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Nirvana – Molly's Lips Lyrics 13 years ago
So in other words Molly is MDMA, LoL. There really are no pure Ecstacy pills with silly designs on them.

10 Years – Wasteland Lyrics 13 years ago
Many times the video takes on a whole other meaning to the song that has nothing to do with the original concept.

Green Day – Jaded Lyrics 13 years ago
Overindulging in drugs for sensational feelings leaves you with a bad comedown, returning to being normal and sober but with added feelings of despair. Drugs only last for so long until the high is up and the after effects kick in, left with the feeling of being different from society.

Progression in life doesn't mean you have to be a generic obedient citizen, it's simply progression of yourself. There is no God or afterlife, so what's the point of living? Being in a pleasurable state of mind may be what you're content with as oppose to succeeding in life.

Thinking outside of the box with inspiration from drugs, meanwhile emotions are being played with severely. The common person is a slave to the trade five days a week for a third of the day, wasting the little time we have on earth working for somebody else to get rich off of your duties.

Green Day – Holiday Lyrics 13 years ago
Soldiers of War have no name to the common citizen, they are just pawns in a game for control and power cooked up by Politicians, Military and Profiteers of weapons and natural resources. War is big business to many people in positions of power, and is propagated by such means as even Religion. But not everybody buys into the controlled media, and the threat of being unpatriotic for questioning Government.

People who speak out against War are quickly silenced or generalized into misleading group names such as "Loons" so that the masses won't take their opinions on the matter seriously. Money talks and is used to control every aspect of the politics in War, just like Religion is used as a cause or dying for your Country being deemed Patriotic.

Green Day – Hitchin' a Ride Lyrics 13 years ago
Hitchhiking or calling for a cab in order to get cheap drinks at the bar, and drinking to forget about problems. Alcoholism is more exciting than being sober as it's intoxicating and impairs your judgment, the subject in this song appears to have a long history with alcohol and may even be hitching a ride because he lost his license due to a D.U.I.

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Lyrics 13 years ago
There are periods in time where things in life change due to uncontrollable circumstances, and you need to adapt to the situation and change with the times. Life is a constant challenge, there isn't a meaning to life except for what you make of life and learn along the way through experience and knowledge.

You can direct where you want life to go for yourself, and influence actions but there are always things in life that of which you cannot control and must accept. No matter what life throws your way you can make something out of it and give it a reasoning.

Time is what really matters in life as it goes by fast and you cannot get it back, it's about making use of time and living life to the fullest as we are only here for a little while. Don't regret anything you've done in life but rather appreciate the good things you've done and learn from the bad things.

To me this song is about time and life in general, and how no matter what you're past is you say Good Riddance to it and live for a new day and changing with the times.

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Lyrics 13 years ago
Internet gangsta ooooh

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Lyrics 13 years ago
Yeah they're so pathetic you search them out on the internet on an unrelated website called "Song Meanings".

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Lyrics 13 years ago
Straight Outta Compton to me isn't a black oppression gangsta song, but rather a song that reminds me of graduation.

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Lyrics 13 years ago
Is your boyfriend telepathic?

Green Day – Geek Stink Breath Lyrics 13 years ago
Knowing that you're doing something that is destroying your life but going along with it anyways, in this case it's drugs specifically Methamphetamine. Meth leaks out of your pores effecting your skin, and can also contribute to the demise of your teeth due to grinding and poor maintenance care.

The drug has taken over you and now calls the shots, but it does help you get through unwanted emotions initially. You don't have an answer to replace the drugs with something else in your life by means of self medicating so you continue your drug abuse. You're skin get's worse as you pick at it, and possibly even ingest the scabs.

You're officially addicted and have no choice but to co-exist in life with Methamphetamine, creating problems due to drug use and using irrational thinking to solve them.

Green Day – Geek Stink Breath Lyrics 14 years ago
No they literally get scabs on their face as Meth leaks out of your pores, and then Jibtechs pick the scabs and eat them or smoke them....Yeah pretty grose.

