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Crowded House – Don't Dream It's Over Lyrics 2 years ago

Crowded House – Don't Dream It's Over Lyrics 2 years ago
Don’t let life bring you the challenge, challenge life instead, bring the challenge to life.

There is freedom within
- Freedom of soul and mind and its a spiritual thing, thats self love, self care, contentment, feeling safe, feel grounded and feel stable everyday. Pray to God or meditate (its the root and heart chakra). Take what ever it resonates

There is freedom without
- if you have freedom within, you’re completely free “WITHOUT” what else is there.

Try to catch a deluge in a paper cup
- that’s risky right? catching a flood using a paper cup, so what will you do if you only got a paper cup? Take action, dare to take the risk, its difficult you may say. “You do not tap the talent inside you until you attempt the impossible. Risk is part of every successful plan: Believe you can page 107 by John Mason”. Better do something than do nothing. Don’t look at the flood, look on the paper cup, I mean don’t look at the problem, look on the solution. Who knows you only need a paper cup to stop the flood. Hear me? Lets say, there is a wall that can stop the flood but since their is a hole in it, everyone thinks that is will not hold it, then you put that paper cup in that hole, surprisingly the flood came and it does hold it. haha! God does it, not the paper cup, God can’t put that paper cup in their, it just need someone to do it. You’ll never know until you tried it.

There's a battle ahead
- if you see this as obstacles(battles) in life or relationship, I see them as a challenge if life, bring it on, I’m all fired up. If you see battles as uncontrollable, its like accepting your defeat before even the battle starts, thinks twice, why are you in the battle field anyway? Do you plan of winning? Take the risk with winning mind set, even if its impossible. If you fail, nobody will blame you, its impossible right? but what if you succeed the impossible? How good was that?

Many battles are lost
- if you take the challenge and lost or fail, Don’t forget to pick up the “L” ‘cause you won’t believe yourself, you might pick up something precious, if you fail look at it in the positive side. Be persistent, when all else fail, Don’t you go to God and complain: You said success is that way! And He will tell you: You almost have it my child, its just right after that terrain where you trip or stumble and fall, if you just move 5 steps more ahead. You didn’t ask me where is the easiest path to take? “L“ means lesson by the way. And don’t forget to relax, don’t get hard on your self.

But you'll never see the end of the road
While you're travelling with me
- You’ll never see, because the song wants to tell that, Seeing the end of the road its like expecting/hoping something, Baby, stop looking on the destination, life is a journey as the say. Start where you are, have fun, challenge life, make a difference, as long as you know your destination you’ll reach their before you know it, or else you will miss the fun. You should have that freedom within, stay balance, and leave your present, “You can only leave today, you can’t leave tomorrow because thats you future honey”

Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
- Yeah! I stumble into this song, writing a journal about my dreams, Its like: someone took my backpack twice now (that time, its two different dreams different day though), one small backpack and one big backpack, as I write hey now hey now, aha moment! Its a song and check the lyric, and look for interpretation. Don’t dream it’s over. Don’t just dreaming, don’t stop dreaming baby, but start taking action as well. Dreaming is fun and is for free. “ TAKE ACTION TO YOUR DREAMS”, starts to day tomorrow will be too late. Do something.

Hey now, hey now
When the world comes in
- You against the challenges in this world? Thinks as if you can control them, you write your life story, don’t let life write the life story for you. Take charge of your life. So what if you’re with someone? Isn’t it better, happier, more fun. Hey now hey now baby, Lets make this world full of fun memories, will you come with me? You can have it all. We can have it all. Its like singing the song of Jason Mraz: And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows, And may the road less paved be the road that you follow. Think positive everyone. Give the song a positive vibe. By the way those paved roads, flatten them.

They come, they come
To build a wall between us
- If are succeeding, having a good relationship/life someone will come to drag you both down. Who can do such thing? No one can do it. If you’re both happy, having fun, fulfilling you’re dreams one step at a time, those challenges, if both of you gain your momentum, they will bend at your feet. You can chose any challenge without worrying about the outcome. “They come they come”, but they will not build that wall, not everyone is jealous or envied your relationship, they will come to support you, it will make the bond stronger then. We know they won’t win you see.

We know they won't win
- who want to loss anyway

Now I'm towing my car
There's a hole in the roof
- hahah! the hole in the roof, that will make you laugh guys! It reminds me. Remember Jesus, “He had just completed a tour through the villages of Galilee, healing, preaching, and freeing people from their demons. Perhaps Jesus was looking forward to a few days at home to rest. However, when news got around that he was back in Capernaum, folks started dropping by (I copy pasted)”. Yeah! you guess it right, its about that paralytic.
The hole is actually for me is gossips and eyes everywhere. They want to know how are you guys doing it. They want to know the secret formula of a joyful relationship. Spy’s spy on you. All ears and all eyes.

My possessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof
- If your will file a Case, No one will admit they are spying on you.

In the paper today
Tales of war and of waste
- its just the same daily toxic news on social media.

But you turn right over to the T.V. page
- time to relax after a long day ahead.

Now I'm walking again
- A new path to take, A new door opens here

To the beat of a drum
- and that new door is leading to a ceremony here, supported by group of people like families and friends.

And I'm counting the steps to the door of your heart
- Its like walking in the center aisle from the back door.

Only shadows ahead
- when you are in spot light you can only see silhouette ahead, if you see shadows ahead you can also see who’s shadows are those, if you’re in a spot light and light are coming from the back you can only 1 shadow and that’s yours for sure.

Barely clearing the roof
- roof means home for me, indecisive where to stay, might be in which side of the family you want to, or may be you have 2 roof to consider.

Get to know the feeling of liberation and relief
- wow! A dream come true, a wedding fulfilled. How does it feels after the wedding? Tan tan tatan. Happy!

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