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Titus Andronicus – To Old Friends and New Lyrics 14 years ago
this song and battle of hampton roads are prolly my favs of the new album!

I think, like the rest of the album, it's a parallel between the civil war and modern day problems in America, more specifically New Jersey. So an allegory of the civil war. The problems in modern times with a friend or girlfriend/boyfriend is similar, in the singer's view, to the problems between the union and the confederacy.

"We could build a nice life together if we don't kill each other first.
Are you just too fucked up to understand me or is it the other way around?
Maybe it's both, and I just don't know which is worse."

These lines can be interpreted as a member of the union army saying it to the confederacy (vice versa) in terms of actually killing each other, or a domestic dispute in modern times in terms of killing their relationship if they can't fix their problems.

Real Estate – Snow Days Lyrics 14 years ago
The song can have many meanings 1) a very introspective song that I think the adult writer wrote to a younger version of himself. 2.) It could be about a loss of innocence: never being able to get those carefree childhood summers back that seem so simple and sweet now. 3.) It could be a person who is revisiting the place where so many childhood memories took place, and can still experience the same feelings about the place as an adult and a 3-year-old.

Pink Floyd – Us and Them Lyrics 16 years ago
well, since the album is about insanity, and it has obvious comparisons to "war", it could be about a war inside a man's head to ffight the insanity

Counting Crows – Round Here Lyrics 16 years ago
Maria is Adam

Pilate – Mercy Lyrics 16 years ago
"I battle through these thunderclouds to find my way to fields of gold, somehow I always see your face"

She's his sunshine and happiness even though she's hurt him so badly.

But I think what's more interesting is how the same words/ideas permeate throughout all of "Caught by the window"

Honestly, whoever reads this, listen to the entire album and listen how there are very similar ideas, descriptions and words on many of the songs.

Dreams, thunderclouds, ghosts, broken, the "tree"(especially in alright), hope/hopelessness, time

Look for yourself, and you'll come to an unbelievable discovery!

Pilate – You're All I Need Lyrics 16 years ago
"Time will not heal the scars we hide"

There was a relationship that turned out terribly bad and hurt both members involved in it. Emotionally destroyed in mind, even hurting in dreams.

Pilate – Alright Lyrics 16 years ago
Before I start, I just have to say the end of this song where the lead singer is giving his soul into the microphone is simply spinetingling. He has one of the most pure and powerful falseto voices I've ever heard, and this song should have been a massive hit/Pilate should be a huge band, which they eventually will.
Fortunately for the fans of Pilate now, we can see them for barely nothing, while getting an intimate and powerful atmosphere in a small venue.

A lot of people have said the song is from the perspective of a ghost, which is partly true, however i don't think it's a "real" ghost, it's just how that person feels to the world and to himself when his love left him because she was no longer in love with him. He feels like he has no meaning anymore, he feels terrible, he's "not alright" when he can't affect her like he used to. She gave him so much joy, and he loved her with all his heart, but now he can't make himself feel better "When I can't feel you, I'm not alright", and he can't help heal her lost love either "when I can't heal you, im not alright"

"Harder for you for love has let you down." He still believes her to be much more important him and thinks she's suffering more than him because love has let her down, meaning he couldn't be the lover that she wanted/needed.

He also wants her to see his pain:
"Chain me to your tree, I wanted you to see, I wanted you to see" He wants her to see the terrible state he's in and believe that maybe she can love him again.

The end of the song is the most powerful and meaningful to this story.

"Tell me that it wasn't all for naught"= They had such a great love and it meant so much to him. He'll be destroyed if after all this time and pain he's felt, that it means something very important to her as well.

Finally, the last verse is his realization that she's not coming back to him and he accepts this fate. He's sure she'll be fine without him and lets her go her own way:

"You'll stand alone now, You'll make it somehow"

Pilate – Hold The Line Lyrics 16 years ago
First of all, I have no clue how Pilate isn't as big as Coldplay and that noone has posted near enough to what they deserve.

For the meaning of the song, I think about someone who is completely destroyed when their lover (girlfriend) left. He was hurt so deeply, and hopes that young people who haven't experienced love yet will not hurt as badly as he did. He wants to contact this person still, but he doesn't know what to say to her, because he's completely destroyed emotionally and he needs more time before he's back to himself.

Simply fantastic song from a fantastic band

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