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Living Colour – Cult of Personality Lyrics 13 years ago
I think the main point of this song is not to wait around for someone to come and fix your problems. If you want to fix the world, start with yourself.

System of a Down – Suite-Pee Lyrics 13 years ago
Judging by the majority of these posts, this world is fucking retarded.

System of a Down – Suite-Pee Lyrics 13 years ago
I'd say Serj knows more about your religeon that you do. Your comment about other religeons using Jesus as a messiah is incorrect. Name one religeon other than christianity that uses Jesus. However, pretty much every other religeon has similar characters, and of course characters with the exact same characteristics and story as Jesus, so in other words, the bible is basically the same shit wrapped up in a different package, and everyone wears a different funny hat.

How much love was in the inquisition, or the halocaust? How about that fuck off, Bush, if you're looking for more current events. And despite what you're little brain cannot comprehend, CATHOICS ARE CHRISTIANS YOU FUCK OFF. Catholisim is a denomination of christianity, as is protestant, lutheran, evangilist, baptist, what the fuck ever. Mormons on the other hand, follow a different religeon. You can say love all you want, but saying is much different than doing. Christians are some of the most unloving dicks on the planet, and a majority of them only do good things because they believe they will be punished if they don't.

Nice that you would bring up slavery too, by the way, was 100% justified in the eyes of christianity.

Muse – Thoughts of a Dying Atheist Lyrics 13 years ago
Definatly a good explaination.

Muse – Thoughts of a Dying Atheist Lyrics 13 years ago
Shame jrosebud. You should pay more attention to the lyrics. Read my post a few posts down, hopefully that helps.

Sounds like the kind of atheist that doesn't realize Edward Current is satire.

System of a Down – Suite-Pee Lyrics 13 years ago
Because certain people like to kill other people because they don't believe in the same imaginary person. Plus the amount of bigotry that christians shill at everyone else and hide behind "it's not me that hates you, it's god".

And of course barring atheists from several government programs such as the boy scouts, the way atheists in the military are treated as well as the whole lot of christians refusing to vote for a canditate based on the fact that they choose to not have a religeon.

Muse – Thoughts of a Dying Atheist Lyrics 13 years ago
The members of Muse are Atheists, so that throws your theory out the window. Look at my post a few posts up, it's a much better analysis, then this ignorant dribble.

Muse – Thoughts of a Dying Atheist Lyrics 13 years ago
Atheism most definatly is not a faith.

"I'd consider atheism a faith. It takes a lot of faith to look at the evidence for and against creationism and God and the like and decide that there is no higher being."

This is an example of a stupid statement. Because you think so does not make it true. Most atheists, like myself, simply do not believe in anything. It's not like I'm sitting here going "I believe in my heart there is no god". When Atheists start saying crap like that, then yeah, I'd say you'd have grounds to call it religeon. Plus, if you were paying attention, there is mountains more evidence against the existance of god, than for. What do you have as proof? The bible?

"from my personal perspective being an atheist is anti-conforming, But an anti-conformist is conforming to be anti-conformist.
what i mean, is being an atheist is a religion in itself."

You have a point, yet you're generalizing. There's a big difference between a SOAD fan and a dickhead that claims to be a SOAD because he heard BYOB on the radio, just like there is a difference between someone being an atheist or non-conformist simply because that's what they are vs. someone who is doing it because they are just trying to do what someone else does.

"Personally i believe in (Hope for) Reincarnation"
It's a nice thought, I'm personally open to everything, however at this point in time there really isn't any evidence to support the concecpt. Perhaps further research into the human mind and specific instances of conciousness, how and if it is transferrable. I've actually given this subject quite a bit of thought (but of course, all one can do at this point in time is philosophical), that perhaps once your body can no longer regain conciousness, than your conciousness may drift to something else, yet there is no recollection of the event simply because every mind has a different memory. Almost like moving your monitor to another computer. Your monitor isn't going to remember everything from the first computer, in order for that to happen, you'd also have to swap the hard drive. Granted this idea is a little far fetched, and one could argue that it would take faith to believe in it, but that's just it, I don't believe in it, it's just my mind wandering. When I start coming up with theme songs for it and gathering with other people once a week to compare clothing, then we can talk. /ramble

Muse – Thoughts of a Dying Atheist Lyrics 13 years ago
@Child uv KoRn All of the members of Muse(well, Matt and Dom at least) are atheists... I think you're lost on the meaning of this song. It seems the song is more about what your talking about, how people view dying atheists, rather than the band useing this as an example of their beliefs.

Muse – Thoughts of a Dying Atheist Lyrics 14 years ago
I did not read through most of the posts, but judging by the majority of ignorant analysis of this song, it seems many of you tools haven't read the lyrics either. It would be very nice to say "the title of the song says it all" and wrap it up in a neat and tidy box, but that just isn't the case, after all if it were, the song itself wouldn't make any sense.

The song seems to be about a person who is witnessing the death of someone he is close to. This person was obviously an Atheist (or to most of you ignorant christians, anything other than your exact belief may as well be Atheism, Satanism, or Paganism, whatever the flavor of the day is), and the beliefs of this person clashes with the person that is dying. Note how the lyrics mention "your memories keep me awake" and "are you afraid to die?" (I think Matt also throws in a quick "because it" right in front of the following chorus, it's been a while since I've actually listened to the song, I could be wrong.) Verse one illustrates that the living person is having trouble coping with the thought that there is someone who does not believe. The second verse goes into those differences, "floating in between where our worlds collide," the worlds being the different beliefs, and floating in between could mean the living person is pleading with the dying to decide between the two. The third verse definitely sounds like someone is trying to convince someone else. It seems like the song isn't the actual thoughts of a dying Atheist, but a religious person that doesn't get it. Those are my thoughts on the song, I could very well be wrong, but there is for sure more to this than just "OMGSZ teh titel somes it op."

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