness and unfinished business between them and their friends, as they were taken too soon and were unable to properly give their goodbyes. Death comes whenever it wants, and you can't always predict when it comes knocking. After they pass away their time here gets acknowledged and they show their dedication to the absent friends, represented by the act of raising a toast and sharing memories symbolizing a celebration of their lives as a way to keep their memory alive among the living; A good heartfelt way of honoring and remembering those who have passed.

In conclusion, the song is a touching tribute that encapsulates the bittersweet emotions tied to loss and the profound connection that remains between friends even in their absence. It serves as a reminder to value and appreciate the people in our lives and to hold onto the memories and experiences shared with them.

Saxon – Cut Out The Disease Lyrics 7 days ago
This song is fairly straightforward, conveying a warning message of betrayal, deceit, and the need to sever toxic relationships or influences from one's life. It depicts a situation where someone has proved to be untrustworthy, manipulative, and two-faced, ultimately leading to feeling a sense of loss and disappointment for falling for their lies. This serves as a warning to steer clear from those who pretend to be your friends but are actually out to deceive and harm you or others. It's a simple but important cautionary tale that encourages listeners to be vigilant, avoid falling prey to deceitful individuals, and prioritize authenticity and trust in their relationships.

Saxon – All Hell Breaking Loose Lyrics 7 days ago
The song conveys a powerful message about the uncontrollable forces of nature wreaking havoc and destruction. It paints a vivid picture of impending chaos and the helplessness one feels in the face of such overwhelming power, detailing feelings of fear, unprecedented danger, and impending doom in the catastrophic event unfolding before them that has no regard for humanity. Through vivid imagery and intense thematic elements, the song serves as a reminder of the awe-inspiring power of nature and the fragility of human existence in the face of such forces. Humans are always subjugated to the forces of nature and it's only through perseverance that we can survive it; We cannot stop the hellish onslaught from occurring, only find ways to shield ourselves.

Saxon – Ministry Of Fools Lyrics 7 days ago
This song carries a strong message of defiance and skepticism towards those in power, highlighting people's frustration with politicians and leaders who are seen as deceitful, manipulative, and irresponsible. The name of the 'Ministry of Fools' references the real branches of government by denouncing them as a branch that gives out fake news and misleading propaganda to trick or sway public opinion. But the masses are not as ignorant as they believe their nation to be, and in telling them that they will not listen to their words anymore, reflects a sense of resistance and refusal to be swayed by empty promises and misleading actions of authority figures.

Overall, this one can be seen as a rallying cry for individuals to think critically, question authority, and resist the influence of those who prioritize self-interest over the well-being of the public.

Saxon – The Preacher Lyrics 7 days ago
This song revolves around themes of religion, faith, and the power of persuasion as it depicts a preacher as a figure of authority, able to sway people's beliefs and actions through fiery sermons and promises of salvation. The song uses vivid imagery and references to religious practices to convey a message about the influence of charismatic religious figures on their followers while exploring the idea of giving oneself over to a charismatic leader in search of redemption or spiritual guidance. It questions you whether or not you should put your life into a holy figure, who claims only they can guarantee your salvation, and give up your life; Submit to their authority and you may receive spiritual blessings.

Ultimately, this track serves as a cautionary tale of the power dynamics between religious leaders and their followers, urging listeners to approach matters of faith with caution and critical thinking. Preachers may urge you to repent and submit to their holy words before facing hell's judgment, never allowing you to second guess the decision or if they are trustworthy individuals.

Saxon – Bloodletter Lyrics 7 days ago
The track tells the eerie tale of a vampire who dwells in shadows, patiently awaiting the opportunity to strike to satisfy his insatiable thirst for blood. It explores themes of fear, vulnerability, and the primal instincts that drive creatures of the night to seek their sustenance. More than likely it can be interpreted as a metaphor for the lurking dangers that exist in the shadows. Overall, the song evokes a sense of suspense and foreboding, warning listeners to be mindful of their surroundings and the potential darkness that exists within the world.

