Lyric discussion by Chrissy3784 

OK, there's a lot of Christian-bashing here, but let me clear something up. Not ALL Christians are hypocritical and homophobic. In fact, TRUE Christians are NOT. The media, of course, projects the image of the typical Christian to be intolerant and a hypocite. It's flase "Christians" like these that give us TRUE Christians a bad name. We are NOT biggots. We are NOT stuck-up. We ARE accepting! And here's a SHOCKER for you: A BIG part of our religion is being NONJUDGEMENTAL! So why isn't this what the media portrays? Well, I don't know. I guess that the media figures that we REAL Christians are so interesting...

@Chrissy3784 I know it's nearly 20 years later but I had to say you are correct. I feel so many "Christians" don't know what it is to be a true Christian. The Bible didn't have the Homophobic stuff until the 40s, and before that, it was saying pedophilia was a disgrace. Christianity is supposed to be accepting but they've been following the wrong version of the book which is warping their worldview.

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