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Lianne La Havas – No Room For Doubt Lyrics 11 years ago
I think the beginning of the song is about their relationship having been bad for a while, and she is contemplating leaving:

"I won't let a safe bet... Continue to make me go blue.. I could go solo....Would that be the right thing to do?"

Then she makes up her mind, and is physically leaving, while he's asleep. He doesn't even notice she's leaving:

"I tiptoe, too slow
Out of the door to your house
I know you know
That this way leads me out
Outside, too bright
You're within I'm without
You're within"

Finally, I believe the "please sleep softly, leave me no room for doubt" is exactly what she's saying -- don't wake up while i"m leaving because then I might stay. Basically -- she's afraid that if he wakes up they'll "talk things out" creating the "doubt" in her mind, and he'll convince her not to leave. So if she goes while he's sleeping, there'll be no room for doubt and she can get out.

She learned from their relationship, but now, it's done.

Rachael Yamagata – Elephants Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is haunting, yet delicate. The lyrics create such vivid, horrifying images "blood dripping from their teeth", that so rightly fit the idea of someone ripping your heart out. Her imagery is truly genius, and creates in me a sad, sick feeling... I remember what this feels like... and I'm ALWAYS sleeping with one eye open from now on. smh.

Joss Stone – Bruised But Not Broken Lyrics 16 years ago
to me, this song is about a person's inner strength... they've been hurt, but instead of allowing it to completely break them, they decide to acknowledge the pain, then make attempts at moving past it.

she says i'm bruised, as in yes, this has hurt me... but i'm strong woman, and i'm not going to give up...

i love the line "and i'll love again," because often after heartbreak, people give up on love, or are afraid of it. in this song she is saying that she wont give up on love, and i feel that that is a sign of a good, healthy, strong outlook on life.


John Mayer – The Heart of Life Lyrics 16 years ago
to me this song is inspiring... it's like he is saying that at times in life there will be hardships, but they don't last forever, and things get better.

although things don't always go the way they should, you shouldn't give up.... love will get you through it (whether it be love from friends, a romantic type love or anything else of the sort)

India.Arie – This Too Shall Pass Lyrics 16 years ago
i agree... to me, this song is just saying that time is a healer, and what seems so critical and devastating today will be nothing more than a memory at some point....

there will always be problems and trouble at certain points in our lives... but India.Arie is saying here that "it dont have to last always" ... we'll get through it, and we'll be stronger, better people for having survived it


Goapele – Different Lyrics 16 years ago
to me, this song is pretty simple.... a relationship seems to have fallen on bad times... but neither of them really want to end it.

they keep remembering the past, when it was different, when it was better... and they both wanna try to get it back to how it was.


Sade – Maureen Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is of a woman thinking about her really good friend from her younger years. Because of her reference of Maureen as a "souped up car in this rent a go cart town" i think Maureen must've left the small town they were from and moved to a big city... the singer is simply reminiscing on the good old days, and wishing that she could see her again. I think she wants to show her how much she has grown, and show her who she has come to be (hence the "never meet my new friends" who are a reflection of who she is now) . .

Lizz Wright – Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly Lyrics 17 years ago
To me, this is a very inspirational song. It's about having the courage to realize that nothing is beyond your reach if you truly believe in yourself. So many people let life pass them by because they're too afraid to ask for something they want, or too afraid to do the thing they want to do (usually because they fear failure)... but lizz is saying that if you open your eyes and look around you, you'll see that you can do whatever it is you'd wish- even fly! ...

Ben Harper – Walk Away Lyrics 17 years ago
To me, this song is about a man who's having a hard time letting go. Days are passing him by, and still he can't seem to accept the fact that she has gone away for good. He knows the best thing to do would be to just let it go, and it's like he's saying it over and over again to himself, but he just can't seem to do it... I love this song because sometimes there's absolutely nothing you can do about missing someone or loving someone who has gone.... sometimes all you can do is sit and watch the sunrise and sunset until the day your heart doesn't feel anything anymore........ time will heal the pain, eventually... love it!

Chrisette Michele – Golden Lyrics 17 years ago
To me, this song is very simple, and very lovely. I think she's saying that nowadays, when it seems relationships are crashing and burning around her, she is ready to fall in love and STAY in love. In a way, this song is reminiscent of a little girl's dreams. She's asking for the "man of her dreams" and imagining the way he will propose to her. I think it's sweet, because the idea of finding a storybook love is very enticing....

