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The Police – Invisible Sun Lyrics 2 years ago
@[rikdad:38637] You are right, i agree with you, its about a totalitarian plutocratic dictatorship, like most oligarchic capitalist countries

Bob Seger – Feel Like A Number Lyrics 8 years ago
This is an anti-capitalism song. In the capitalist system we have in the USA, the great majority of people who are oppressed, are really just numbers. Only a few benefit from capitalism. Capitalism has never worked in any country to provide wealth and happiness, and the majority of people are slaves working to produce wealth to be enjoyed by the capitalist oppressors. Something has to give !!

Tool – Rosetta Stoned Lyrics 8 years ago
I was reading in the book Crime and Punishment by the philosopher Fyodor Dostoyevsky, that average people, regular every day people cannot experience these elevated mental states like the appearances of ghosts, a close encounter with extraterrestrials, and do not have a third eye. According to Dostoyevsky, in the world there are normal regular people and then there are superior people. Normal regular people just worry about material needs, basic needs are their whole purpose in life is just to work, fulfill basic needs and breed new human beings. While the superior above the crowds people are here in this world to destroy old values, old ideas and to replace them with new values, new systems, new ideas. And they have the power to experience these elevated mental states like this song says

Rage Against the Machine – Renegades of Funk (Afrika Bambaataa cover) Lyrics 8 years ago
This song is about how many communists since ancient Greeks, ancient Romans until today have been trying to overthrow the evil capitalist system

Tool – Forty Six & 2 Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Oberones:4011] I also believe that this song is about the theory of the superman of the philosopher Nietzsche. Nietzsche wrote about in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Will to Power and other of his writings about that humans are a bridge, a rope between the ape and the superman. And it is our responsability to evolve into a higher stage of human development. According to Nietzsche, the superman is a human being who is 100% free, a destroyer of old values, to be replaced with new values. This song is also related to the theory of the new man by Che Guevara

Rush – Subdivisions Lyrics 9 years ago
@[atseabeach:1689] Yeah but only under communism we can be free. With capitalism only a few a the top are free, the majority are slaves, wage-slaves and tax-slaves

Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit Lyrics 10 years ago
This is a communist marxist song. This song talks about how the wealthy class expropiate the wealth created by the working class. So the oppressed exploited workers, after an objective revolutionary situation around the year 2016, and when most american workers will be conscious about how capitalism is a legalized robbery of their wealth will rise up, organize into communist marxist-leninist parties. Overthrow the bourgeoise dictatorship, and replace it with a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Here is the definition of DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT from Wikipedia: In Marxist socio-political thought, the dictatorship of the proletariat refers to a state in which the proletariat, or the working class, has control of political power. The term, coined by Joseph Weydemeyer, was adopted by the founders of Marxism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, in the 19th century. In Marxist theory, the dictatorship of the proletariat is the intermediate system between capitalism and communism, when the government is in the process of changing the means of ownership from privatism to collective ownership.

Both Marx and Engels argued that the short-lived Paris Commune, which ran the French capital for over two months before being repressed, was an example of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
According to Marxist theory, the existence of any government implies the dictatorship of a social class over another, so each government is necessarily a dictatorship of the proletariat or of the bourgeoisie. The word dictatorship is thus not used in its standard meaning, but simply refers to political power residing in the hands of one class or the other.

"Dictatorship does not necessarily mean the abolition of democracy for the class that exercises the dictatorship over other classes; but it does mean the abolition of democracy (or very material restriction, which is also a form of abolition) of democracy for the class over which, or against which, the dictatorship is exercised." -Vladimir Lenin


Tracy Chapman – Talkin’ ‘Bout A Revolution Lyrics 10 years ago
This is a communist marxist song. This song talks about how the wealthy class expropiate the wealth created by the working class. So the oppressed exploited workers, after an objective revolutionary situation around the year 2016, and when most american workers will be conscious about how capitalism is a legalized robbery of their wealth will rise up, organize into communist marxist-leninist parties. Overthrow the bourgeoise dictatorship, and replace it with a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Here is the definition of DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT from Wikipedia: In Marxist socio-political thought, the dictatorship of the proletariat refers to a state in which the proletariat, or the working class, has control of political power. The term, coined by Joseph Weydemeyer, was adopted by the founders of Marxism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, in the 19th century. In Marxist theory, the dictatorship of the proletariat is the intermediate system between capitalism and communism, when the government is in the process of changing the means of ownership from privatism to collective ownership.

