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Manic Street Preachers – Sorrow 16 Lyrics 13 years ago
The lyrics for this are so dreadful but delivered in such a comical way that I can't help but laugh. The first verse especially makes me laugh. "Kill yourself and censor health", lolz. This should have been a single.

Manic Street Preachers – Comfort Comes Lyrics 13 years ago
Aren't there some lyrics missing in this before the last verse? James repeats a verse and I can't match it up with anything here :S.

Manic Street Preachers – Don't Be Evil Lyrics 13 years ago
Has the band actually said that in an interview? Not contesting it as it would correspond with the 'technology is teh suxx0rs' views held in "A Billion Balconies Facing the Sun", the b-side "Distractions" and Nicky's general rantings in interviews.

I heard someone say it was more about X-Factor and the chorus certainly adds weight to that given the tedium of what they can produce in terms of style. I'm not thoroughly against shows like that but they do operate off a 'what is popular' angle which severely ticks me off.

Manic Street Preachers – The Descent (Pages 1 & 2) Lyrics 13 years ago
I always thought this was about someone at the brink of self destruction having already been there and is trying their best to make it their "last descent". Struggling to cope with the cards been dealt to them in life and trying not to let vices or depression overcome them again while hanging onto a single thread ("I've lost my last defence").

It's massively hopeless in one sense given how far the narrator has descended but there's still that hope infused into it.

@admeans, good post. Nary a drunken typo in sight :).

Simon :)

Manic Street Preachers – La Tristesse Durera (Scream To A Sigh) Lyrics 13 years ago
It's quite a conflicting song for me but it's mostly chockablock of wonderful lyrics. I heard that Nicky wrote this.

Anyway, Nicky makes a good point in this song how the sadness will never leave some veterans who have had to battle through world wars. To see people wheeling them out once a year to the cenotaph where they are forced to remember might be good for some but for others it really does reinforce the idea that they've never forgotten and they don't take kindly to being faced with this so brazenly. However, given the money that gets generated from poppies and that the event of Remembrance Day does make some people feel like people care doesn't really make me believe that this as a day should be scrapped or anything. It does some good despite being imperfect as an idea.

As an attack on those who don't really care and try to silence the veteran's voice with false platitudes it is very good at conveying that. The final verse really hammers that home. Properly caring means to take time out and listen to the people you say you care for and think about what they say too.

The Beautiful South – 36D Lyrics 13 years ago
I think it's mostly about pouring pity on a woman whose lifestyle has become that of a sex object but there's not anything really in the song to suggest that this woman is having second thoughts about her life. The bit that goes "but you want more" suggests that she wants more out of this life than being treated in this way. It's like she's got herself into a vicious circle.

The bit about cheapening every woman in this land seems unfair and makes this song slightly misogynistic. Sours the whole thing a bit for me.

Future of the Left – That Damned Fly Lyrics 13 years ago
Aye, I hear that this is to do with Falco's dissatisfaction with some barfly venues not being up to scratch despite pupporting themselves as live venues. He thinks money should be cut from other areas in bars (drinks promotion is one he suggested) to improve the overall acoustics and atmosphere of a performing area. Find it hard to disagree with him.

R.E.M. – Houston Lyrics 13 years ago
I know Stipe said at the gigs from round this era that it's to do with Katrina and how he's sick of politicians telling him what to fear when he should be the one to decide.

However, I've always viewed this song as one which puts aside politicial beliefs to focus on the disaster and the help dished out to save people.

"If the storm doesn't kill me, the government will, I've got to get that out of my head" is like someone who thinks the government is conspiring against them but decides to leave it be when they see what is being done for them in terms of aid. Sort of 'maybe the government isn't that bad after all'.

"And so there are claims forgiven, and so there are things that are gone" - first line seems to put aside differences in political opinion, second line seems to acknowledge Hurricane Katrina has destroyed the landscape.

Also, "and some things fall to the wayside" could have that same political bent to them.

So it's not necessarily a 'I forgive the government' song but perhaps a song where political opinion is put to the side and how people can come together in times of harrowing disaster like this. After that it's back to the different ideals clashing.

Simon :)

Guillemots – Trains to Brazil Lyrics 13 years ago
The bit that goes:

"And to those of you who moan your lives through one day to the next
Well, let them take you to next
Can't you live and be thankful you're here?
see it could be you tomorrow, next year"

kinda bugs me a bit nowadays. I took it to mean that the protagonist was adopting a 'cheer up, it might never happen' mentality to people who he doesn't even know (he's grouping 'those of you' so that suggests to me that he's addressing anyone who falls under what he's saying rather than picking out individuals who he is acquainted with).

The view expressed that it's aimed at those who don't want to do anything about their current situation and feel more content to complain without action seems somewhat valid but, even then, it's not really expressed well through the lyrics. It sounds like a mass generalisation.

I do like the idea of those final lines being a massive rant after losing someone he holds dear. The grief has made him do an outpour like that as his feelings are getting rather twitchy. He can't bare being around those who are complaining about trivial things and throws that at them. It seems easier to comprehend if grief was playing a major part of it as losing people can tear us down the middle and react in confrontational ways.

As a philosophy of life itself it's something I don't agree with. There are so many factors to be brought into why people express grievances over things. Fyfe seems like a lovely guy so I doubt he intended it that way. It just slightly comes across that way.

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