Green Day – F.O.D. Lyrics 14 years ago
Contemplating the relationship you have with somebody close to you as a revelation breaks through in your mind, and how this person makes you feel bad or guilty by means of psychological warfare. But this time you're not going to be a pawn in their game, as the only way to get out of the relationship is to cut off all ties completely leaving no chance of reconcile. This feeling you have has been building up for so long you just want to explode your emotions onto them and tell this person how you really feel, as you feel cornered and belittled. It doesn't make sense to stay in this relationship, and the person is beginning to infect you with their negativity. There's better people and situations out there for you than them and this, nothing is worth staying around.

Green Day – F.O.D. Lyrics 14 years ago
^^That's the funniest reply to one of those sentence wordings I've ever seen.

Green Day – East Jesus Nowhere Lyrics 14 years ago
Mocking the rituals of various Religions such as praising by means of raising your hands to the sky, confessing your sins to a medium of God and suicide missions. Religion is "Fucking the Dog" when it comes to progression of our society and ideology of the world. Racism and sexism in Religion, people fighting wars in the name of their God and Religion.

Believing in a concept that has no proof or logic, separating people instead of joining them together through means such as Religious schools and community's. Relying on hope instead of factual thinking, almost adolescent. People acting like Gods in the name of their Religion killing people by the masses who oppose their view and take the name of another God. Religion is destroying our advancement in life, with more awareness and the obvious signs people of faith will eventually realize how ridiculous the concept of Religion or a God is.

Mocking Religious rituals such as confessing yours sins to a Priest or dressing up for Church on a Sunday Mass. Praying and giving money as a means of "help" to others, and never questioning the motives of a Religion just simply accepting everything that's being told to you without reason. There are so many Religions and Gods out there, which one is right? Certain culture encourage ignorance my means of lack of education to see the truth and make people of their community sheep and slave to their Religious cause. Religion is mixed in with politics when it shouldn't be, and the "word of God" is propagated by the politicians in campaigns.

Green Day – Desensitized Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about media, especially the internet and how everything and anything is so widely and easily available for guilty pleasures. We liked to be shocked, and it keeps getting more extreme and lines keep getting crossed in the name of entertainment. I wonder where this will lead us?

Green Day – Burnout Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this song is about a form of depression, and the subject in the song smokes a lot of weed as a means of self medicating. It sounds as if this person is speaking from the point of view as someone who feels they are trapped in their environment, and feels as if life is meaningless and then you die but accepting this notion. Nothing in life matters to you anymore, none of it even seems real to you anymore and you possibly feel reality is just really an illusion. Living inside of your own mind finding emotions a waste of time and useless.

Green Day – Brat Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this song is about an adult that thinks like a child who is irritated by his parents, his cynical thinking about his parents dying leads him to think about all of the insurance money he will claim rather than the personal loss of his own parents. The subject of this song obviously is relying heavily on the death of his parents to secure his own future, and is anxiously waiting for their demise as it could not happen soon enough because the earlier that they die the more money he will claim. A very dark song indeed, but I'm willing to bet a lot of Green Day listeners have had this thought cross their minds maybe not for the money but just for their parents deaths during their years of teenage angst.

Green Day – Brain Stew Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this song is the anthem for frying your brain with drugs, specifically methamphetamine since I know that was a habit the Green Day members had around the time Insomniac was made. Although with my own experiences with cocaine binging this song completely describes the after affects to me, even down to the prolonged speech in the verses and guitar riffs.

You want to sleep after heavy use of drugs, and you feel worn down but after you take a lot of stimulants you cannot sleep no matter how hard you try and you would must definitely do something like count sheep at times just sitting there wishing the after affects of the drugs you took were done and over with lying in bed in self induced agony. If you had more you would take them but you don't so on top of dealing with the come down you're now dealing with fiending out for more drugs.