Both Marx and Engels argued that the short-lived Paris Commune, which ran the French capital for over two months before being repressed, was an example of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
According to Marxist theory, the existence of any government implies the dictatorship of a social class over another, so each government is necessarily a dictatorship of the proletariat or of the bourgeoisie. The word dictatorship is thus not used in its standard meaning, but simply refers to political power residing in the hands of one class or the other.

"Dictatorship does not necessarily mean the abolition of democracy for the class that exercises the dictatorship over other classes; but it does mean the abolition of democracy (or very material restriction, which is also a form of abolition) of democracy for the class over which, or against which, the dictatorship is exercised." -Vladimir Lenin


Pearl Jam – Even Flow Lyrics 11 years ago
This song is anti-capitalism song. In the capitalist system we have in America only about 20% of the US population reach self-realization, fulfill their dreams and experience economic progress. While the other 80% lives a shitty life of bills, being taxed to death, over-worked to death. Working real hard not so that they can enjoy life and have great health. But US workers work and create lots of wealth so that wealth can be enjoyed by their bosses, by Bill Gates, by Donald Trump, by bankers, by the pentagon, by rich corrupt politicians and by the oligarchic ruling class 2%. And the only wa out of this hell and painful existance is really a marxist-leninist socialist revolution. I SEE NO OTHER SOLUTION FOR THE HELL THAT MOST OF US ARE FORCED TO LIVE IN CAPITALISM A SYSTEM THAT HAS NEVER WORKED IN ANYWHERE IN THIS WORLD/

Lo Fidelity Allstars – Battleflag Lyrics 11 years ago
This is a hardcore anti-capitalism song. The song calls for a revolution to overthrow this evil oligarchic capitalist system. And we need a revolution as soon as possible. Because the basic social rights of the working class can not be achieved without a fundamental reorganization of economic power and the redistribution of wealth within the United States. The realization of these rights requires a frontal assault on the hitherto unchallenged prerogatives of the corporations and the rich. The vast wealth created by the labor of generations of workers must be taken out of the hands of a privileged few and put at the disposal of the people as a whole. Workers will achieve nothing if they seek to avoid such a direct attack on the economic and political power of the capitalist class.

Tool – H. Lyrics 12 years ago
DEAR TOOL FRIENDS, thanks a lot for your great psychologic, parenting explanation for the song H from Tool and its relation with Maynard's son Devo H.

Well and you know this world it is full of opressive governments, abusive concentration of wealth and power in a few, and the police fascism against people. I think that the oligarchic dictatorial governments that the world has had for the last 3000 years has an impact on the family dictatorship at home of parents verbally and morally abusing their children. So in this case parents are like the oppressive governments and the children are the working class. However I want to say something related to this, i admit that I have had many verbal fights with my father, and my father has had sometimes an oppressive dictatorial way of treating me and my brothers and sisters. But I think that this is ingrained in the capitalist system.

I think that the only solution for this is a mental, spiritual, socialist, christian revolution in this world(Not the Republican Party type of christianity), i mean the liberating socialist-christianity.

And many simplistic people in this world are very wrong in blaming all their personal failures in life on Obama and the capitalist ruling class. But the dictatorial abusive parenting is also to blame. However that dictatorial way of treating children is really rooted in the capitalist oligarchic dictatorial political system we have in USA and in many many other nations.

Only a political revolution toward workers socialism can be a solution for this male-supremacist system and dictatorial system of abusive parents, abusive husbands, abusive teachers, abusive institutions etc.


