Lyric discussion by U2babe 

I LOVE this song. I've always said there isn't enough insight into Judas Iscariot, and it always seems that he is overlooked by Christians. But the way I see it is, Jesus was destined to die, and one of those poor disciples had to betray him, unfortunatly for him, Judas was the unlucky one. This song is probably the only song that gives an effective insight into Judas. And I must admit, its a pretty believeable conversation, maybe just a little more...poetic. But Bono has a fantastic way with words and this song only goes to prove it. My favourite line from this song is

'In the garden I was playing the tart, I kissed your lips and broke your heart.'

@U2babe There is a theory that Judas perhaps knew what he was doing and was trying to force Jesus into becoming the King everyone expected...the one who would destroy the enemies of the Jews and set up a kingdom on earth.

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