Saxon – The Thin Red Line Lyrics 7 days ago
This song talks of the bravery and sacrifices of soldiers who stood together to defend their country. It also mentions Harloch, referencing the British fighting the Zulu Kingdom in the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War. The "thin red line" refers to the soldiers' position on the frontline, the men who face death first, which is a symbolic representation of the dire circumstances they face. They encourage listeners to remember these heroes and their sacrifices as stories of their valor are told. In this situation, soldiers are urged to hold their fire until the enemy approaches. The bugle call signals the impending morning attack, increasing tension, and reaffirms the soldiers' resolve to hold the line. It also highlights the emotional aspect of war, as the fallen soldiers are reminded of their loved ones back home. It questions whether their fight was for the Empire or a personal cause, exploring the nature and purpose of war.

Overall, the song stands as a tribute to the brave soldiers of war, especially the ones who stood first to face the enemy in direct combat. Most if not all would die, far away from their loved ones, left to reminisce about their cherished memories

Saxon – Circle Of Light Lyrics 7 days ago
With this song, Saxon addresses and explores the theme of near-death experiences and the uncertainty and introspection that come with facing mortality. The song describes a person having an out-of-body experience, watching themselves from above as they confront the possibility of leaving their current life and transitioning to an unknown realm. A guardian awaits to guide them towards the astral plane as they stand on the precipice at the liminal space between life and death, where critical decisions must be made. Here they see the circle of light, signaling a pivotal moment that could mark the end of the current existence. It is the moment where one can choose to ascend and be judged or go back to their life to live another day. The person grapples with conflicting signals as they hear voices telling them it's not their time to depart, yet they feel the pain and the looming threat of the surgeon's knife. The internal struggle between acceptance and resistance to death is depicted vividly, emphasizing the emotional complexity of facing mortality.

Ultimately, the song captures the intense emotions and existential ponderings that arise when one confronts the circle of light, symbolizing the boundary between life and death.

Saxon – Terminal Velocity Lyrics 7 days ago
This song is all about the thrill and adrenaline rush of skydiving, describing the excitement of jumping from high altitudes, feeling the rush of freefall, and experiencing the intense speed of terminal velocity before safely landing on the ground. It captures the sense of adventure and liberation that comes with taking risks and living life to the fullest, emphasizing the exhilarating feeling of pushing oneself to the limit.

Saxon – Unleash The Beast Lyrics 7 days ago
This track delves into the idea of confronting one's inner demons or fears, represented metaphorically as a beast, and encourages listeners to embrace their primal instincts and unleash their true potential, overcoming any and all obstacles that hinder personal growth and fulfillment. It's a rallying cry for self-empowerment and resilience in the face of adversity. The song paints a vivid picture of a journey toward self-realization and breaking free from the chains of the past, where when one acknowledges the presence of their inner "beast" and embraces it, individuals can find the courage to confront their fears and embrace their true potential.

Saxon – Hold On Lyrics 14 days ago
Here in this track, Saxon tells the story of two interconnected generations and their struggles to find love, understanding, and happiness. When a parent refuses to accept his daughter's boyfriend, he is seen as old-fashioned and prideful, which leads Jenny to run away with him to start a family with Billy. As they got older together and faced hardships in early parenthood, they didn't want their daughter to rush into love like they did; It resulted in their daughter doing what they had done before and running off with her boyfriend. And in the end, it raises the question of whether history will repeat itself, in if the daughter will find someone like Billy who offers her belief and love. If no lessons are learned from past mistakes, then the cycle can't be broken. It's not just genetics that are passed down through generations but the heart and soul, past experiences may be repeated a generation later. If they do it's only up to them to discover a break from the chain or follow with tradition.

Overall, however, it also emphasizes the need to hold on to love, even when faced with opposition and uncertainty. It suggests that love and understanding can transcend generations if one follows their heart and stays resilient.

Saxon – Don't Worry Lyrics 14 days ago
This song delivers the simple message of breaking free from societal pressures and constraints, speaking of leaving behind a suffocating environment, being skeptical of authority, and seeking solace in simplicity and freedom symbolized by the "cool, clear water." It urges listeners not to be consumed by worry and to take time to enjoy life amidst a world filled with control and obligations. By the end, it calls for a return to a more authentic way of living, reminding us to stay grounded and not lose sight of what truly matters.