Chrisette Michele – Best of Me Lyrics 17 years ago
To me, this song is about maturing and growing as a result of a relationship that has ended. Instead of dwelling on the past, she has decided to look deep inside, find her beauty and self-worth and just be happy. (When you look for the best of your self, you're always guaranteed to feel good).... I love how she acknowledges that what they had was lovely, but it didn't last and now it's time to move on... No hatred, no bad blood, no wishing him any ill will... instead she's going to move forward and open her eyes to a whole new world that's full of possibilities :)

Lizz Wright – Blue Rose Lyrics 17 years ago
a Morning Glory is a flower (often blue, hence the name Blue Rose) that blooms only early in the morning. i think this song is a metaphor for a woman who may not be quite understood by others... maybe she is something of an enigma, and only those who try can see who she really is. (just like only those who travel early in the morning can see a morning glory bloom)...

John Legend – Another Again Lyrics 17 years ago
To me, this is about a relationship where the two go through so much drama... but because of the love they share for each other, they just can't let go. They fight, then they hook back up, then they fight some more... over and over again this goes on, hence the "another again" line....

i especially love the part where he says, "so i got a new friend/i wish i could forget you but i miss you.... gotta find you again" ... that part explains it all to me: it's like, after they've broken up again, he meets someone new... but then he realizes that even though the new woman is ok, he can't let go of the one he loves, and he has to go get her back.. "again"...

the "she's like you, but she's not you" just proves that the whole time they were apart he was "looking" for her anyway.... after he realizes that even tho they fight, he still loves her... and there will never be another one just like her, he starts the cycle all over again....

India.Arie – Beautiful Surprise Lyrics 17 years ago
"It's like yesterday I didn't even know your name" .... isn't that how it goes? You never know when you're going to meet someone, and when you do, sometimes it's funny to think that just a few days ago you had no idea they existed.... they were walking around living a life and it just so happened that your paths crossed... and when u meet someone who can make u smile, well... it's a "beautiful surprise"

Aaliyah – Those Were The Days Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is a great depiction of how it feels like when the love is gone... it's easy to think of all the things y'all did as a couple when u look back (walkin in the park, etc)... but once it's over you've got to move on there's not much you can do except accept it....and every now and then, reminisce on how "those were the days".....

Goapele – Darker Side of the Moon Lyrics 17 years ago
To me this is a song for those people who support you and love you and give you strength... even if it means sacrificing some part of themselves to do that. I love this song because it reminds me of my mom... she does so much for me, in order for me to succeed in life... she truly does "hold me in the sky" and "leave me to shine"...... i like the analogy because it's so real... often times when u look at a crescent moon, u don't think about the rest of it... all you worry about is the beauty of what you see... but regardless, the "darker side" is always there, always supporting...

Erykah Badu – Green Eyes Lyrics 17 years ago
Yea, to me the song seems like the stages that some people go thru after a break up... the best part is the end, when she realizes that their love will never be the same, and that it is time to move on.... the storms of pain and jealousy and insecurity are finally lifted at that point, and it is the best feeling in the world... as Lauryn Hill said: out of the darkness arrives the sweet dawn...

Lizz Wright – Trouble Lyrics 17 years ago
To me this song is like a prayer to God, asking that He help her through hard times... she wants Him to give her the strength to deal with the pain (let me ride this pain like a wave) without the fear or apprehension of what may come.... because when it comes down to it, she doesn't want to be the one who can't let go... either way, she is going to lose someone (thru death or maybe in a relationship or something), and when she does, she prays that she'll be able to deal with it... she prays that she'll be able to let go...

Lauryn Hill – I Used To Love Him Lyrics 17 years ago
I also believe the song is about reclaiming your self-worth and self-respect... she recognizes that for a time that she "gave up being Queen"... and nothing good came out of that... so she "bled til the poison was gone", and after that came a clarity about who she was and what her focus in life was (for her, it was giving her life back to God)... i think this song is beautiful, and could be applied to anybody who at one point felt diminished self-worth... nothing or nobody should ever make you feel less than what you're worth... I love this song for reminding us that...

Eric Benet – Hurricane Lyrics 17 years ago
Sometimes something big has to happen to act as sort of a wake-up call... in this song he calls it a "hurricane"... sometimes this big thing has to happen to you for you to open your eyes and realize what's going on in your life... it gives you clarity... I agree with him so much... sometimes a "hurricane" is the only thing that can open up your eyes and "Wash away the pain"...

