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Blitzen Trapper – Furr Lyrics 13 years ago
I'm surprised nobody explicitly brought up the idea of "being raised by wolves". Upon first listen to the lyrics it was the first thing that came to mind.

It seemed, to me, to tell this story of a boy who, in search of something, leaves home and has to learn to fend for himself. Thus he feels like he doesn't belong in the world once he re-enters it. The basic idea of being raised by wolves clearly being represented with the pack. At 23 he find himself falling in love, presumably for the first time and its something he's been completely unprepared for through living such a different life.

Again, as I said, simply the way I saw it upon first listen...

Britney Spears – 3 Lyrics 14 years ago
I hate to say it, but I really don't think it goes that deep. Common names? Yes. It'd be the same as saying 'Tom, Dick & Harry' in reference to 3 random people. I dont think it has any sort of deeper Biblical reference (even less regarding people seeing Britney as Jesus and her fans as her mentioned followers).

Tyrone Wells – Wondering Where You Are Lyrics 15 years ago
Yea, I'd have to agree with those above who said its about Tyrone singing to/about a possible/future lover that he hopes to come across soon. Its sort of that hopeful idea of the concept of someone out there for everyone- he's patiently waiting to find said person.

I love this song! The main guitar riff sounds very Third Eye Blind <3

Britney Spears – Mannequin Lyrics 15 years ago
I think its almost definitely about Kevin moreso than her mom. Especially after hearing what she had to say about him on 'For The Record' it seems clear as day. I like how she's using that situation and twisting it to empower herself.

Britney Spears – All That She Wants Lyrics 16 years ago
Im not sure of the lyrics to the first verse, so if you've got any corrections please post them!

Britney Spears – Hot As Ice Lyrics 16 years ago
Hah its far from a song about a blow job! Im not even sure I understood what you said!

And about the lyrics, I think its "Just save the foolishness and fuckery" not "To see your"

Britney Spears – Break The Ice Lyrics 16 years ago
^ Thats because she says "Imma hit DEFROST on ya" like wiresinhisheart said.

Britney Spears – Piece Of Me Lyrics 16 years ago
Its been officially confirmed by SongBMG and Jive themselves that this is her next single, It goes to Radio in the last week of November!

Britney Spears – Cold as Fire Lyrics 16 years ago
Actually...'fuckery' is a standard English adjective ;)

Britney Spears – Been A While Lyrics 16 years ago
Although the title is still a tentative one, I love it!
One of the hottest demos/tracks we've gotten this past week!

Britney Spears – Gimme More Lyrics 16 years ago
^ It's Nate "Danja" Hillz - Timbaland's protegé

Britney Spears – Everybody Lyrics 16 years ago
Theres loads of flawes in the lyrics! Heres some first parts:

I'm ferocious
When I see you instantly
So precocious, assuming that you're into me,
So fierce the way you pierce me with your energy
My hearts' on fire, boy come on and rescue me

It's so real to feel you standing next to me,
So intense when your scent's in my vicinity,
Body shaking, aching, I can't take it how
I want you so bad, for that I can taste it now

Fella's get wild, start flashing your money
Ladies go crazy, and act a fool
Everybody get down and do what you want to
The night is still young, don't be seduced,

And Im not sure of this pat, but it doesn't sound right:

Taking in with every little thing I see
Triple tie dancing with attack of me
Little boys dancing 'cause they feeling me
Sweatin cold frettin is the place to be
Come and sit with me, come and sit with me
Sit, pack your seat so beautifully
Lovin everybody baby's all you need
Let go of the way things used to be.

Other than that the ong has me so confused- I thought she was meant to sample 'here Comes The Rain Again' not 'Sweet Dreams'?
Nonetheless I like this song!

Britney Spears – Gimme More Lyrics 17 years ago
if you doubted her comeback, give this a listen...and feel the slap across your face!

Its sort of a tongue-in-cheek, double entendre song not just some club-banger but about all the press...or so I think, at least!

Garbage – Betcha Lyrics 17 years ago
The bleeped out word in the [...] I'm pretty sure its 'cunt'.
Love their take on this, adds a very garbage feel to it. Gotta love them!