Your eyes have been wide open for so long from being up for so long that repercussions from that are setting in (exaggerated bleeding). Your mouth is dry because you get dehydrated frequently on stimulants, and especially if you snort your drugs your face will go numb but even if you don't it will. Your just tripping out all by your lonesome in your room, trying to get through it by yourself.

Your body is tired but your mind and thoughts are moving at a fast pace that you can't keep up with, as time keeps passing and your still just as fucked up. As far as your body chemistry goes your altering many things so a crooked spine from drugs happens and your senses will either be dulled or heightened. Now you're on the verge of complete irrational thinking, along the lines of a legitimate crazy person because of the drugs and insomnia from not being able to sleep.

Also "here we go" tells me this is a reoccurring theme in the subject of this songs life, he's prepared for it and knows whats coming but at the same time it sucks but the short high is always worth it to him for the long come down and after affects.

Green Day – Brain Stew Lyrics 14 years ago
Actually they would have a reason to not mention this song being about Meth, as this was their most successful hit from the album and most mainstream so they would have good reason not to have the real meaning associated with the song. And obviously their thinking was right for how well it did. I don;t know how you can read the lyrics and not associate parts of the song with drug use, although it could also very well have been written while drug induced in his sons room suffering from insomniac from the drugs. It's not that hard to realize, an Insomniac who doesn't do drugs would have the same affects as somebody on drugs who hasn't slept for a long time.

Green Day – Boulevard of Broken Dreams Lyrics 14 years ago
Anti-Social and going through life alone and for so long that you're used to it and accept it, the analogy of when walking at night when everybody is asleep but you're awake all alone by yourself reflecting on broken dreams. You're a best friend and closest enemy to yourself, realizing this fact you wish for somebody outside of yourself to join you in life but only momentarily as you're content with going through life alone because there probably isn't anybody who understands you anyways.

Seclusion drives you to the edge of insanity and it's up to you which direction you want to go when you are confronted with that path, there isn't an outside sane voice to influence the right path so you could easily trick onto that dark road. Realize you're this way for a reason, you're different and still alive so stick with your ideology towards life.

I understand this is the follow up to the song "Holiday" as the crash after the party, and the reality of the "American Dream".

Green Day – Basket Case Lyrics 14 years ago
Being helpless or incapable of functioning normally due to overwhelming stress or anxiety, going into a trance like state of mind during this and talking about insignificant and significant topics all mixed together into a psychotic rant. Making a big deal out of nothing and sensationalizing it anxiously.

Scaring and tricking yourself due to paranoia, and if you do this enough times you will form schizophrenia and can literally go insane. Many people when they smoke Marijuana feel paranoid, but if it isn't drug induced maybe the irony is drugs would help this condition?

As for the verse "I went to a shrink, To analyze my dreams. She says it's lack of sex that's bringing me down. I went to a whore, He said my life's a bore, And quit my whining cause it's bringing her down." I think the whore is both the he and she, as in a cross dresser because of the way he say's "He said my life's a bore" sounds like something a gay or cross dressing person would say. (Not to be stereotypical, just honest).

So obviously this song is about paranoia and panic attacks, and is really well worded and due to the great description we can see inside the mind of such a subject.

As for whether Green Day is punk or not? I guess I would say they are Alternative Rock, that's how I've always seen them but I really try not to put labels on music I like. It's not the image that should attract you, it's the music. Why brand yourself? Be an individual, be original.

Green Day – Bab's Uvula Who? Lyrics 14 years ago
Good at being destructive, Easily aggravated and often proceeding with thoughtless actions driven by raw emotions. Bottling your emotions inside until it reaches a boiling point and you explode and express them as an extrovert inside of an introvert now. You break yourself down and lose logical thinking, getting frustrated easily or for no apparent reason at all, then in a rage express these feelings.

