Lyric discussion by apk1550 

He's talking about the American lifestyle. We don't care about how something really is, as long as it looks good and gives a good impression to those whose opinions mean something to us. The girl married the guy, because her family would be happy she married a successful guy who probably did plastic surgery which is faker than fake. Everyone is just living in a house of cards, no one knows who anyone really is anymore because society dictates what we should be.

@apk1550 Yes, or maybe modern/Western life. We\'ve given up the rigid dogma of religion and moral codes for a soft \'figure it out as go go\' lifestyle. Which does indeed wear us out. Extremely technical jobs that require heavy education but serve very little. Women trying to match the online ideal and men crushed by the guilt of their intersectional oppression. It\'s all postmodern malaise. And yet the song inspires deeply.

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