Lyric discussion by Jlmmy_Hoffa 

Kurt is guilt stricken and is pretty much rejecting Jesus for all the wrong in his life. "Don't expect me to cry, For all the reasons you had to die. Don't ever ask your love of me." He is talking about Jesus' crusifiction and how he won't cry for the reasons HE had to die. Kurt, like many others, was not shown the true reason Jesus died for us. Its easier to blame God for all the pain in the world, than to except his way of life. I know, I know, you're sitting there and saying "if God is so great, why is everything in the world so wrong?" The fact is, that Jesus loves you and me. God made you, made me. He did not "program us to be godly". God gave us a free will. God doesn't owe us anything, we owe him our lives. That's where people go wrong, blaming God and saying He "owes us". Have you ever heard the true word of Jesus Christ? Check out this web-site for more info on this, by far this is the most straight up website that doesn't pull any punches or sugar coats anything. No lie. The most intense experience of you life, just give it a chance and don't go in there with your guard up.

But at one point he was a born again Christian. He left the religion as a teen when he went to a youth group meeting and hated it. He was after the truth, and he didn't find it there.

There's always idiots who think there's a deep religious meaning in artists songs. Kurt sang that song that night because the Vaseline's version was good and would sound even better acoustically. Kurt clearly says in "About a Son" (that's a movie you haven't watched and should have before posting here) that he has no answer as to what his lyrics mean. He says that they are pieces of poetry put together because they sound good. So Don't go looking for religion in his lyrics or the Vaseline's. Don't go looking for religion in any true artist's lyrics because it won't...

what a nob u are all great lyric writers say their songs are just a load of words , ask bob dylan what any of his songs mean and he will claim he doesnt know . course he was influenced by religion , he was taught it in his youth , im goin on the meaning of the lyrics and not kurts ,, cause kurt didnt write it he just used mtv to plug a band he liked by playing their song , from the lyrics i reckon its a song about a dude that wants to take his chances without...

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