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The Early November – Figure It Out Lyrics 18 years ago
how does nobody comment this song?! it's like the best one on the first cd. it's so appropriate to end an early november album...

The Early November – Figure It Out Lyrics 18 years ago
how does nobody comment this song?! it's like the best one on the first cd. it's so appropriate to end an early november album...

Anberlin – Naive Orleans Lyrics 18 years ago
oh god this song is amazing.
one of my favorites by far by anberlin.

and at this moment this song describes me completely. I have finally gotten over someone that caused me more pain that you can ever fathom, and I now have someone else that saved me from everything.

"and I finally found that life goes on without you
and my world still turns when you're not around"

when you've experienced this, you can't help but be amazed at how its actually possible when you thought it never was.

The Cure – Halo Lyrics 18 years ago
my favorite cure song in the world...mine and my love's song forever.

it sucks it's so underrated, everyone should know this song.

The Spill Canvas – So Much Lyrics 19 years ago
there are no words to describe this song.

this band is heaven sent.

Jack's Mannequin – I'm Ready Lyrics 19 years ago
why is no one commenting on this song?! this is one of my favs on the new album! AH andrew is amazing.

to me this song means that despite all this hell he has gone through in the past, he is leaving it all behind and allowing himself to succumb to change, whether it be a person, or any new experience.

yeah I can really relate to it.

Coldplay – Til Kingdom Come Lyrics 19 years ago
theres no words to describe this song. it automatically got me in tears...and wicked, wow, i couldnt have said it better. im guessing you know what it feels in this situation now, with the love of my life, we cant be together for a while because of just so many issues, and we always said to each other that well wait for each other forever, and this song really hits right there...

Coldplay – A Message Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is just amazing. i cant believe how great this album is. you can listen to it straight through, there's not one bad song on it. and that is just rare for an album. it was definitely worth the 3 year wait!

and rocketqueenz I too downloaded it from limewire before it came out, however I dont have like 3 of the songs because either they sucked and werent the real songs or the file was "corrupted" lol so if you can let me know how you got every single one of them that would be awesome. if you have aim please im me because I dont check this alot lol my sn is roxy00823. thanks so much

Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics 19 years ago
i cant breathe when i hear this song. and i too heard this on the oc last night and i think is maybe the best coldplay song ive ever heard besides "the scientist" and "in my place". this describes my life. no words can describe what he feels.

Mae – Giving It Away Lyrics 19 years ago
no words can describe the meaning of this song. if you have ever felt it, you are truly blessed. period. and i kinda see the resemblance but not really just because theyre 2 completely different songs. both are actually my all time favorites by mae, go figure haha

Copeland – She Changes Your Mind Lyrics 19 years ago
wow this song. incredible. copeland is amazing. im so glad i got into them so much before i see them at bamboozle =]

Mae – The Sun And The Moon Lyrics 19 years ago
words cant describe how amazing this song is. if you have never felt what he is singing about then it cant possibly hit you as hard. this song is by far my favorite on the everglow. this song is love. nothing else.

mae is unlike any other BY FAR.

Mae – Anything Lyrics 19 years ago
i am obsessed with this cd. mae is unlike any other. seriously, what band doesn't have ONE bad song? mae.
omg i

Erasure – Oh L'Amour Lyrics 19 years ago
ive been obsessed with this song since forever... i just want to like tell everyone on here about it because its in the top 3 greatest 80s songs of all time! ahh this song reminds me of my love... we would play this song along with so many others over and over because we were obsessed lol *sigh* the good days... man i wish there were more comments xP

When in Rome – The Promise Lyrics 19 years ago
i feel cool because i heard this song WAY BEFORE napoleon dynamite thank you very much lol this is in the top 3 greatest 80s songs of all time. its incredible. period. even if you're more depressed than you can ever be, it can still manage to get you up somehow.

Yazoo – Only You Lyrics 19 years ago
this is in the top 3 greatest 80s songs of all time. and this song is played at the end of "cant hardly wait" and it makes the movie perfect. this song reminds me of my love...we would play it over and over because its just one of those songs you cant get sick of ever. damn no comments. jeez 80s fans.

Mae – Goodbye, Goodnight Lyrics 19 years ago
ughh. this song. it's perfect. it describes my relationship too bmx. disgustingly. i still have that hope though, always keep that. i love this song so much. mae is incredible.

The Early November – Sunday Drive Lyrics 19 years ago
not like the rest, me too. same exact shit. i want to die. i can't even describe what i feel. ugh. this is the ultimate song to die to.

The Early November – Exchanging Two Hundred Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is about someone realizing that what he wanted all along was always right in front of him. basically its about a relationship thats on hold right now because he wants to "experience life" and try new things and everything... and he wants to make sure that she is really the one for him. so he leaves and she waits to see if hell come back...

Basically, this is exactly what is going on in my life right now. The love of my life is doing this and this is the perfect song that describes it. ugh.

Hawthorne Heights – The Transition Lyrics 19 years ago
thanks yamaha.. i can't even describe it here. i'm empty. i'm confused. i want to die because i dont want to wait. THIS is the only fucking song that was like made for this situation. if it happened to you or you just are good with advice like that lol feel free to im me on aim Roxy00823. thankss

Hawthorne Heights – The Transition Lyrics 19 years ago
the only fucking song i can relate to right now because i am on a break with the love of my life so we can get "better" and realize we're meant to be together. ugh this song can make u die... my fav HH song by far.