Timbaland – Give It To Me (feat. Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake) Lyrics 17 years ago
My bad, messed up with the previous comment:

*couldn't agree MORE with godnose

Timbaland – Give It To Me (feat. Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake) Lyrics 17 years ago
ms70: I'm pretty certain it IS 'girl you ain't that dope'. The lyric posted doesn't really make much sense.
And I couldn't agree with godnose. All that aside, the track has a sick beat.

Escape the Fate – Cellar Door Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with pretty much everything dwdrumsmash said, I olny differ with the usage of the word 'cellar'. I think its basically just there to tie in with the title of the name...which is most likely an allusion to 'Donnie Darko'.

Fall Out Boy – One and Only (feat. Timbaland) Lyrics 17 years ago
Now, Timbaland's entire album has leaked in HQ so you can probably find this song online ;)

Fall Out Boy – One and Only (feat. Timbaland) Lyrics 17 years ago
Its a song from Timbaland's upcoming album 'Shock Value'. There isnt a HQ version yet, only a radio rip (with the DJ's talking all over it). But if you search for it on YouTube (or even Google!) you'll be able to find/listen to it ;)

Fall Out Boy – G.I.N.A.S.F.S. Lyrics 17 years ago
ticklemeellen: I only see a SLIGHT resemblance and its only in that one verse. In 'Choke' when Victor is a child (RIGHT at the start of the book) his mother takes him away for the nth time and this time she knows it'll be for a while. She takes him to the foot of a cliff in a rented schoolbus and has the bus' headlights on and facing the rock wall and she traces her son's shadow on it (it, being the wall), whilst telling him the story about how "That is how art was invented" and whatnot and it was basically a temporary substitute for the girls lover (in the story) because she'd have something that represented him as he was the last time they saw eachother. Then this motif repeats itself near the end of the book as well. I dunno, it was the first thing that came to mind when I heard that line.

Fall Out Boy – G.I.N.A.S.F.S. Lyrics 17 years ago
Ok, so I've seen some people jumping to conclusions on other FOB songs about certain lines perhaps reffering to Chuck Palahniuk (none of which i find remotely similar), but to me out of all of them, if ANY song of theirs has any references to Chuck, its this one...

"And I've traced your shadows on the wall
Now I kiss them whenever I'm down
Whenever I'm down
Figured on not figuring myself out"

"Choke", anyone?!?

Anyway, besides that I havent gotten down to piecing this apart to see what it means...

Fall Out Boy – Hum Hallelujah Lyrics 17 years ago
At the risk of sounding totally random, does the song (lyrically) remind anyone else of (a modern-day) 'Romeo & Juliet'? The whole 'teenage vow' and the consumption of pills...I dunno. It probably IS about Pete's OD but its just something else it reminds me of!

Fall Out Boy – The Take Over, the Breaks Over Lyrics 17 years ago
Well my take on it would basically have to do with expectations of their new album and them as a band having to write and release a new album. It makes sense when taken apart:

First off I think the title reffers to their comeback. The Take Over- they're gonna take over yet again, The Break's Over- their break is over (2 years since their last album)

Baby, seasons change but people don't
And I'll always be waiting in the back of the room
I'm boring but overcompensate with
Headlines and flash flash flash photograpy

Basically saying there's trends (seasons) and how they're everchanging but in essence FOB are still the same and don't try and follow those trend, they wing it and do it their way. The 'boring' line seems to be what everyone has said so far, theyre just average Joe's but their lives are made out to be glamorous and great thanks to all the fame and photos and everythign that goes hand in hand with that.

But don't pretend you ever forgot about me
Dont pretend you ever forgot about me

Once they were out of the limelight for a while its as if people pushed them to the back of their mind whilst other music came along, and now they're back and basically saying to the listeners/fans "Don't pretend you ever forgot about me".

Wouldn't you rather be a widow than a divorcee?
Style your wake for fashion magazines
Widow or a divorcee?
Don't pretend
Don't pretend

The 'widow or divorcee' line here seems the most powerful in the song, really. To me its seems liek they're saying wouldn't you rather have your fave. band fall apart and break up than to gradually lose your interest in them? (Widow - dead husband...broken up band. Divorcee - Divorced wife...separated from
Im not too sure about the 'fashion magazines' part...