Saxon – Yesterday's Gone Lyrics 14 days ago
Contrasting the track before it, this song expresses one's frustration and determination to move on from a toxic relationship. It revolves around letting go of the past, standing up for oneself, and moving forward from a hurtful situation. The name and chorus highlight the final decision to break free from the lies and deception of the past, emphasizing that "yesterday's gone" and it's time to move forward. This was all a result of witnessing their ex-partner with someone new, leading to a realization that they no longer wish to be a part of the toxic cycle.

Saxon – Give It All Away Lyrics 14 days ago
This is a song about cherishing and savoring the precious moments in life, particularly the time spent with a loved one, and tells of acceptance and gratitude for the experiences and opportunities that life has to offer. The character reflects later on in life on their experiences and how they have encountered various situations, both positive and negative, as well as how they've shaped them. It overall encourages listeners to treasure these moments and prioritize relationships over material possessions or achievements.

Saxon – Demolition Alley Lyrics 14 days ago
In this track, Saxon explores the themes of struggle, hardship, and the desire for freedom through the lens of a blue-collar worker who feels like a prisoner to life's rules. Their relentless toil and monotony of laboring in a difficult environment, are symbolized by the demolition alley; Alternatively, their job is labeled as rather dangerous for them working in a scorching land picking at boulders. Whether it is to be taken serious or metaphorically, its point of grueling tasks and hardships stands. Despite the physical and mental exhaustion that work and life throw, the song captures the notion of perseverance in the face of adversity while also touching on themes of self-realization and the longing for freedom from oppressive circumstances.

Saxon – Big Twin Rolling (Coming Home) Lyrics 14 days ago
Pretty simple, this is about the journey of someone traveling back home on their motorcycle, emphasizing the sense of freedom and companionship they have with their bike. They don't care about luxury, instead favoring simplicity and self-reliance. Overall, it celebrates the joys of the open road, the bond between man and machine, and the anticipation of returning to a familiar place or person.

Saxon – The Great White Buffalo Lyrics 14 days ago
The song pays tribute to Native American culture and their history, while also advocating for the restoration of their native land. It evokes imagery of a time when Native Americans lived freely and harmoniously with nature, before European colonization and the displacement of indigenous peoples, while also acknowledging the sacred significance of the great white buffalo in Native American culture. The song references various Native American tribes, such as the Cherokee and Navajo, and the importance of tribal unity and heritage. There's also emphasis on the need to honor their traditions and return their lands, as they acknowledge the displacement and mistreatment of indigenous peoples throughout history. Overall, it's a pretty powerful anthem that calls for due justice, some recognition, and proper respect for Native American communities and their ancestral lands.

Saxon – Walking Through Tokyo Lyrics 14 days ago
This song paints a vivid picture of one's journey through the bustling city of Tokyo, being a looking glass into ancient Japanese culture, mysticism, and its rich history. There are references to the mighty Shogun and Samurai in a show of great respect towards Japan's historical warriors. It also details a quest for inner knowledge and enlightenment, with sacred mountains symbolizing the spiritual heights one can reach in the city. Lastly, they refer to Geisha as offering a fleeting moment of pleasure, with the imagery of the painted sky and the land of jade conveying a sense of transience and fragility, highlighting the fleeting nature of beauty and pleasure in Tokyo. Overall, the track shows a great deal of respect for the history, mesmerizing mystical spiritual beliefs, and its ancient culture.

Saxon – Burning Wheels Lyrics 14 days ago
This track exudes the adrenaline and intensity of high-speed racing, with a focus on the exhilaration and thrill that comes with pushing the limits. It embodies the spirit of speed, competition, triumph, and passion that drives individuals to compete in high-stakes racing, embracing the risk and glory of the sport.

