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John Mayer – This Will All Make Perfect Sense Someday Lyrics 18 years ago
I have two versions of this song. One is "shit the bed" and the other is "crashed the car." Whoever posted these lyrics messed some of them up. anyways, it's great to listen to this song whenever I feel like everything is going wrong and nothing will ever be right again. TWAMPSS kind of gives hope that everything happens for a reason and that good things can come from bad situations.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Bold As Love Lyrics 18 years ago
nice lesson on psychedelic drugs, everybody ... i love this song and the whole colors as emotions thing is genius. i especially love the line "my yellow in this case is not so mellow, in fact I'm trying to say it's frightened like me." I think that line in particular means that we're not always as brave and fearless as we pretend to be.

John Mayer – Vultures Lyrics 18 years ago
Oops. I posted this not knowing there was a JM3 page, which they should probably get rid of and add it to this page.

Panic! at the Disco – The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage Lyrics 18 years ago
thank you, originalninja. i thought you guys were talking about the TV show or something. too bad they didn't come up with their own song title. anyway, this is a great song.

John Mayer – Another Kind of Green Lyrics 18 years ago
I think he's just saying that he doesn't need jealousy or to be jealous of what someone else has to know that what he's got with this girl is good. i think the lines you posted, mmv, mean that if the girl moves on and goes out with someone else, she'll see that she belonged with the character described in the song because what they had together was perfect.

Coldplay – Shiver Lyrics 18 years ago
I have a question about the lyrics. does chris really sing the words "say it loud and clear"? I can't tell because after he sings "don't you shiver,shiver, shiver ..." he goes into this high note. i can't really tell if he's saying anything (always thought he was still saying shiver). i'm really not sure if what he's saying. any help would be great. this is something that's been bothering me for oh, two years.

John Mayer – Why Did You Mess with Forever Lyrics 18 years ago
my version goes "i'm at odds with me now, should i look my love in the eyes and say goodbye?" such a sad song, obviously about how his girlfriend cheated on him and messed everything up for them.

John Mayer – Why Georgia Lyrics 18 years ago
He means Georgia as in the state ... and I don't really think he's questioning if moving to GA was the right thing to do, because John's moving there just kind of happened. I think it's just about not knowing what to do with your life or being thrown into a situation and thinking, "now what?" Love this song and it's a little creepy that I heard part of this song in 2003 not knowing that this guy would become my favorite musician in 2005. and for the rest of my life, i'm sure. :)

Panic! at the Disco – The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage Lyrics 18 years ago
I like this song ... but Panic! At The Disco has to be the most confusing band ever. It looks like this song about muscians/celebrities being fake and always wanting attention, but I'm not sure. Nobody's really talking about the meanings of songs here. And who is Palahnuik?

John Mayer – Another Kind of Green Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm glad you guys explained the 'perfect hand' line. I didn't know what it meant until I found it explained here in November. Great song in the Trio setting.

John Mayer – Come Back To Bed Lyrics 18 years ago
One of my favorite songs and definitely shows John's great guitar playing. CBTB is self-explanatory, so I won't go into it. just a great song with great lyrics. love it.

John Mayer – Sucker Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is pretty good, but whenever i hear the 'bong hit' line i think "what?!" maybe that's why john doesn't really like this song?

John Mayer – Your Body Is A Wonderland Lyrics 18 years ago
um ... no. this song was not written about jennifer love hewitt. it isn't about anyone in particular.

John Mayer – Tracing Lyrics 18 years ago
doctortim is right about the lyrics ... i wish we could change that. But "tracing" is about entering a relationship, moving way to fast and pretending that you love each other even though you haven't known each other that long.

John Mayer – Who Did You Think I Was Lyrics 18 years ago
WDYTIW is about the move in a new musical direction, but I think it's also saying "this is who you think i am, but this is really me." People think John has no musical talent and I think this song is kind of a f-ck you.

John Mayer – Only Heart Lyrics 18 years ago
How come no one's commented on Only Heart? This is one of the best songs on HT! Even with the cutesy lyrics, I love the guitar playing. Very retro like the album sleeve says.

John Mayer – Distance Lyrics 18 years ago
I only have a not-so-good version of this song from an Australian concert. I guess it's just about long distance relationships not working?

John Mayer – Neon 12:47 AM Lyrics 18 years ago
The really BIG difference between Neon 12:47AM and Neon is that the only lyrics to this song is "Buzzing just like neon ..." Haha. And it's only said two or three times. This song is just John playing guitar. Really well, if I might add.

John Mayer – By Nine Lyrics 18 years ago
I like to think of this as the acid trip song, haha. Definitely the weirdest JM song ever, but now I like it. I'm not exactly sure what the point of it is, though.

John Mayer – Untitled Song Demo Lyrics 18 years ago
Great song ... I'm glad John didn't actually give up on music!

John Mayer – Comfortable Lyrics 18 years ago
i never got the big deal with comfy ... it's good, but i don't think it's john's best song. "but you could distinguish me from jack johnson" from as/is makes me laugh.

John Mayer – George's Blues Lyrics 18 years ago
the music in this song is so great. this song is nothing but a joke, but it's so catchy. i have a live version and a studio version. this song obviously has two guitar parts, but who is playing what in the live one? is john on electric and somebody else on acoustic?

John Mayer – Come When I Call Lyrics 18 years ago
i think this song is really funny. what girl in their right mind would avoid john mayer?

John Mayer – Gravity Lyrics 18 years ago
never mind ... i thought you could edit the lyrics. guess not?

John Mayer – Gravity Lyrics 18 years ago
Relationships? I think it's safe to say this song isn't about love. I believe the song is basically about doing things that you know you shouldn't but you feel pulled into it. I love the part "twice as much ain't twice as good and can't sustain like one half could" (i'm gonna change the line in the lyrics because what's up there is not right) cause it means that more of anything doesn't necessarily mean it's better.

John Mayer – City Love Lyrics 18 years ago
Whenever I listen to this song, it's like I can feel the happiness radiating from it. Love the line "I smile just because, I got a city love." Even though it's one of the more untrue songs that John has wrote, it sounds so sincere.

John Mayer – Clarity Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song! Everyone (including John) is always talking about how Clarity is such a positive and sunny song, but I see it a little differently. Even by the end of the song, I think the character/John hasn't lived in the moment and is still trying to learn to stop worrying. He's trying to be in the moment, but is still thinking "This is fun ... but it's gonna end soon." I feel the same way and can relate to Clarity so much.

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