Lyric discussion by POOPINYOFACE 

ROFL at all of you! Except those few decent comments at the front. This song definantly has multiple themes and aims. The Syd Barret theory is highly possible, the Jebus one fits but its highly doubtful, especially knowing the band at that point in their career. In Floyd's early years up until dark side, their lyrics were highly ambiguous. waters had not yet found his passion lyrical directness seen in dark side through the final cut and he had not yet "taken over the band's songwriting." With all that said this song, like almost all of meddle and obscured by clouds is highly transcendental. Thats what i think people miss when they read floyd lyrics. Most look for a tangible or situational meaning. Why not metaphysical? The songs flow so much better when you look at them as thoughts not words or actions. Thats why they seem (especially on this album excluding seamus) to take you away into another realm. And what super awesome about this song is for the first time they were able to put more concrete ideas into words. Anyways, now to say some concrete shit of my own. the themes i see as obvious are self reliance, intimacy with rebelion, determination and drive of a dream (the first stanza for sure), idealistic monism (though thats more of a beatles thing i still see it in the last stanza), and a highly romanticized alienation - which definantly makes me think about waters views towards barret. I don't really think its about coming over obsticles specifically. I do think thats part of determination but i see the character described more as just a free spirit doing his thing than a man taking on a challenge. Anybody agree with any of this or have i done too much cid for the day?

@POOPINYOFACE Spot on! I love your idea of looking at Floyd as thoughts over words!

@POOPINYOFACE totally agree.... with everything especially the time when this song was written. People need to open their minds and look beyond the tangible.

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