Lyric discussion by starlightfading 

i can't believe no one has commented on this song! its not well known, but definitely one of their most beautiful. this guy comes back home after taking off after a breakup with this girl he's in love with.. when he returns, he feels how different everything's become. she knows he's back, and she knows he's feeling upset, but she doesn't see or talk to him. such a sad song..

FAVORITE PART: "it ain't awful hard to tell what its like, my little hell, yeah she knows, she knows, she knows.."

@starlightfading - Yeh, it's good writing. Simple, to the point and sad like you said. Some of their songs remind me a little of Jackson Brown or early Eagles stuff. I think it's harder sometimes to write about a personal feeling point of view than writing about observations. That's probably why I play Heavy Metal when I'm pissed off. LOL Good old raw aggression and primal lyrics.

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