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Dead Kennedys – Cesspools In Eden Lyrics 8 years ago
This is quite easily the most hardcore environmentalist song I've ever heard.

Nothing But Thieves – Trip Switch Lyrics 8 years ago
To me, this song is a criticism of the so-called Internet Age.

Verse 1 & 2:
We're willing to release any variety of information about ourselves online. We are willing to cultivate a sort of Internet-based sex life with complete strangers and we get into ferocious arguments with other strangers. We seek happiness with the press of a computer key, getting enjoyment from the little blurbs of information in the packets we get through our internet connections.

Verse 3:
We're addicted to our data connections. Information is being beamed directly into our homes and into our phones and laptops when we're out. Just as we are willing to put our own information out there, we voraciously take in the information put out by everyone else.

This seems to be posing an open question to the listener: what will we do if (or quite possibly when) the grid goes down and we can't satiate our electronic addiction?

Marc Cohn – Strangers In The Car Lyrics 8 years ago
Man, comments around here are sparse! This song needs some more love.

To me, as to other people on here, this song is largely about taking risks in life. You have lots of choices to make in your life, but you can't choose all of them. You have to take a chance and make a singular choice, the "one road".

The part about "...that's all we really are: strangers in a car" means to me that we're all in the same boat, so to speak. We don't really know many other people in this world as we drift along in our lives and most of us are strangers to each other, but we're all human beings who have choices to make and lives to lead.

The Zolas – Ancient Mars Lyrics 8 years ago
Alright, I have two potential interpretations of this, one more literal than the other.

1) The sci-fi fan in me is telling me that this is about a long-lived alien refugee who came to Earth from Mars before it became the dead planet we now know today. He/she is remembering a time when the planet was still alive and breathing, but there were signs (the "rusty rocks" and "pyramids") that things would not last forever. He/she likes to think that one day, a return to Mars will be possible but ultimately knows that it's not a possibility.

2) The more introspective, literary side of me is telling me that this is about a failed relationship that the singer had some time in the past, possibly in his college years due to the reference to "campus library aisles". He wants to go back to a time when he was happy in that relationship. When he was in it, there were signs that it would go badly, but he feels nostalgic for the good times. But eventually, perhaps due to bad feelings or simple drifting apart, that relationship came to an end.

Either way, the general theme of the song revolves around the fact that all things come to an end. People, places, events, civilisations, relationships, everything. Things happen and then they're over, falling victim to time and nature. In the moment, these things seem like they will go on forever, even though somewhere deep down you know that they can't. Once their time passes, nostalgia and longing for these people and places will rise and you'll want to somehow recapture your old feelings even though that's impossible. The only thing you can do is accept things for what they are - ultimately temporal and fleeting - and not forget about them, but learn to move on when they fade away.

Neutral Milk Hotel – In the Aeroplane Over the Sea Lyrics 8 years ago
@[athenamuses:6300] I know this is an old comment, but "Amsterdamn"?

The Zolas – You're Too Cool Lyrics 8 years ago
"Love don't live at home, oh no, it slithers in the wild"

- You can't find love by sitting around in your comfort zone; you have to go out into the world. Even if you do that, though, it's a very elusive thing, as our narrator is about to find out.

"I met her at the Biltmore, she was cold and over-styled
Took all my money and took all my pride"

- He took a shot at love with someone cold and superficial. She was more than happy to take advantage of his intentions, but didn't even humour him. She instantly deflated his hopes.

"She may not be a pharaoh, but she guzzled down the Nile."

- In ancient times (i.e. the era of the pharaohs) the Nile is what gave life to Egypt through trade, agriculture, etc. This person about whom he is talking is apparently so unpleasant that she sucked all the life out of the situation. She only cares about her own well-being.

"I can tell we'll never be safe
'Til the walls fall down.
Every morning chipping away
'Til the walls fall down."

- This is about him trying to break down the walls that separate us. In this early part of the song, he's referring specifically to his attempts to do this in his unfortunate relationship.

"Won't you cry on my shoulder, won't you laugh at my jokes?
It's okay to relax in this forest of folks
'Cause nobody's aiming a stick at your spokes
So won't you cry on my shoulder, won't you laugh at my jokes?"

- Now he's giving it another go. He's trying to get her to loosen up; to confide in him; to let out her feelings; to express her sense of humour. He's introducing her to his friends and creating a safe place for her to express herself. She, of course, is having none of it. She is either too uptight or just doesn't care.

"I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake"

- He has given up on this relationship. He's been "awakened" to the hopelessness of the situation.

"But now you're back in town (I know you want to)
To show your New York crown (Oh oh)
But now you're much too proud (You're too cool)
But now you're much too proud (You're too cool)
You're too cool."

- Now she's come back into his life and she's all about being open, but it's only because she has something new to show off. She is no less superficial or self-centred than before. If anything, she's worse now, and he knows it. Now that he knows what sort of person she is, he's not even dignifying her with acknowledgement.

"On the road I dream of home and when at home I dream of action."
Our apartments are all haunted by the ghost of satisfaction.
'Cause we all want something that's bigger than fashion."

- Now that the short-lived relationship is over, he's taking some time for introspection. He realizes that he's never satisfied with where he is. When he's out in the world he wants to be back in his comfort zone, but when he's in his comfort zone, he wants to be shaken up.

-He also realizes here that there are many people in the world in his same position: they are restless creatures searching for true satisfaction, but they keep having to deal with the least satisfying of people: superficial individuals who are not the least interested in truly deep love.

"So spill out your heart brother, show me your passion
Spill out your heart sister, show me your passion."

- He calls on these people, his brothers and sisters in passion, restlessness and dissatisfaction, to reveal themselves so that humanity as a whole can be happier.

"I can tell we'll never be safe
'Til the walls fall down.
Every morning chipping away
'Til the walls fall down."

- This is again about trying to break down barriers, but in this context, it's more a call to do so for everyone who actually has some depth.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.