Lyric discussion by TheNamingOfThings 

here's a direct quote from Andrew:

"I wrote that one when I first moved out to my barn in the country. And I was trying to reconcile being in nature with also trying to set up a studio and struggling with technology. So I’d struggle with it and then go for long walks on the farm and I couldn’t separate the two. I kept seeing zeros and ones in everything. And also as with almost every song it’s not that simple, there’s several threads that go though it. I could also be talking about a relationship, you know. One person in a relationship has their finger on the master fade and can kind of control the reality of the other person with the fade dial. So there’s like three or four stories in that song."

from an interview with the gothamist.

@TheNamingOfThings I am a little bit late to the party but here's my take (14+yrs later) from what I have read online Mr. bird is an infj in mbti typology. I have a very good friend who is an infj & his stare is often INTENSE but that is often his default look as he is the kindest thoughtful person I know . Infj just have that brooding stare fr...just wanted to add that...

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