Lyric discussion by beth46307 

I know everyone who wrote what they think the song about is probably really smart, smarter than me, but you guys are all way too analytical. Kurt Cobain wrote this song a long time before he even met Courtney Love. And Courtney Love was doing drugs a long time before she met Kurt Cobain. It doesn't have anything to do with her. And I can see how someone could think that it was about Courtney Love, (I'm married/buried) but I really think it was a stretch to say that it was about him got her hooked onto drugs. Now that I've said that, I have to say I don't really know what the song is about. Unless Kurt told someone, he was vague to the point where no one could figure out exactly what he meant. And I'm not criticizing him for it; I think it proves his integrity just a little bit more because he didn't write an obvious song just so it would be more mainstream and people would get it. It could have been about his own negative view about marriage from childhood, since his parents got divorced when he was nine. It could be about so many things, which I think makes it a better song because more people could relate to it based on their own experiences.

I love this! I hate that when people try to determine lyrics for Nirvana, it always ends up being about Courtney Love.. the same thing for Hole.. all the lyrics have to be about Kurt Cobain

thank you!! I don't think it has anything to w/ that horrible woman. I agree w/ you 100%!!

i think it has to do with how everyone looks at him as some kind of genius for his wonderful insightful lyrics haha, but in reality theyre not as complicated as anyone says, and as someone else pointed out the lyrics are the least important part of his songs, because he is strongly influenced by sonic youth and one can see clear similarities on this album, and noise is really an emotionally solute form of music, an aesthetic wholly embraced on this album, yet none of his fans seem to understand them at all, and this album was pretty much...

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