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Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 15 years ago
I don't think there's really anything religious about this song... in fact, lyrically it reads as if he's trying to create something as profound, but steer away from labeling.

What I gather, is that Chris is bouncing back from some kind of tragedy. I would say that it has more to do with a woman than with fame/money. I hear regret and sorrow (made more profound by describing the fall of a kingdom) that led him to some sort of spiritual awakening.

Love has that effect on people, after all. Makes you feel on top of the world (or as if you rule it.) He talks about not being honest.

And it's "Roman CALVARY choirs singing" Not Catholic. Which is more a reference to Constantine than to St. Peter, at least in that part of the song, lol.

Perhaps part of his spiritual awakening is finding there is no God up in heaven. "I know St. Peter won't call my name. Never an honest word, but that was when I ruled the world." So, now he's being honest, and knows St. Peter won't call his name, yet he is somehow liberated by the fact. Yes? I think so.

I cover this song at shows, and I know songs are always left to interpretation but IF this song were about coming to God rather than walking into a brighter light, then I wouldn't have learned it and dubbed it as I did :P

Thanks for letting me share.

Tool – Forty Six & 2 Lyrics 15 years ago
Drunvalo Melchizadek's idea that through the years to 2012, there will be a movement to feminine led consciousness which will last through to the end of the next 13,000 year cycle. Currently we are at 44+2 chromosomes. Maynard Keenan expresses that he intends to reach that next level of consciousness which he rightly calls 46+2, relating to the Forty-Six and 2 chromosomes that are foreseen by Drunvalo in his book The Serpent Of Light.

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