Lyric discussion by StealBreez 


I find the "Animals" album to be vastly underrated. After all these years, I find myself listening to it most of all.

I've worked in radio since 1984 and what a wonderful interpretation of a certain segment of broadcasting this is for me, personally. There are several departments to a large broadcasting operation. They are very, very segmented .. it's almost like high school with the different social classes. There's engineering (these are the smart guys that work on the transmitter and fix the mixing boards and the transponder on the tower).. there is accounting, which schedules the commercials and keeps track of all of the accounts and pay structure (these are the math whizzes) .. there is, of course, several layers of management (these are the inept clumsy geeks that can't do anything right. And that, actually, is the truth. All their wives are hideous ugly and they are pitiful creatures, tormented even) .. there is talent, which is on-air (and that is broken down in to "news guys" and "music guys") .. and then there is sales.

"Dogs" so flawlessly describes the salesmen that it is spooky.

I first went on the air for a paycheck in 1984 and it has never changed with these guys. And all of us jocks so look down on these guys. And this song captures it perfectly.

One of the reasons I wanted to get in to radio was that old tv show "WKRP in Cincinnati". That show is so amazing in it's caricature of the radio industry. And this song was played during an episode. I don't think it was by accident. Obviously, WKRP writers had a close connection with radio. And they must have felt the same way as me about "Dogs" from the "Animals" album. Mr Carlson asks Johnny Fever in the episode that this song is in "Is that dogs barking on that record?" and Johnny goes, "I hope so".

They probably didn't mean it the way some of us in radio take it but, man, they hit it dead solid center, night in the ruts, when it comes to salesmen in broadcasting.

POW Outta the park .. Gone.


@StealBreez -1 here's my interpretation of YOUR interpretation

this one time i worked in a library and there were all kinds of books, very, very segmented... like fiction (stories that are made up) and non-fiction (these are more like facts) and then there's the magazine section which is what ugly sad people check out. It's the truth. then, there is the dvd section.

your review is so flawlessly based on the dvd section that it is spooky.

(sorry for the extended sarcasm, but your review sucks and adds nothing to the discussion.)

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