Saxon – Dogs Of War Lyrics 19 days ago
The song delves into the horrors and tragedies of war, portraying it as a relentless force that brings devastation and suffering to both soldiers and civilians, with the recurring theme symbolizing the brutal and unrelenting nature of conflict, where there is no room for surrender or compassion. It paints a grim picture of a world torn apart by violence, where the reaper, a personification of death, reigns supreme, and the consequences of war echo through generations. It's a blatant commentary on the destructive nature of war, portraying it as a relentless and unforgiving force that leaves a trail of devastation in its wake and delves into the human cost of conflict, emphasizing the senselessness and tragedy that accompany battles fought in the name of power and ideology.

Saxon – Cloud Nine Lyrics 21 days ago
The song depicts the exhilarating, reckless thrill of flying high and engaging in battle. It celebrates living on the edge, pushing limits, and feeling invincible, as symbolized by the imagery of being up on "cloud nine." The characters may die in recklessness or battle, but the thrill of it all erases all worries.

Saxon – Grind Lyrics 21 days ago
This song is a celebration of strength, individuality, and the refusal to be oppressed, portraying the rebellion against societal norms and injustices, advocating for a steadfast attitude in the face of challenges. Ultimately, the song encourages listeners to stand tall, be true to themselves, and not let anyone dampen their spirit or grind them down.

Saxon – Nighthunter Lyrics 21 days ago
Generally speaking, this track revolves around the haunting concept of predators lurking in the darkness of the night that prey on fear and seek out victims under the cover of shadows. Its central theme revolves around the sense of unease and vulnerability that comes with the unknown and the dangers that lurk in the night. It can also be seen as a metaphor for our primal fear and the instinctual drive to survive in the face of danger, hinting at the timeless and universal fear of the unknown and the unseen.

Saxon – Can't Stop Rockin' Lyrics 21 days ago
Rather simply put, this track celebrates the unbridled passion and joy that rock music brings to people's lives. It paints a picture of someone who is restless and seeks the thrill of experiencing live rock music, conveying liberation and unity through the power of music by emphasizing how it brings people together to let loose and have a good time. It does well as an enduring tribute to the enduring spirit of rock 'n' roll.

Saxon – One Step Away Lyrics 21 days ago
This song explores the theme of despair and the thin line between stability and chaos we live in. Individuals in challenging situations feel trapped and consumed by destructive forces and here the looming danger and desperation that lurks just around the corner, symbolizing the precarious nature of life's struggles is emphasized.

Saxon – Iron Wheels Lyrics 21 days ago
Most likely inspired by singer Biff Byfords father who worked in the mines. This song is not only an ode to better times, and a reflection of past glory, but also a poem of the sands of time and mortality. It talks about mortality, growing old, past glory and despair, and of Britain’s mining and industrial past. The lyrics vividly depict the transition of a father from a coal miner to a twisted and weakened man, paralleling his decline with the aging and deterioration of coal-fueled iron wheels that carried him down into the mines. All of which serves to emphasize the passage of time and the decay of once-thriving industries. In general, it reflects the transient nature of life and work, illustrating how time and changing circumstances can erode even the most robust of individuals and industries.

Saxon – Get Down and Dirty Lyrics 21 days ago
This song compares the intense feelings of love and desire of someone who brings excitement and passion into their life to a drug. Revolving around themes of desire, liberation, and indulgence, the woman in the song looks normal at work but comes alive on the weekends.

Saxon – Hole in the Sky Lyrics 21 days ago
The track addresses the topic of environmental destruction and its consequences on the planet, depicting a sense of urgency and a call to action to address the damage being inflicted on Earth. It warns of helping the earth before it's too late and emphasizes the importance of collective action to preserve the Earth for future generations.

Saxon – Forever Free Lyrics 21 days ago
This song is heavily reminiscent of classic 80s Saxon, using imagery of eagles flying and driving along open roads on horses of steel to symbolize the unrestricted nature of freedom. The idea is to shed the limitations that hold one back and embrace a life of adventure and self-discovery. It emphasizes the idea of being in control, the exhilarating feeling of liberation and the joy of living life on one's own terms.

Saxon – Just Wanna Make Love to You Lyrics 27 days ago
This is a cover of a blues song written by Willie Dixon.

