Lyric discussion by Inert 

After reading all about Elliott's life through various interviews and facts, it seems to me that this song may have been written to himself.

"Haven't laughed this hard in a long time I better stop now before I start crying"

I see this as possibly as his own response to his suicide. He's laughing because it had finally happened, he repeatedly spoke openly of suicide and was into heavy drug use.

"She's a sight to see She's good to me I'm already somebody's baby"

Elliott's ex-roommate Sean Crogan stated in an interview with Blender magazine that him and Elliott "were both total depression junkies" Crogan also said in that interview that “We would go out together and sit at the bar and cry. A lot. Young Man’s Disease — that’s what Elliott’s dad called it.”

I think his baby is depression, turning away happiness.

"You're wonderful And it's beautiful But I'm already somebody's baby"

"You don't deserve to be lonely But those drugs you got won't make you feel better Pretty soon you'll find it's the only Little part of your life you're keeping together"

He doesn't want to be depressed-- he doesn't want it but he loves and hates it at the same time. Possibly he feels comfort in being sad but at the same time he wants an alternative(drugs) to his acceptance of depression.

His drug use doesn't make him feel better but he's addicted, and he realizes that it's all he has left. He doesn't operate normally when he's craving drugs all of the time-- he doesn't feel anything but the need for more. He knows he needs to have constant use and it will be impossible to make him feel normal/sober.

This is just how I interpret the song now that I know more about Elliott. It is probably all false it just seemed to all click for me. Make of it what you will.....

@Inert I know this entry is from a long time ago and this account most likely isn’t active anymore but I just want to tell you that I find this interpretation so beautiful, it almost made me cry. Thank you so much for this entry

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