Lyric discussion by PorcelainHope 

There are obviously many different interpretations of this song, but to me this song is about a destructive relationship. The writer is madly in love with this woman, but for some reason, she is not right for him. In the end he knows she will end up destroying him. However, because of his strong affection for her, he will not ever let her go. The girl most likely has a lot of baggage that needs to be dealt with and this baggage carries over into their relationship and taints it. Perhaps, in his eyes she is perfect. It's just the rest of the world that views her as imperfect, but he sees the world's opinion and he can't dismiss it. Also, perhaps it's about escaping lonliness. He's with this girl that is not good for him because he can't stand to be alone. She fills him, yet he is still hungry. Maybe in a way he is using this girl. I don't know. That's what I've always thought this song meant, but it definitely could mean a myriad of other things. It all depends on the person.

@PorcelainHope I believe this is spot on.

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