Lyric discussion by mongoos3 

I understand what your thoughts on this song being about drugs, but the entire album is not about drugs. Not every song is about drugs, you're just stuck in that frame of mind so START THINKING!

I'm guessing parts of this as some natural disaster. Maybe the tsunami, or hurricane katrina.

My other guess is a war of somekind or a siege of some sort. palms are fitted black finely tuned to triggers that cause bodies to tremble- Black tactical gloves wrapped around guns

He won't come down - suggests that the head of the operation whether criminal or governmental won't sway

@mongoos3 song was before katrino by abouta year on release likely 2 or 3 from writing, so it could be about 1 but it isnt abut 1 spacific one likely and i agree w the drugs point theres already 1 about a crack addiction in the album

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