Inviting altercation because of grievance, upset with your path in life and getting stressed out over it. Having no control over your emotions and just acting on them due to impulse. Making a big deal of all the little things in life when subconsciously it's something else that's much bigger which upsets you.

The chemical reaction of all of the different emotions within you, resulting in a panic attack.

Green Day – Armatage Shanks Lyrics 14 years ago
Feeling alone in the world, and not liking yourself. Having an anti-social personality, and suffering from severe paranoia (possibly schizophrenia). Never seeing the glass half full but half empty, expecting the worst in every situation you face in life. Living in chaos within yourself and not having anybody to help you.

People see you as a loser, that nobody wants to associate with and at the same time you don't want to associate with them. You do so many strange things that aren't normal on a continuous basis, and it doesn't pose a question so in return there is no answer. You feel sorry for yourself, and you keep your feelings inside all the while ignoring them and not dealing with your problems.

It's interesting "Armatage Shanks" are a toilet company, as it represents the feelings of this song very well, the subject feels like shit and that he's worthless and should just be flushed out of society. Definitely dealing with some heavy emotions and possibly severe mental health conditions. A great look inside the distorted chaotic mind of such a subject.

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 14 years ago
The majority of people in America follow the same ideology that is spewed from the mouths of politicians who are really just the voice of special interest groups and serve a specific agenda for their own benefit, and they get this information from biased media. People say that the media can't brainwash you but it most certainly can, after all our brain processes what our eyes see so all of the advertising and subliminal messages in media work when we are constantly processing this information in our brains. What we see and hear lingers in our brains and it can influence your thoughts.

The Bush Administration wanted the panic, tension, and fear implemented on the masses in order to throw away the constitution in the name of terrorism and "protecting" you when it did quite the opposite without people even realizing. It's funny how a country get's linked to a radical group, and get's invaded under false pretenses (weapons of mass destruction). Iraq has natural resources America wants (Oil) and Afghanistan has ninety percents of the worlds opium (most lucrative drug).

Then they try to make you out to be unpatriotic if you question your government, well honestly to you Americans who question the motives of war I would say that is one of the most patriotic things you could do. People of your Country are dying in a senseless war, your economy is getting crushed because of ridiculous spending (120 million a month on war). America needs to quit being the world police , and start worrying about their own.

As for all of the comments on this page, leave the arguing for political and debate forums this is SONG MEANINGS. express your thoughts and feeling about the song and move on, people don't want to sift through your 100 replies in a flame war, when trying to find out different meanings to a song they like. And if you don;t like the band, why would you specifically search them out and comment on one of their Song meaning pages? obviously you liked something about the song and if you don;t and specifically came to flame people who DO like the song you must be a sad individual and I feel sorry for you. Seriously, you're scouting out somewhere to be deconstructive?

People have DIFFERENT opinions about the song and it's message, if we didn't we would be robots. Embrace individuality, but express you different opinions and carry on so we don;t have to sift through a bunch of generic, useless information about the song.

Green Day – All the Time Lyrics 14 years ago
Always needing drugs or alcohol to be in a happy state of mind, continuously consuming the substance without realizing or caring where it will lead you. You want to stop but you can't so embrace it, if you're having fun while doing it and it passes the time then I guess it's not that bad.

Green Day – 86 Lyrics 14 years ago
I used to think the chorus was "There's no return from innocence"

Moving on in life, growing up and visiting your past where you feel unwanted or that it has changed severely. Maybe you were looking for an answer to an unsolved portion to your life, but as the time changed so did you and there's no going back to find out now. Out with the old and in with the new, whatever you're looking back on now is no longer yours. Whatever it is has no place in your future, and you need to leave now.

I think it's harsh that Green Day were banned from that club and all, bur they did what the felt was necessary to become successful and continue with their music and have it heard by a broader audience.

Green Day – 21 Guns Lyrics 14 years ago
Pick your battles wisely in life, and whatever you have faith in be willing to die for it or don't do it at all. If you gain more hurt than joy then you shouldn't do anything that would cause you that, and you should be able to live with your choices in life. Life's too short to be mad and fighting with people, embrace living.