Saxon – Crash Drive Lyrics 28 days ago
The song is a cautionary tale about a reckless and self-destructive individual whose spirals out of control, and gets warned that their behavior is unsustainable and will lead to their downfall. It makes clear the consequences of ignoring boundaries, indulging in excess, and not heeding warnings. It also conveys the importance of self-awareness, self-control, and making responsible choices to avoid a crash dive (one's imminent downfall) in life.

Saxon – Ain't Gonna Take It Lyrics 28 days ago
Fairly simple and straightforward, this track conveys the important message of strength, courage, and optimism in the face of challenges. It encourages listeners to stay determined, believe in their own worth, and not let setbacks define their journey toward success and happiness. Its defiant spirit should resonate with anyone striving to overcome obstacles and take charge of their destiny.

Saxon – I Just Can't Get Enough Lyrics 28 days ago
This song is rather simple and describes a passionate and intense desire for someone, expressing their overwhelming need for the other person. It repeatedly highlights the inability to get enough of said person, suggesting a strong infatuation or love that consumes them completely; They're completely willing to do anything to please them.

Saxon – Baptism Of Fire Lyrics 28 days ago
This track is all about one's first concert experience, and the exhilaration it fills you with. The anticipation of the big event and the following chaos, rolling thunder, and screaming voices of the concert hall. They compare it to a "nightmare" and a surreal or intense experience that the individual is thrust into, but reinforces the idea of undergoing this baptism of fire as a necessary step towards growth or change.

Saxon – I'm On Fire Lyrics 28 days ago
The track conveys the feeling of being consumed by desire and passion, painting a vivid picture of an intense attraction that threatens to engulf them completely. It captures the tumultuous and exhilarating aspects of infatuation, portraying a sense of danger and excitement in being drawn towards someone or something that ignites a fire within them.

Saxon – Overture In B-Minor/Refugee Lyrics 28 days ago
This song seems to convey a message of hope and resilience in the face of adversity, reflecting on the struggles faced by displaced individuals, particularly children, and the longing for a sense of home and security amidst the turmoil of war. It also serves as a reminder to stay strong and keep pushing forward through harsh times, hoping to reach a place of peace and refuge eventually.

Saxon – Lights In The Sky Lyrics 28 days ago
This track conveys the sense of wonder and mystery one has when witnessing a strange phenomenon in the sky; Silver ships and lights. It explores themes of the unknown, extraterrestrial life, and the possibility of contact with beings from other worlds, capturing the excitement and anticipation of encountering something beyond our understanding. According to Biff Byford, it was inspired by an event they witnessed themselves while in San Deigo.

Saxon – Altar Of The Gods Lyrics 29 days ago
This song delves into themes of power, wealth, and the destructive nature of greed. The song speaks to the idea that in modern society, power and money have become the ultimate goals, driving individuals to ascend to the top at any cost. According to Biff Byford, it's about debt collectors and stock brokers, talking about how they use their funds to build massive skyscrapers (cathedrals in their own way.)

Saxon – Requiem (We Will Remember) Lyrics 1 month ago
According to the official video for the track: "This song is dedicated to the memory of the many artists and performers who left behind a great legacy... We will remember!" In his memoir, Biff Byford says he was thinking specifically of Phil Lynott - whom he knew - and Bon Scott. It is about remembering great rock musicians at their best. Biff said he was disdainful of some of the poor quality posthumous Hendrix releases: "I turned the whole band onto AC/DC but I don't want to hear Bon Scott singing Christmas carols that someone once taped in the studio."

Saxon – Reeperbahn Stomp Lyrics 1 month ago
The song revolves around the experience of walking down the bustling urban street nightlife with a sense of anticipation and desire, capturing an interaction with a flirtatious woman. The title "Reeperbahn Stomp" references the Reeperbahn, a street and entertainment district in Hamburg's St. Pauli district, one of the two centers of Hamburg's nightlife (the other being Sternschanze) and also the city's major red-light district. It's inspired by the atmosphere of such areas, where desires and fantasies intertwine with the realities of human connection and transaction. Essentially, the track captures a moment of fleeting connection and desire in a vibrant urban setting, exploring themes of attraction, sensuality, and the interplay between intimacy and commodification.

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