Lyric discussion by starkiller7 

I love the phrase "I know it well" in this song. I was in a long relationship that was really unhealthy and my girlfriend was constantly taking advantage of me and hurting me and every time she'd hurt me she'd have some excuse and if ever I'd bring something up she'd turn it around on me saying something like "why don't you trust me" or something very similar. I caught her cheating on me more than once but for some dumb reason I couldn't let her go and for some even dumber reason she couldn't let me go. Either way, every time I'd learn she did something else to me I'd always get really quiet and speak very softly and in the same tone as Bon Iver sings that phrase of the song. And the words "I know it well" were words that I told her every time she'd give her excuses. She'd say something trying to exonerate herself and my thought "I know it well" would keep me from getting mad at her and keep her from thinking I was mad. It made her think I understood even though I meant it as I know how you feel about me. I felt like the phrase summed up everything and left it closed enough that she didn't have to bring it up again but open enough that she could let me go and be honest with me. Ultimately that's why I think I stayed with her...I just wanted her to admit that she didn't love me like she used to. Sadly that never happened. The phrase in the song brings back that same feeling for me though and I don't know why but I soothes me unimaginably.

Lord, would you stop whining. Your girlfriend is the one you take to bed and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. She's the one you phone and text daily. She's the one you say "I love you" to. She's the one you dance with, drink with, and smile at whenever you meet. If SHE is hurting you and taking advantage of you (which seems impossible due to brilliance, stubborness, and an innate survival instinct...did I say stubborness? OK, just wanted to make sure to include STUBBORNESS), anyway...if she is doing that to you than I suggest you dump her and...

@starkiller7 I don't know you but i just wanted to say i'm sorry for your loss. Im sure it was a good relationship at some point because as sad as it is to say not everything good lasts. I know this was five years ago but it mattered at some point and I'm typing this for the moment when it mattered most. The moment when it hurt the most. So I'm sorry this person hurt you and i hope you find what your looking for in this life.

@starkiller7 I am so sorry.

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