Brian Mcknight – One Last Cry Lyrics 17 years ago
I disagree with some of the above posts... time heals all wounds... and even if it seems that you can't stop crying now, there will be a point in your life that you won't even remember what it was you were crying for.... nothing last forever, including pain... so when brian mcknight says "one last cry" it just shows that he is finally over her..... i remember when i cried my last cry... at the time i didnt know it would be the last cry, but i found that after that day (a lot of stuff had happened) that i just didnt have any tears left.... i realized i was over it, and i havent cried since :)

Brian Mcknight – Anytime Lyrics 17 years ago
When you're missing someone, you always hope that they are somewhere missing you, too. I think this is what the song is saying: that even tho they've parted, he's still in love, and he is hoping that wherever she is she is feeling the same way...

Maxwell – Lifetime Lyrics 17 years ago
"I was reborn when I was broken".... To me, this line means that after a storm of some type left him broken, he had an epiphany that changed his mind set. For example, maybe a relationship ended badly, and after the hurting and pain he awoke to the fact that maybe he should start taking advantage of his life and not miss out on the possibilities of happiness it could offer him. I can definitely relate.. Sometimes it seems you just can't get out of the miserable funk you're in.. but one day it's like something happens and your whole outlook on life has changed and grown into something much more positive.... you're just "open for more/reaching out for something better than you had before"

Sade – Somebody Already Broke My Heart Lyrics 17 years ago
It does seem to me that she is kind of telling this new person that "I used to love someone. He broke my heart. Therefore I need you here to be caring and kind so I can recover." In other words, she is saying that he is a rebound. She knows that this relationship won't mean much, and is refusing to allow it be anything important (hence the "if someone has to lose I don;t want to play")...

Goapele – Catch 22 Lyrics 17 years ago
To me, this song is not about love.. it is about jealousy and insecuruty.... if you notice, she never actually uses the word "love" anywhere in the song. I believe that sometimes it's really hard to let an ex go, especially when you feel there is unfinished business, but he is already with someone else... but the truth is, love is not whats making her feel as if she needs him back.... she just doesn't want anyone else with him. To me, this song is just one of the phases that everyone goes through after a break up... and soon she'll have forgotten about it and moved on

Goapele – Closer Lyrics 17 years ago
To me this is about striving to reach your goals... moving on, letting all the issues and drama from the past go, and just going after what you wish for. The last two lines mean the most to me, because in life it does feel sometimes as if things are never going to change... but when you want something bad enough, then you'd never choose to walk away from it... The important thing is that you let go of the weight of the past and fly free

Goapele – Back To You Lyrics 17 years ago
Have you ever just been sitting down, and for some reason your mind goes to thoughts of someone from a long time ago? To me this is a song about her simply reminscing on a past love. It's like she's saying, "My thoughts are going 'Back to You'"... And the memories that have come back to her are of a once-perfect love that used to be. "fluttering orang gold, sunsets bold/starfilled nights/sweet as fantasia" seems to me to be just a description of the feelings that you get when you're with the person you love... everything just seems so beautifully perfect. I like this song because it doesn't seem like she is sad anymore... she'll always remember him, but she's no longer heart-broken... It's like harmless, sweet reminiscing...

Musiq Soulchild – Time Lyrics 17 years ago
I think he is, in effect, singing to "Time"... he starts out by apologizing for not taking advantage Time, and continues on in a fashion that sort of implies that he is speaking to Time.... and throughout the trials and tribulations of his life, he has come to respect time, and understands that all things have happened for a reason that only time will tell... I love it...

Amel Larrieux – Sweet Misery Lyrics 17 years ago
There are times when you know you shouldn't love someone, or even like them, because of how they are... but you just can't help it... In the song she's just praying that she can fight the feelings and stay away from him, but it's such a hard thing to do, becuz she loves him... which is why it's "sweet misery"

Stevie Wonder – Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree, it is a sad song... When you're in love, it's hard to picture the relationship ending, or being alone. And then, when something goes wrong you're lost.. because, well... that wasn't supposed to happen to you........ i think that's what stevie wonder is trying to convey... by asking simply, "Why didn't you stay," he shows his vulnerability, confusion and pain.... I love this song

Stevie Wonder – All In Love Is Fair Lyrics 18 years ago
This song to me means that we must live with the consequences of the choices that we've made... I think "All in love is fair" just means that since we made the choice, then it's only right that we live with it... For example, he says "I should have never left your side".. it was a choice he made, and even though he regrets it, he has to deal with the consequences of leaving.... because that's the way life goes.