Create your own ideology, don't follow somebody Else's....Life is more about what you have in your soul from the very beginning, then what you learn along the way so embrace that. Believe in something that's true to you, and can always be that way for the rest of your life....Everlasting.

I think in general this song is about staying true to yourself and what you believe in as oppose to catering to somebody Else's views and faith. Do what you feel is right in life, if you question yourself about what others think is right then that's something inside of you telling you that it isn't and to at least examine your choices and think of the outcome.

Flogging Molly – What's Left Of The Flag Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about His Fathers death and his dying words to his son about either fighting for freedom or being peaceful.

Flogging Molly – The Worst Day Since Yesterday Lyrics 14 years ago
This song appears to be about some form of depression, and fighting it by looking towards the positive when you're seemingly surrounded by the negative.

Flogging Molly – Seven Deadly Sins Lyrics 14 years ago
That's a wicked metaphor you folks made to Punk Rock and Pirates, I would have never realized that. And obviously they mention the Seven Deadly Sins throughout the song.

Flogging Molly – The Ol' Beggars Bush Lyrics 14 years ago
In the beginning of the song he's talking about possibly an old man who lived where he did and knew him since he was a young lad, and usually recited to him all of the mischievous deeds he had done possibly to remind him and make him smarten up. Then he speaks about a local hobo of sorts who's a drunk, and seemingly has really bad luck in life.

The chorus has a really good line "For your world won`t change while you sleep." Meaning you need to act while awake and conscious, because if you don't once you go to bed and wake up the next day things will still be the same.

Ms. Moore is a character that possibly understands the importance of evolution and ancestry because of how many kids she had (13). And Killer Kilbain sounds like the neighborhood bully, who he wishes was dead for all of the years of torment and the scars that still remain.

Flogging Molly – The Likes Of You Again Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about drinking alcohol to relieve sadness in almost any situation or circumstance in Ireland I suppose, from his Fathers wake to meeting a stranger in the morning who just wants somebody to drink with. To celebrating a New Year, or drinking with a mate who has just ended a relationship with the one he loved. To growing old and realizing you haven't done much or what you wanted to have done with your life by now, to being stuck in a location and feeling like you can't get out so you drink to at least feel momentarily happy. And at the end it seems to have a message that drinking your problems away isn't the most constructive way to live your life, but at least you had good times while doing it so it can't be that bad?

Flogging Molly – The Lightning Storm Lyrics 14 years ago
This song sounds like it's about isolation, and guilt. I sense an undertone of murder or war, mainly because Flogging Molly writes a lot about war.

Flogging Molly – The Light of a Fading Star Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about dying too soon and without reason, for a cause that is relatively unknown in war.

Flogging Molly – The Kilburn High Road Lyrics 14 years ago
As well as being based on the Kilburn High Road play, you can relate this song to a bunch of mates growing old and reconciling through entertainment of their glorious stories from their past and old romances of their youth. I guess this song paints a pretty good description of the classic phrase "Remember when?".

Flogging Molly – Selfish Man Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about a self centered person that only acres about his wants and needs, and not anybody else. It sounds as if he once had a woman in his life that truly cared about him but he never showed her the same amount of care so she ended up leaving him, and he realizes why she left but he still won't change and doesn't understand why.

Flogging Molly – Salty Dog Lyrics 14 years ago
This song comes across to me about drunken pirates lost at sea, eventually capsizing and then being rescued by Cortez only to be hung. And there's an aura to this song about the spirit of the pirate that shall forever live on. This song has a lot of dark comedy in it.

Fatboy Slim – The Rockafeller Skank Lyrics 14 years ago
Funky beat and rhythm, enough said.