We do it in the dark,
With smiles on our faces,
We're dropped and well concealed,
In secret places

Seems to reffer to the process of songwriting, they do it in the dark, in their own special retreat where its as if theyre untouchable, invisble (which ties in with 'well concealed in secret places).

The whole 'we don't fight fair' thing I think is just the way they present themselves, compared to most other bands their style and even perhaps their work ethic seems to be different, they take it all as it comes and don't try to follow the trends, hence they recreate their own which could be seen as not fighting fair.

They say your head can be a prison,
Then these are just conjugal visits,
People will dissect us till
This doesn't mean a thing anymore

The conjugal visits to me is when one hears the song and finds a way to relate to them (as aforementioned the conjugal visit was made for spouses of those in prison to basically be intimate) its as if you're having an emotional affair with a song. And then it continues to say how they'll be dissected- reffering to the lyrics, and yes...what we're all doing about now!

I dunno, thats just my take on it!

Fall Out Boy – Bang the Doldrums Lyrics 17 years ago
Hmm, it doesn't totally sound like that to me, but a few places have written it as such, so I'll change it. It does make more sense, anyway- thanks :)

Fall Out Boy – Bang the Doldrums Lyrics 17 years ago
^ I just listened to it again, and I think you're right! Thanks for that! Would've never deciphered it!

Mika – Grace Kelly Lyrics 17 years ago
I can def. see why people think it sounds like Queen- reminds me of their style a lot as well! I love the movie-esque parts in it (I can only guess they're samples of Grace Kelly movies?)

Fall Out Boy – Thnks fr th Mmrs Lyrics 17 years ago
The title may be wrong- but the lyrics are better than the other one posted, thank you very much.

Fall Out Boy – Thnks fr th Mmrs Lyrics 17 years ago
I've seen the titles written both ways on various different sources so Im not sure which it is yet- either way ,I cant change it to the vowel-less version as its already been posted on here. Besides...try pronouncing 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs' ?

Fall Out Boy – Hum Hallelujah Lyrics 17 years ago
For some reason most of the firstverse sounds kind of wrong? But the only correction I could offer is what i hear as the second line? "Now this is that"- but don't change it just yet- its just a suggestion? And instead of a game it sounds like theyre talking about 'guests' as in a guestlist- after all they are seemingly talking about a party of some sort with the whole 'Youre someone who knows someone'.

Waking Ashland – Hands On Deck Lyrics 18 years ago
It might just be the place I am mentally right now but I put this song on and cried myself to sleep. Its soo beutifully written and sun and played. I know its wrong but my experiences allow me to connect with the song as if its someone having their entire life changed around and one era is ending to give way to another- hence the 'never know what could've been' had everything stayed the same.

The Pussycat Dolls – Buttons Lyrics 18 years ago
JaimeHancock: I just submitted the extended mix with Snoop Dogg's part added (and the part before the video dance break), so once its accepted it should be up. (Possibly by tomorrow)

Tracy Chapman – Fast Car Lyrics 18 years ago
This song stands a chance of being one of THE single most beautiful songs EVER written. Ive seriously been listening to it non-stop this past week. I didnt understand it when i was younger but no it makes sense.

I agree with what everyone else said, but in a slightly different way.

To me this all sounds like speculation. Like, at first she tells the man/woman she loves what she says in the song, and then with the line 'leave tonight or live and die this way' its like shes proposing to them what they should do. The rest is basically saying how they'd manage to live and get by, but then she thinks to herself that maybe thats not what she really needs, this whole future shes made up to herself is harsh and would be if she lived it. The last line is basically saying, maybe she cant escape the life she lives, but the other person can do so better then herself. SO she proposes that the OTHER person leaves alone. Just my viewpoint.

Mindy Smith – One Moment More Lyrics 18 years ago
I only heard this song like a year or so ago on the season finale of the 3rd season of 'Smallville'. I bought the DVD set the other day and actually PAYED attention to it and its gorgeous. She has SUCH a pretty voice and it holds SO much emotion. Although its a direct song its VERY emotional. I love the cyclical nature of it...

Britney Spears – Mona Lisa (Studio Version) Lyrics 18 years ago
Me too, the whole 'clonation' thing is just like what the faaa--?? I wish I could do a mix-match of both. like I preffer the 'legend of the fall' as opposed to 'hit the freakin' wall' etc. parts. But yea, the overall lyrics to the original were better.