I love this song.. so simple, but so meaningful

Teddy Geiger – A Million Years Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is about him being afraid that a relationship is about to end, and he doesn't want it to. He is telling her that he doesn't want to be "one of the things she could do without".... BUT, he knows it's all up to the girl.. so he's steady telling her like: "i will still be loving you a million years, even if you get over it, and decide to leave."
In the lines where he says "will you call my phone out of regret, and will you love again with other than me,"... Well, those are like typical thoughts that go thru a person's head after a break-up. They kind of hope that the other person will call them again, and tell them they are still in love...... and they wonder if they are loving someone else. For example, i know that I will always be wondering if my ex boyfriend has found someone new to love.... even though really I don't want to really know the answer.
Anyway, by the end of the song, I think he has realized that they are actually over... it's kind of got a melancholic tone to it... but still sweet. :)

Van Hunt – The Thrill of This Love Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm ashamed to say that it actually took me awhile to figure out that he was talkin about his newborn child... Anyways, I absolutely love this song. He is speaking about the unconditional love that he has for his child.. whats better?

"And I'm moved when you try to do the things I do" ... I love this line because if you've ever seen a baby try to copy grown-ups, you'd know that it is such a touching thing to watch....

Lizz Wright – Goodbye Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh I love this song so much! It seems like her sultry singing rides the waves of the saxophone in the background... anywayz, to me, the song is about the end of a love once so strong. Saying goodbye is often so hard, and while Lizz Wright is acknowledging that fact, she is also acknowledging that their lives will go on.... You can tell she is conflicted, but she knows that it's time to part.... The lyrics make me think that these are two strong people who have tried their best, but weren't able to make it work... and even though it's sad, she is willing to let it go in order for her to move onto something better..... this sort of clarity only comes after the initial heartbreak is over.... I love it....

Sade – King Of Sorrow Lyrics 18 years ago
To me, this song is about continuing to live your life even when it feels like you can't stand going through another day.... It reminds me of how you feel when you lose a loved one, or a relationship ends... I think Sade is trying to say that even though sadness is a heavy burden, you must keep on living, because there is so much to do... and after all, the pain will fade away...

Tweet – Small Change Lyrics 18 years ago
Sometimes, when you look back on a relationship and its aftermath, it's hard to see how it could have affected you in such a way at that time. I think that's what Tweet is saying... after the smoke has cleared, she has realized that her life is better without that relationship, and even if at one point she cried over him, he is simply "small change" now... That realization, that clarity, is often hard to come by, BUT.... with it comes the knowledge that you can move on.... and a sense of simplicity and peace. I also think that's why the music is so calm and simple... it highlights the serenity she is experiencing.

Javier – The Answer is Yes Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is written simply, but the message is very bold and clear... He will always love her... no matter what... it seems to be a very naive statement, seeing as how we all know that life is unpredictable... but somehow that's what gives the song its sweetness... his love for her is so pure, and all one can do is hope that it will remain... (can yall tell I'm kind of hating love right now? lol)

Javier – Lovin' U Lyrics 18 years ago
Sometimes a love so perfect can go so wrong right before your eyes... and it feels so unfair... I think what often we don't realize is that sometimes, "love" just isn't enough. There has to be something more... I think this is what Javier is trying to get across in this song. All he wanted to do was love her, but he didn't realize until too late that maybe just saying "I love you" isn't enough.... He should have been there, should have done more... and now, after he knows it's too late to make things right, he is still sorry for not being the man he should have been.... As a consequence, he has to live his life without her.... but... as least he's learned....

Van Hunt – Priest or Police Lyrics 18 years ago
In this song, I believe that he is saying that while their relationship may be over for now, he is telling her that he will be there waiting for her to come back. I love the whole idea of the "first one on the scene" being a thief. By saying that, and by adding the line about them "hanging for a while, but him knowing he'll miss his ex-love just the same" he is kind of addressing the rebound situation. It's like, sure she (the next one on the scene) may be great, but the person he wants to be with is the love of his life. So he waits... and it's not that much of a happy time, hence the "with my tears, waiting on your return." In fact, there is no indication whether she will actually return to him... BUT, he loves her so much that he will be there if (or when) she realizes that she loves him too... so sweet! I hope she does come back :)

Lifehouse – You And Me Lyrics 18 years ago
So.... it's about the way this person makes him feel when they're around him..... she makes him feel like there's no one else in the room but them... and he can't find the words to tell her because they 'just aren't coming out right." I love it... has somebody ever made you feel like nothing even matters... time isn't even important when you're with them.... thats what Lifehouse is talking bout........ and I love it!