Tool – H. Lyrics 12 years ago
DEAR TOOL FRIEND, thanks a lot for your great psychologic parenting explanation for the song H from Tool. Well and you know this world it is full of opressive governments, abusive concentration of wealth and power in a few, and the police fascism against people. I think that the oligarchic dictatorial governments that the world has had for the last 3000 years has an impact on the family dictatorship at home of parents verbally and morally abusing their children. So in this case parents are like the oppressive governments and the children are the working class. However I want to say something related to this, i admit that I have had many verbal fights with my father, and my father has had sometimes an oppressive dictatorial way of treating me and my brothers and sisters. But I think that this is ingrained in the capitalist system.

I think that the only solution for this is a mental, spiritual, socialist, christian revolution in this world(Not the Republican Party type of christianity), i mean the liberating socialist-christianity.

And many simplistic people in this world are very wrong in blaming all their personal failures in life on Obama and the capitalist ruling class. But the dictatorial abusive parenting is also to blame. However that dictatorial way of treating children is really rooted in the capitalist oligarchic dictatorial political system we have in USA and in many many other nations.

Only a political revolution toward workers socialism can be a solution for this male-supremacist system and dictatorial system of abusive parents, abusive husbands, abusive teachers, abusive institutions etc.



Rage Against the Machine – Renegades of Funk (Afrika Bambaataa cover) Lyrics 12 years ago
This song is about The Superman !! In the book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by the philosopher Fredrich Nietzsche he talks about the superman, who will replace the last-man. (The majority of people who are mind-controlled by TV, by authorities and who are scared pieces of human trash. Like most people out there. A Renegade is a free spirit, a superman, a man who is above regular men who are very very scared, and who are followers not leaders. That's what we need in this world, revolutionary supermen who would guide mankind toward a more advanced world, which is socialism.

Skid Row – I Remember You Lyrics 12 years ago
Dear, friends, I believe that this song is about a guy and his girlfriend who had a good time, and good relationship. They were from the middle classes, and had a good economic condition. But after the neoliberal economic model in America, which privatized lots of businesses, raised the interest rates. And the government got into stand-by agreements with the IMF, which lead to dollar devaluation, lower real wages, lower buying power of the dollar. That lead to problems within the couple, so he lost his job. Capitalist real estate land lords kicked them out of their houses, because they were layed off and didn't have money to keep paying the mortgage payments. So she found another guy, and he became a homeless bum. Dear friends, this capitalist system of The Republican Party and The Democrat Party is destroying the living standards of all americans. The only solution for this quagmire and loss of love between couples is for all US voters to vote for Stewart Alexander for president in 2012

Rush – Subdivisions Lyrics 12 years ago

Rush – Subdivisions Lyrics 12 years ago
The truth is that the capitalist system turns people into conformist drones, conformist robots. The song "People are Strange" by The Doors, is an anti-capitalism song. That song is a clear strong critisism against life in capitalism. Where people hate each other, bashes each other, and where neighbors are not united. Another rock bands that have many anti-capitalism song is Rage Against The Machine, System of a Down, Nirvana, Soundgarden and Tool. Thanks

Depeche Mode – Enjoy The Silence Lyrics 13 years ago
I think that this song means that in capitalist societies people are cloned and crowded together, and personal liberty is lost in neoliberal corporate capitalist systems. Where people are not supposed to be alone, and just be followers slaves, crowded like ducks. Having said that, i think that this song is also related to "People are Strange" by The Doors, and the song "Subdivisions" by Rush, which is an anti-capitalist song, a critisism against the way capitalism enslaves individuals. The Philosophers Max Weber, Emil Durkheim and Karl Marx also wrote about alienation in capitalist corporatist societies.

Another thing that i would like point out is that this song goes hand in hand with the philosophy of Fredrich Nietzsche's Superman and Arthur Shopenhauer. According to Fredrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer superior individuals (The Superman) feel best when they are alone, while the capitalist oppressed sheeple and slaves perform their best when they are crowded like ducks in a room, or like for example the so called "Love Parade" of Germany where a lot of capitalist slaves went there because they felt real empty and inferior alone.