Anna Nalick – Forever Love (Digame) Lyrics 18 years ago
I just wanna point out something odd. In Spanish 'digame' means speak to me, yes...but in a very formal way. You tend to say 'digame' to someone you're not very well acquainted with or who'se of much greater age. if it were someone she was friendly with or younger, she'd say 'dime'. Just wanted to point it out. Maybe the formality came with the way she learnt Spanish?

Anna Nalick – Breathe (2 A.M.) Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow, my interpretation of this song is RADICALLY different to any of those posted before, but here goes...

I personally thought that in the first verse she was singing/writing from thr guys' perspective. His best girl-friend calls him and complains about all thats gone wrong with her nw guy and how things for her arent right. But what she doesnt know is that he's actually in love with HER: Sure, it doesnt fit the context of the abortion clinic, but I guess Im a selective listener.

The second verse then preceeds to talk about the GIRL'S perspective (maybe even a DIFFERENT girl's perspective) about the guy. How his life isnt exactly the most joyful and he drowns out his sorrows. But the girl cant express her feelings- so chooses to merely write about it, let it out somehow. And the reference to the beauty when he smiles seems to show that he rarely does- so the mere fact that he does is beautiful and moreso, he has a beautiful smile.

And then in the bridge/last verse its almost an open letter to anyone reading. She's confessing how everyone faces their own personal demons, we all make mistakes, we all wish we could unmake them but cant, and overall we have to keep going, life goes on and so do we. if we turn back we'll just re-make those mistakes. Then she goes on to say how she just releases all her feelings onto paper, so she isnt swamped with bad thoughts...even suicidal ones. But once she's written it all down, on that paper is her vulnerability and whatever is on there can be used against her, and its actually physically present. And its almost too painful to admit it to oneself.

I know it sounds somewhat odd and rambly, but that was my take on it, not saying thats how it IS. But yea, it was an interesting song to look at- and a beautiful one to hear.

Lindsay Lohan – Ultimate Lyrics 18 years ago
I've loved this song since I first saw the movie. She sounds great in it and I quite like the guitarring. Its a song that I can inversely relate to. Meaning it'd be something I'd love dedicated to me. Its a song to the 'best friend' who'se always there to be the shoulder to cry on but is never 'boyfriend material'. Now she comes to her senses and realizes that hes it, the one for her.

Alex Parks – mad world Lyrics 18 years ago
Yea I only know this cause of Donnie Darko. I think its a really good, almost...nostalgic yet melancholic song all at once. Its not exactly hard to decipher; its about a boy who basically feels, and is, different to all those around him. Everyone is so monotonous and its a mad world because of that. Because hes different its almsot a sif noone notices him, not even his teacher. And then theres the idea, of having to find excuses to be happy- birthdays etc. VERY good song IMO. It also has an undertone of suicidal thoughts.

Foo Fighters – Times Like These Lyrics 18 years ago
When i first heard this song I hated it with a passion, it was one of those things I'd see on MTV, and hate from 1 5 seconds of it and flip it and never hear of it again. A few months ago i heard the acoustic version and i fell in love, no joke. I've been listening to it non-stop ever since. Its really great. i Mainly came here to see what the meaning was but reading these comments I'd agree with most people (i.e. iikoizy) saying its about life and how we just, gotta move on.

Omnisoul – Waiting (Save Your Life) Lyrics 18 years ago
Well the way i see it its basically this guy who likes this girl, but the feeling isnt exactly mutual. He really wants her but its almost like she's making him work hard to get her ("you give nothing for free"). But I also can see it in Vee_Sweet's way.

Nonetheless this is an amazing song, absolutely LOVE it! My fave. line would FAR... "i watched you sleep so i could dram of you". Its just so beautiful.

Britney Spears – Someday (I Will Understand) Lyrics 19 years ago
I never saw this song as 'to' her baby. I always saw it as (call me crazy for saying this) Britney talking about life...and (here it comes) the 'meaning of life'. It seems like she's saying that she doesnt know what life is all about and what it's point is and why God has put us here, but all of it will make sense when she has (or anyone has) their baby. Their questions will be answered and they will know why God has put us here and what life is really about.