John Mayer – Man on the Side Lyrics 18 years ago
I feel bad for JM in this song, but you can not make someone love you as much as you love them, and I think that is what JM wants to do (in the lyrics to this song) He has put this girl on a pedestal, and dreamed of being with her and how great it would be... but as he's doing that, he's just making it harder on her... I think she cares about him.. but caring about someone does not neccesarily mean you love them... so she's stuck in between a rock and a hard place (hurting him by letting him go, or hurting herself by being in a relationship that she only kind of wants to be in)... i'm in that sitch now and it sucks!

John Mayer – Hummingbird Lyrics 18 years ago
"Just because I said I didn't want her
Doesn't mean I wanted her to go"...... I love that... I think that there was a woman who brought joy to his life, but he was feeling himself too much and didn't let her know that he loved her... and he would tell all of his boys that he didnt really want her, or that she was just 'whatever' to him... but in reality she meant a lot. And now, when she's already gone, he doesn't know what to do.. he realizes he should've just told her he needed her/loved her.. but its too late.... even tho he 'will always care'

John Mayer – In Your Atmosphere Lyrics 18 years ago
I think its a perfect sad song.. deep down he still really wants her, but he also knows they can't be together, so he's gonna avoid seeing her and puttin himself in that awkward position... It's funny cuz I live in Long Beach (10 minutes away from LA) and my first love (ex now) lives in LA, and this song fits perfectly... I try to avoid the spots where he hangs out because even tho i want to see him, and i want everything to be cool they arent.... and if i saw him and he was to ignore me, or act childish i'd be so hurt.... So, until i can get over him, Like JM--- I dont think I'm gonna go to LA anymore...

Bilal – When Will You Call Lyrics 18 years ago
I like how the song builds up gradually to his realization that she is gone. It's like.. at first, he only acknowledges the fact that she hasn't called in three days, and that her stuff is gone.... and bomehow he still has this hope that she'll return(which we can see from the outside is for naught). As the song goes on you can hear his pain and frustration, and you can feel him losing hope... and then the very last line we can see that he has come to accept the fact that she is gone... and we can see that its so painful for him! How sweet!

Goapele – Things Don't Exist Lyrics 18 years ago
I think that she wants so much to be able to say that she no longer loves him... but there is no way to deny the fact that she does (she can't' deny that she's blue', or sad, because she still feels so strongly for him). The worst part, however, is the lline: "and not like you." She knows that he does not miss her, he isn't sad, and he's no longer in love.... even tho she cant help being bound to him...

Amel Larrieux – Down Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's about a love that was unreturned. She fell for this man, who turned out to be a 'wolf on the bound' and he ended up leaving and breaking her heart. Sometimes, I think there is nothing you can do about situations like that.. you can't help it if the other person does not love you like you love them... and I think she realizes this in her song... he came around, turned her life upside down, and then left.... without warning, without giving her any kind of time to accept it... now she's left alone with nothing but time to agonize and watch her heart breaking on the ground..

John Mayer – Everything Is Not Broken Lyrics 18 years ago
I think in the beginning when he says 'that autumn leaves fall dry and sweet' he's means that time is still going on.. and even though his heart is broken, life will still go on...

Then, 'that nature rains on flames we made' is his way of saying that time will heal all... that all of the hurt will fade in time... Eventually, he will wake up, and find some clarity... and be able to say that he is no longer heart broken....

It's a song filled with a lot of hope for the future... and I love how he acknowledges that "everything is not broken," even when he's feeling like it is... he knows one day it will be alright...

Van Hunt – Your Love Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is an amazing ode to the strong pull that physical attraction can have... It's a mixture of lust and excitement that makes the chemistry so great.... I think we've all felt it...standing so close to that one person who can make you shiver with just one touch....

Van Hunt – Who Will Love Me In Winter Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it is about a man who left a good relationship, in search of something better....but he came to find out that he was wrong, (hence, the 'spaceship crashed against the wall, my neighbors grass aint so green after all). I think the spaceship is his 'vehicle' for his journey that he took into promiscuity, but then it crashed (hence, where he found out the grass wasnt greener).
Also, I think that 'winter' represents his mature stage, and he's saying that now that he has grown and matured, and has passed the youthful stage of playing the field, he's left alone... wondering who will love him....

Basically I think this song is about him coming to the realization that after a while of 'fun,' he is left without anyone that he can really spend his life with...

Van Hunt – Dust Lyrics 18 years ago
I think he's saying that he has already fallen head-over-heels in love with this girl, and in a way, it has made him insane... He's "crazy in love," for lack of better words :) .... and he knows there is a chance that she might not 'rescue' him, but it doesnt matter... he's already gone... love has taken over...

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