Lyric discussion by jemini83 

I've been addicted to drugs, I love this song because it explains that addictions never really go away. It explains the pain you go through for your entire life after having an addiction. I mean my head won't leave my head alone is a key phrase if you've ever been trying to tell yourself why you know it's better not to do drugs, but you really can't get over the feeling that you need to. I wish I didn't smoke or drink to reason with my head... I mean there are so many things you do to avoid the real problem and thats a perfect example. But I also know when he says needle to the vein, needle to the vein, please take this needle from my vein my friend, it is him asking for help, but it could be from god, a friend, anyone or thing really. I also enjoy that live he sometimes change that to please leave this needle IN my vein because you can't win every battle, and that's the real war with an addiction.

@jemini83 amen someone who gets it! Thank God

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