Lyric discussion by jneumann1 

I did not read through most of the posts, but judging by the majority of ignorant analysis of this song, it seems many of you tools haven't read the lyrics either. It would be very nice to say "the title of the song says it all" and wrap it up in a neat and tidy box, but that just isn't the case, after all if it were, the song itself wouldn't make any sense.

The song seems to be about a person who is witnessing the death of someone he is close to. This person was obviously an Atheist (or to most of you ignorant christians, anything other than your exact belief may as well be Atheism, Satanism, or Paganism, whatever the flavor of the day is), and the beliefs of this person clashes with the person that is dying. Note how the lyrics mention "your memories keep me awake" and "are you afraid to die?" (I think Matt also throws in a quick "because it" right in front of the following chorus, it's been a while since I've actually listened to the song, I could be wrong.) Verse one illustrates that the living person is having trouble coping with the thought that there is someone who does not believe. The second verse goes into those differences, "floating in between where our worlds collide," the worlds being the different beliefs, and floating in between could mean the living person is pleading with the dying to decide between the two. The third verse definitely sounds like someone is trying to convince someone else. It seems like the song isn't the actual thoughts of a dying Atheist, but a religious person that doesn't get it. Those are my thoughts on the song, I could very well be wrong, but there is for sure more to this than just "OMGSZ teh titel somes it op."

@jneumann1 Dude I never would've thought of it that way. There is one thing I'm not fully understanding from your analysis, is it the believer or the Atheist that's dying? Because both would make sense, if it was the Atheist then the believer would be scared that they will never see them again.

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