Edwin Starr – War Lyrics 14 years ago
I feel like all War is about is greed and taking over other Countries natural resources these day's, while putting the ideology out there that dying for your Country means something and that it's for a cause (Patriotic) when really it's just the elite playing a game with peoples lives.

This is a protest song about the Vietnam war, although it makes a broader statement of the need for harmony in our everyday lives. This was one of the first Motown songs to make a political statement. The label had always been focused on making hit songs, but around this time Motown artists like The Temptations and Marvin Gaye started releasing songs with social commentary, many of which were written by Whitfield.

Jesse Ventura made a great quote one time, he said that everybody that is pro war in politics should have to nominate somebody from within their family to go to war, and everybody should have to pay a war tax and also bring back the draft.....Then maybe more people will wake up, like they did when this song came out.

Cage the Elephant – Ain't No Rest For The Wicked Lyrics 14 years ago
I think if you live your life by not cheating, stealing or lying in the first place you won't end up in these situations, but I agree that yes once you're locked into that world there is no rest for the wicked.

3 Doors Down – Kryptonite Lyrics 14 years ago
I think you took this song far too literally, and relied on a music video too much.

Len – Steal My Sunshine Lyrics 14 years ago
or you're not smart enough to read into it.

Flogging Molly – Requiem For A Dying Song Lyrics 14 years ago
"In this song Flogging Molly take a stab at the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. In an interview with the Herald Tribune, leader/vocalist Dave King explained that recording the album in his native Ireland enabled his band to spread their wings and try different things: "That's what was great about moving back to Ireland, and seeing what's happening in Iraq and having a new perspective. It's just so wrong. If lessons can be learned in Ireland, it can certainly happen anywhere. We really needed to move back. It was good for our writing because it brought it all back home. It opened our eyes a lot."

This song is about the Government telling people what to do and how to live, and to act as they say. And how the army recruits people from towns, killing them off in war but patronizing them and making people feel opposing views are unpatriotic. And how the taxpayers pay for the military, which kills their friends or family members as we sing songs in a church over their senseless deaths because of a war that doesn't advance our civilization but puts us further behind. The human race is destroying this earth, and making us look bad when compared to any other living thing that exists. Also how we invade countries with oil and take away natural resource income from people who are poor when that money could go towards building their own country.

Flogging Molly – Rebels Of The Sacred Heart Lyrics 14 years ago
I think it's about Irish Immigration, and the guilt they have because of their Religion. So it's about Immigration AND Religion, and the previous comments are all valid IMO.

Flogging Molly – Rebels Of The Sacred Heart Lyrics 14 years ago
Probably because he see's how Religion affects the world he lives in, thus why he's atheist in the first place.

Flogging Molly – Rebels Of The Sacred Heart Lyrics 14 years ago
WTF are doing listening to Flogging Molly, you're a bible thumper.

Flogging Molly – Rebels Of The Sacred Heart Lyrics 14 years ago
You kind of have to pick one, if you don't believe in evolution or God what other possible theory is there? I guess you could go with species from another planet coming to earth, but other than that I don;t know what else you could pick really. I mean obviously it was some sort of variation of evolution, maybe not exactly the way scientists claim it to be (although it probably is true, they know their shit.)

Flogging Molly – Man With No Country Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this song is about the harsh, cruel world we live in and how war is acceptable all around the world. Also how it's a vicious cycle, and people are born into the same ideology over and over even though our history shows us what's wrong. I do sense a feeling of hope towards the end of the song, and how no matter who you are you don't have to carry along the same insane concepts with you that the masses have and fight for what you believe is right in the world.

Flogging Molly – If I Ever Leave This World Alive Lyrics 14 years ago
The understanding I get from this song is about somebody speaking to a close friend, relative or GF/BF and saying that if there is some sort of afterlife where you exit this world with some sort of conscious mind/spirit that they would carry along the feeling/memory of the relationship that they had, they don;t know if that's the case....But if it is most definitely they would take those thoughts/feelings along with them somehow and it would not just be forgotten.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.