Lyric discussion by Krackonis 

Well, whatewver it is about, one things can be certain. Canadian Bands know how to sing it. I think that because Canadians are often not required to sing about Love as part of their contracts it generates such an odd tpye of music. Most of it humourous, but some, if not most, are downright political or estranged.

The Canadian who should be noted for sheer poetic genius is Leonard Cohen.

Though, the Hip, and Gord, reach deep into me and define a sense of who I am as a Canadian.

We know we are American jokes. We seem cowardly or whiney. But we are honourable, honest and resolute. We know that to act out of fear is to make mistakes.

I could go on forever. Sufficed to say this song hits deep inside you.

@Krackonis for what it's worth...I have read about Dieppe. I have read about Juno Beach. I have read about World War I. I've even read about James Doohan.

I have NEVER thought Canadians were cowards. Not all brave men walk so their balls clink as they move. It's the polite, smiling ones who don't need to prove anything that mark the real heroes.

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