Lyric discussion by gradgirl 

This song sums up trying to explain yourself in life.

These teenagers in the song are feeling awkward, trying to explain events that indeed happen to everyone but we are conditioned to feel embarrassed about.

For example,

A boy who was in a traumatic accident and going through it turned his hair white

A girl who is embarrassed about the birthmarks (or bruises from abuse) on her body who "had always just been there"

A boy who goes to church and thought nothing of it until he is old enough (a teen now) to see how strange it is and to be self-conscious about it. After all, they had "always just gone there"

@gradgirl The hair turning white to me means that the kid died, he became a ghost. And the birthmarks are bruises. But the church one is about a kid that is mentally and physically abused because he is not allowed to live his life. The other two may be physically injured or dead, but the 3rd child feels dead while actually being alive because they are not able to live the life they want to live. They are being controlled and told what to do. Therefore he has it worse. He feels dead, but is still alive.

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