I know in context of what I said the line "Just stop & listen to your tears, they're all you've got" makes no sense, but its a line I really like!

I know a lot of you will think 'WTF?' at the concept of Britney singing about life and its meaning but thats my take on it.

Shakira – Inevitable (English Translation) Lyrics 19 years ago
Yea i've never heard the English version, but this song is incomparable in Spanish so i wont even bother looking for the enligh one. The translation is surprisingly well done and still managed to rhyme even as a direct translation! Well some things are a bit different but hey, poetic license ;)

Shakira – Octavo Dia Lyrics 19 years ago
I dont really like seeing this as a 'religious' song but its more like she's trying to convey how our lives are being run by politics and the media alone. That we arent staying true to ourselves. I agree with Tracy though, its something hard to explain.

The Smiths – Asleep Lyrics 19 years ago
You know, I had never really heard anything by The Smiths until late January? Sadly I heard it for all the wrong reasons but I fell in love. Back in January a friend of mine commited suicide, the night before he did so...he told a bunch of his friends to d/load this song- it didnt click until the next day. So I'll always carry this song with me

Britney Spears – Still Wouldn't Lyrics 19 years ago
allow me to finish juliegray's sentence... 'this song is...' VERY FAKE ;)

Britney Spears – Before The Goodbye Lyrics 19 years ago
The lyrics are actually "And I know that you best be on your way". And its actually "Without you baby I'm not me".
Im a britney fan and I love this song. As I see it some of Britney's best work was with BT, too bad he had to pull his songs off the album due to Jive!
The lyricas are fairly straightforward. If you like the lyrics...or BT...or Britney! I strongly suggest you download this song.

Britney Spears – Mona Lisa Lyrics 19 years ago
She didnt sing it on tour- she wrote the song whilst jamming with her band in a soundcheck for the tour.

The song is almsot defineatly about her. And in its own way its autobiographical, and it basically conveys how she was this manipulated little...almost 'puppet' earlier, and it seems like she's shedding that skin and really being herself, its almost the 'death' of Britney and the 'birth' of Mona Lisa. 'Now i am taking voer to release her from her spell'- she's taking control of her life and career now.

And just a correction, the real lyrics are "she was taken under, drowning in her SEA" not seat!

Britney Spears – Showdown Lyrics 19 years ago
Well, as far as I see the meaning of this song its basically about a couple who has a fight, and this song is really about make-up sex and how good it is.
But I do have to say the lyrics are all wrong!

It's: "I dare you to stand in my way", not "I'll take you to spend in my way". And in the bridge its:
"Forget the tension when we fight,
We'll make it up,
Turn down the lights". And those are the lines that really enforce the song being about makeup sex (well that and the entire bridge!)

Shawn Colvin – Sunny Came Home Lyrics 19 years ago
(my first comment...woo!)

Anyway! I think the song seems to head us in the direction of a woman who is trying to find inner peace.
First we have a character named 'Sunny'- a clear reference to te sun and a recurring image in the song- fire. So 'sunny came home to her favorite room'- the kitchen. i think this is maybe an idication to her being a housewife- not having much actual 'meaning' to her life.
'I close my eyes and and fly out of my mind, into the fire'. I think by saying she flies 'out of her mind' it means she leaves the physical entity that she is and finds her true place of being- she flies 'into the fire' maybe another reference to the Sun (sunny) and where she truly belongs.
'get the kids and bring a sweater' naturally a sweater is used to keep oneself warm, here we have a contrast to the imagery of fire. This seems to create a sense of confusion- just like Sunny herself. She's lost and confused and almost cant tell the difference. 'count the years you always knew it'- it seems like what kept her going was knowing that one day she knew she would break free and find that peace of mind.
In the last verse- 'light the sky'- Sunny is the sun and she's setting fire to her surroundings, everything is soon to be like her. Everything is changing for her own good, the 'world' is burning down- everyone else that held her down and kept her from being free. And we finally end with a positive note- 'she's alright'- meaning she finally achieved what she wanted.

I may have rambled but thats what you do when you actually absorb stuff learnt in English lit! Hehe, well its just my p.o.v really.

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