Lyric discussion by rock_hawk 

He's calling out all the hypocrites that criticize stoners, but are just as lazy and worthless. Druggies might be liars, but so are lawyers, there isn't much difference.

People get up on a soapbox and preach about what everyone is doing wrong, but they are standing in a flimsy house of cards. And people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, because eventually they get back what they've dished out.

That's a clear reference when he talks about pissing on the black kettle. Ever hear the phrase, 'calling the kettle black'? You see everyone else's faults but not your own.

i think you nailed it rock hawk

phrased perfectly dude

In the midst of TREXOR and nonetospeakof squabbling like toddlers lies a gem. Good shot, rock hawk.

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