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Imogen Heap – The Moment I Said It Lyrics 13 years ago
I'm aware that most interpretations favor an argument between lovers over either cheating or the narrator leaving the other party, but I find it interesting that there's absolutely no sense of guilt being expressed by the person singing in the lyrics. I personally would argue that this is about loss.

"Sadly, things just happen we can't explain."

"Sit down, come 'round, I need you now
We'll work it all out together"

I do agree that the person being spoken to by the narrator is likely abusive and/or alcoholic (though there's more evidence for simply the former) as the section

"Don't. Oh.
Please don't. Oh.
(want a - please - nother one?)
Don't. Oh.
Please don't. Oh.
(want a - please - nother one?)"


But personally I think the lyrics fit the idea of a death, or maybe something more relationship minded -- like say a miscarriage? -- a lot better than cheating. But hey -- just my two cents. It's a beautiful song regardless.

LCD Soundsystem – Drunk Girls Lyrics 14 years ago
Two things:

1. During the chorus of "drunk boys" after : it comes back, but it's never the same, I think he sings: drunk boys love such women for free

2. At the end, I think it goes: "just be honest with me, honestly, honestly," instead of just three honestly's, but I could be mishearing it. The whole section is a mess without knowing the words before hand, so kudos on picking out the "unless" line.

Lady GaGa – Bad Romance Lyrics 14 years ago
I feel like an ass for not have seen some of this stuff, especially the white to red switch, the "auditioning" notion, and some of the Baphomet symbolism, but yeah, scrap what I said, this is a very interesting take on things and gives the whole video a lot more craft and design -- without reaching -- than I first realized was present.

Lady GaGa – Bad Romance Lyrics 14 years ago
I think in the music video and the album version, the first one (not the one in the fashion section) is "free" but the (walk, walk passion baby/work it, I'm a freak bitch baby) is "freak."

Lady GaGa – Bad Romance Lyrics 14 years ago
Some of the lyrics are wrong, but I'll address the one's relevant to what I'm saying as I go along. I got a gist of this listening to the song the first couple of times, but watching the music video solidifies where I was going with it so I guess I'll share: it's about a girl putting on a lovey-dovey (or in this case, unarguably kinky) facade for a guy she hates for victimizing her, but is torn between the hate she feels for him and their honest compatibility (if only sexually) that she no longer is quite certain what she wants. The music video takes this to the extreme -- faked Munchhausen's Syndrome by the victim of human trafficking, and by the end of it she's left cuddling the charred remains of the man who bought her.

(I want your ugly, I want your disease, I want your everything. As long as it's free, I want your love)

She'd be in to what he wants from her, accepting of what he is, if her free will was involved. The next set of verses indicates that she has an addiction to the kind of sex he's offering but

(I want your love and all you love is revenge, you and me could write a bad romance)

Conflicting interests to say the least. Things start shifting with (I want your horror, I want your design 'cause you're a criminal. As long as you're mine, I want your love). She's cognizant of her situation, and the hate's there, but she's given in to the sexual aspect of it.

I think the fashion aspect of it is turning something that traditionally objectifies women into something passionate and freaky, a reclaiming of sorts, which GaGa certainly does with her sense of style.

(I want your love, I don't wanna be friends AND I don't want to be friends, want your bad romance) She tosses out to concept of backing out of this, of forgiving any of the despicable behavior, and embraces her commitment to a completely disturbing relationship as it's the only way for her to maintain any of her pride.

On the other hand! it could just be a straight up awesome club banger, who am I to decide.

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