My suggestion to you all is to love loneliness, to reject girls, to reject all friends, all company, all close contact and to be alone. Only in extreme loneliness we can be great.

Enjoy the silence !!


The Doors – People Are Strange Lyrics 14 years ago
anybody here seen a video of Tool where there is a fat chinese extraterrestrial alien? I think it is either Stinkfist or Aenima

The Doors – People Are Strange Lyrics 14 years ago
This song People are Strange by The Doors is like the song Subdivisions by Rush and the song Jimmy by Tool. These are anti-capitalism songs which are all eulogies against the free market capitalism. The capitalist system destroys families, breaks up brotherhoods and friendships, and just destroy the way of life of most people. Trotsky said long ago that capitalists are tobbogaging us toward disaster with their eyes closed

Rush – Subdivisions Lyrics 14 years ago
Its a song about non-conformity and how society tries to make people into a conforming drone. This is particularily bad in most cities suburbs where the roads, the corners, the mini shopping centers, the buildings and the homes are built exactly the same way and by the same construction builder, where people drive the same types and brands of cars and high school is all about being part of the crowd. The song is about the need for conformity and mass consumerism in the neoliberal economic model we live in. Neoliberalism cannot function without it. When I listen to it, I hear an amazingly written eulogy for society by Neil Peart, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson.

I also think it represents Neil Peart, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson falling away a bit from their earlier beliefs, as they mentioned they had. There is nothing inherently wrong with suburbia or living in it, if that is what someone desires. A lot of people don't have the desire to go to "the bright lights." This song is clearly more about conformity, which can be found anywhere in United States: the suburbs, in the city, or "the far unlit unknown." In my opinion, the only flaw in this song is the focus on suburbia as the only place where conformity can be found. Popular opinion has been manipulated to belive that The Suburbs are the worst place for conformity.

Conformity also occurs when many people seek the same thing, including excitement in The Bright Lights (Everyone else is doing "the cool thing", so why shouldn't I?). That being said, Subdivisions is my favorite Rush song, and the best synth song ever. So much to write about this song. Basically, it's a song about the "ticking traps" that american people in this violent country fall into. A nightmare neoliberal-world where a person's main desire is a never ending escape from the suburbs. The suburbs can take many forms: from the boring, quiet life of suburbia to the pleasure seeking thrill ride of the big city. Ultimately, the suburbs offer nothing meaningful, and there is no escape within or between them.

However, in the first verse an outlet is available: "the far unlit unknown." This unknown exist within each person-the unique thoughts and feelings that make an individual; tragically, few venture very far into this territory. I'm also inclined to think that it's more about teens trying to breakaway from suburbia (and thier upper-middle class parents telling them HOW to think/beleive/be), only for some to discover (as Neil Peart writes) "

...Some will sell their dreams for small desires - Or lose the race to rats - Get caught in ticking traps "

Afterwards these suburb-raised, city-stressed folk "...start to dream of somewhere - To relax their restless flight - Somewhere out of a memory - Of lighted streets on quiet nights... "

I think it's more of a commentary on the seduction of city life and the potential trappings it brings. It is also a social commentary on how cliques are hurtful, and how expectations of comformity often drive away our best and brightest. Very much like the suburbs of Tennessee, Boston, Pennsylvania, New York and Chicago.


Soundgarden – Burden in My Hand Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is talking about how depressive, and hopeless life is in USA, in this capitalist hopeless nightmare. I think that the stance that we should have in USA is the stance of Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix, which was compassion and pitty for the people fooled inside the beautiful world of The Matrix, which was a world of beauty but of lies, where people lived in a lie.

And i think that the real cause is lack of guidance, lack of teaching, americans have been living a life without mentors, all on their own, this country needs more good teachers, more mentors and more guidance. We are alone in this country without a guide on what books to read, on what to do, on what is good, on what leads to happiness and strength (Which is book-reading, and health) and not sports-cars, not luxury cars, not expensive clothes, and not big expensive homes which are not rational in this world of economic crisis for a family of 3 to 5 people.

