Lyric discussion by Ben0008 

My interpretation of the song is about the same as Rave's so I'm not going to repeat it, but there was one line in the song that I thought was very interesting. "Flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck." He's talking about someone falling asleep behind the wheel of a car and turning into oncoming traffic. The driver hits a truck head on because, in a dream, he saw the headlights of the truck as flashlights. This could mean that Serj thinks technology is dulling our sense of reality (and that we're constantly stuck in a state between silence and sleep?), or it could be just an example of the disorder that is going on around us.

In my opinion you hit it right on the head. I think what he is trying to say is that the world we are living in is between the real world and the fake one (internet, technology). The ending stanza ("When I became the sun I shone life into the man's heart") is perhaps referring to Plato's allegory of the cave. Which somewhat follows the same theme of this song. Actually the more I think about it, it really follows along the same lines. ("More wood for their fires, loud neighbors") The puppeteers in Plato's story use the fire to...

@Ben0008 I am not sure about that. Because Serj opened an art exhibit where you can use a smartphone to listen to music and learn more about the painting. I could be wrong though

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