Lyric discussion by la_femme_morte89 

Actually, just a minor correction. The Nazis were actually very intolerant christians. Hitler himself was a devout christian who led thousands to believe that Jews were evil based on the bible. However, the anti-semitism has always been present in Europe and probably always will be. Even before the middle ages, Jews were persecuted. So Hitler and his regime were simply a culmination of all the hatred over the centuries. It was horrible and sick and wrong, all done in the sake of christianity

@la_femme_morte89 You're an idiot. Hitler wasn't a Christian. Someone commented on page 3 of this thread this direct quotation from hitler: "National Socialism and religion cannot exist together". He goes in to more detail on the next page, so read before you make and spread ill informed information. A follower of Jesus wouldn't do what he did. I just want to make it known for anyone who reads this, Hitler was not a Christian.

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