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Bon Iver – Babys Lyrics 11 years ago
Something interesting to point out. There is a lot of cacophony chords in the beginning as everyone stated, not that I dislike them, but I think that there is a reason why they all stop and everything calms down once he gets to the line I'm the Carnival of Peace. Everything becomes peaceful at that line. Just something interesting I noticed.

Bon Iver – Blood Bank Lyrics 11 years ago
I love the phrase "I know it well" in this song. I was in a long relationship that was really unhealthy and my girlfriend was constantly taking advantage of me and hurting me and every time she'd hurt me she'd have some excuse and if ever I'd bring something up she'd turn it around on me saying something like "why don't you trust me" or something very similar. I caught her cheating on me more than once but for some dumb reason I couldn't let her go and for some even dumber reason she couldn't let me go. Either way, every time I'd learn she did something else to me I'd always get really quiet and speak very softly and in the same tone as Bon Iver sings that phrase of the song. And the words "I know it well" were words that I told her every time she'd give her excuses. She'd say something trying to exonerate herself and my thought "I know it well" would keep me from getting mad at her and keep her from thinking I was mad. It made her think I understood even though I meant it as I know how you feel about me. I felt like the phrase summed up everything and left it closed enough that she didn't have to bring it up again but open enough that she could let me go and be honest with me. Ultimately that's why I think I stayed with her...I just wanted her to admit that she didn't love me like she used to. Sadly that never happened. The phrase in the song brings back that same feeling for me though and I don't know why but I soothes me unimaginably.

Bon Iver – Blood Bank Lyrics 11 years ago
I love that too and I think it could possibly also be a play on words. I think what he says in the song is cheek not cheeks when I listen to it but it's hard to tell. Anyway cheek, as in the facial feature is obviously the place where you would kiss a lover. A kiss on the cheek has it's own connotations and I think that's why he brings that up. That's more obvious though, and what I'm referring to is cheek as in someone being cheeky. I think he loves how bold and audacious she is. Bon Iver is known for his clever use of words and I think this is one of them.

Bon Iver – Hinnom, TX Lyrics 12 years ago
He did major in religious studies so I definitely would credit him with this.

Sara Lov – Fountain Lyrics 12 years ago
This song is so freaking beautiful! This one and Old Friends (Originally by Simon and Garfunkel). They feel so nostalgic!

Bon Iver – Blood Bank Lyrics 12 years ago
I must agree, this interpretation is spot on in my opinion.

Bon Iver – Creature Fear Lyrics 12 years ago
I think you're basically right now. The only thing I think is different is that the foreign worlds is referring to the beginning of their relationship. How they have so much to discover together and so much to learn about each other.

I think that this song is chronologically descriptive of their relationship. How the third verse then talks about how after they started their relationship, he began to see some inconsistencies and like you said her body language was not continuous with her words.

Then they got into the fights in the fourth verse. And in the fifth verse the "territories" are what used to be the foreign worlds that they have since discovered and made themselves "rulers" of (not like they went and conquered Narnia like they started new lives when they came together and discovered life in this whole new way); like what's left of their own little world I would say. So ready to reform is talking about how they are breaking up and this old world that they discovered and ruled together now has to be reformed.

That's my thought.

Mew – Nervous Lyrics 12 years ago
I think that the red lines have to be read separate from the black lines. I don't think the lyrics can be read straight though. And I believe that they are both separate divisions within his mind. The black lyrics seem to be his paranoid and nervous side (Both are thought that can consume one's mind) and these are undoubtably the more prominent lyrics and they seem to overpower the red ones. I think the red ones are his more logical thoughts. I think they can see him struggling and want to help him but he is too focused on his feelings of paranoia and fear and nervousness. "And I saw you running in the wooden floors of my house" He's saying I can see the paranoia within your mind [my house being his mind as it is his thoughts speaking to him]. "And they're not safe buildings when the walls are out of focus and I wish I could save you" The walls would be his moral standards or his ethical code which has blurred causing this unstable mental condition [not safe buildings being the home which was effectively the mind and therefore unsafe or unstable mind]. And his logical side wants to save him it seems but is just being overpowered by the paranoid and nervous thoughts that are consuming him. So ya that was my take on this song. I totally love the song!

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