I was reading in the book "The Wisdom of Life" by Arthur Schopenhauer where he said that 90% of a human's self esteem, well-being, superiority, happiness and mental security come from having a good health, a good diet (like a low-carb diet) knowledge usually from book-reading, intelligence, information and wisdom, and not what americans have been taught what makes them happy and secure which is big cars, expensive homes and luxuries. Schopenhauer claimed that things outside of your body are irrelevant for happiness and security. He claimed that wealthy people were sad and felt like pieces of shit, because they wealthy people realize that all the millions of dollars, material things like private jets cannot make them feel superior at all, because those are things outside of their bodies.

Another problem i see in USA is that people in USA are taught that alone by themselves, isolated without friends people can achieve any goal they want in life. And that's totally wrong, in order to do any thing in this world, wether you want to be a lawyer, doctor, teacher, business manager etc. people have to work in teams, in groups, in community. And that's why people in USA feel that their lives are not going any where not only because of our oligarchic-economic system that USA has where a few earn a lot of money and live real well while the rest of americans work like camels, are taxed to death and billed to death, but another problem i think is that many people in this country hate to work in groups, and hate to join political movements and parties.

Oh by the way about people not talking to each other in this country, you know like they only talk to members of their own family or church. Thats because i think that this country has a family-oriented system, i think it's because of the Christian Catholic tradition of Feudal, and Caste systems where people only made friends with members of their clan, cast, family and close friends.

If you think about it, USA is still almost like a caste system, like a monarchy and feudalism. That's why USA needs a real revolution to get away from this backward feudal, obsolete system of castes and catholic family-oriented traditions, where if you are outside of the family you are almost like an enemy.



The Doors – People Are Strange Lyrics 14 years ago
orboknown: you are right, Jim Morrison gained 50 lbs. at the end of his carreer. It seems to me that life for celebrities in the capitalist Hollywood is too stressful, there is a lot of hatred, and bashing, and humans cant cope with so much stress.


The Doors – Five to One Lyrics 14 years ago
Damn, Jim Morrison should've moved to France and stay there, because USA has been a totalitarian police-fascist dictatorship with no freedom since 1776. I really don't see how can many americans blinded by super-patriotism call USA the Home of the Free, when most americans are traumatized by fascist cops all the time. And where you can't drink, can't listen to music, can't smoke, can't party and cant do any thing in USA which is a prison

The Doors – Five to One Lyrics 14 years ago
Indeed, i agree with you, the thing is that most people in the USA stereotype and generalize and not only that. They get their knowledge about the world, from the capitalist zionist media. But i read a couple of biographies of Jim Morrison, and Jim Morrison was a philosopher, not an alcoholic. It's true that he drank a lot at the end of his life, but he wasn't drunk all the time. He drank because in USA life is very depressive, and specially very competitive in the fascist Hollywood industry of celebrities, and he was depressed because he saw that the capitalist zionist owned industry of Hollywood was destroying his revolutionary philosophical project.


The Doors – People Are Strange Lyrics 14 years ago
Hello all, i believe that this song is talking about the excess of individualism and egocentrism of the capitalist system. Modern neoliberal oligarchic capitalist systems cannot function without it. If you think about it, this song is very connected to the song "Subdivisions" by Rush, which is an eulogy against the neoliberal individualist capitalist system and how it turns people into conformist drones.

The ruling class of USA need americans to be atomized, to be antisocials, and to hate each other, in order to prevent a socialist revolution. And this is what Jim Morrison is talking about in this song, in which how in USA, you know your neighbors for 10 years and they dont even say hi to you. But this american way of life (AWOL) is not sustainable because it leads to depression, low self esteem and feelings of inferiority. Besides humans cannot achieve any thing alone. In this world people need teams, organizations, and groups to do any thing. Humans alone are weak, and in community are strong.

So i think that the only solution for this nightmare of individualist antisocial societies is socialism, a system of cooperativism, and a new paradigm in the USA of solidarity where people work in groups, in teams in communities and not alone like Robinson Crusoe.


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