Train – When I Look To The Sky Lyrics 19 years ago
i miss him so much. this song makes me breakdown every time i hear it. one day i know he will be back in my arms forever...

The Juliana Theory – Piano Song Lyrics 19 years ago
god this song is about my life right now. period. i think they wrote it for me heh i pray they play this one at the show on 3/3. i'll have a heartattack if they do. this song is one of their songs that not many people have heard which should be heard by ALL TJT fans. It's by far one of the best songs they have ever written and performed.

Ryan Cabrera – True Lyrics 19 years ago
first of all ryan is amazing and i recently got into him because i saw the video on tv out of nowhere. I am not a huge fan of pop music but if i like a song i divulge deeper into the artist and that i did. Ryan Cabrera is truly talented as musician and songwriter...artists that have been around for years have never come close to the lyrics he has written and hes only 21. now THAT'S something. Plus, I have nothing against ashlee simpson anymore, shes actually pretty cool and doing what she wants to do. I always thought of her as a jerkoff but shes really not, and her music isnt THAT bad(some songs are actually good). So ashlee is a very very lucky girl because she owns ryan's heart. (But I'm luckier because i have the best person that can be born :}) anyways this song was the first song i heard and its just beautiful. I love his voice and the acoustic, Im such a sucker for acoustic songs, Ah! i checked out his other songs and they are just as good, it's like his album is one of those where u dont have to get up to change the track and u can let it play right through. Now how much better can it get? damn ryan, you better be around for a reeeeeeally long time. this is what music is all about!!!!

P.S. boombashi you really need to figure out what you want in life, if you're just "crushing" like a 13 year old or thinking you have a future with her. If you're not happy in your marriage y dont u try to go see a therapist with your wife and see if you can rekindle the feelings you once had for her. If you can't then you know it was not truly meant to be. As for this other woman, if this is what you truly feel in your heart then you need to express yourself to her no matter what. If she rejects, then obviously this infatuation was nothing more than an infatuation and you know what to do. Good luck!

Ryan Cabrera – Blind Sight Lyrics 19 years ago
it can be interpreted either way, its a great song... and ryan OWNS. period.

Avril Lavigne – Slipped Away Lyrics 19 years ago
thats so sad malice im sorry, hes in a better place now anyway, think of it that way...i cant wait to get to that place... anyway her new album is nothing like her last but this is the only good song on it. It can be about anything...loss of a loved one in death or living. As for Avril herself, I personally hate her lol but whatever music is music don't say oh shes a poser and this n that, its stupid. if you like something you like it! damn. whoever likes this song should listen to her songs tomorrow and naked off her old album, if you like this song you'll like those 10000 times more!

Avril Lavigne – Naked Lyrics 19 years ago
this is by far her best song... amazing lyrics. i have found that one person that makes me feel like this *sigh* :]

Avril Lavigne – Tomorrow Lyrics 19 years ago
describes my relationship in a nutshell rite now... sad. this is the ONLY good album by avril.

Ryan Cabrera – She's Lyrics 19 years ago
His best song by far... ryan OWNS. period.

The Juliana Theory – August In Bethany Lyrics 19 years ago
my absolute fav juliana theory song... its perfect, need i say more?

Dawson High – Goodnight Starlight Lyrics 19 years ago
i cry almost everytime i hear this song... and ive heard it for 3 years now...

The Juliana Theory – Goodnight Starlight Lyrics 19 years ago
love sucks. they should be ashamed of themselves

Oasis – Stop Crying Your Heart Out Lyrics 19 years ago
(continued from above) from how ive been feeling its the kind of song that describes my life right now. how ironic i hear it now at a time like this...

Oasis – Stop Crying Your Heart Out Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is absolutely BEAUTIFUL... this is def my favorite next to wonderwall! theyre amazing and

Ashlee Simpson – Undiscovered Lyrics 19 years ago
i love this song so much. i wasnt a fan of ashlee until i saw her show and realized shes really not such a jerkoff and lipsyncher. this is by far her best song and it really brings me to tears. im having trouble with my relationship rite now and i can so relate... so f u to all the ashlee haters.

Rufio – Follow Me Lyrics 21 years ago
my fav off the new album...old sk00l rufio stylee
rufio is just amazing... :]

Brand New – The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot Lyrics 21 years ago
this song is my life rite now... figures bN would write the song :P

Brand New – Okay I Believe You, but My Tommy Gun Don't Lyrics 21 years ago
this is def my fav song on the new album... i don't really think jesse is talking about himself with the "Im heaven scent..." i think the lyrics are about 2 people and how he knows he has "emotional control" of the girl, like most guys usually do... its really not about Jesses cockiness lol Yeah this song is just freakin great, i've been playing it over n over since i got the album, BN is just a for awesome, the new album really is better than the last because their new sound can't beat shit... ~ cant wait til warpedd ~ rock on bN ;] oh yeah and the ataris is one of the greatest bands everrr, don't dis them ESP by calling them worse than simple plan, thats like the ultimate degrading, yeah the new album isn't as great as previous ones but hey some of the songs r great... :]

Brand New – Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis Lyrics 21 years ago
this is 1 of my ultimate favs from the new album... this song is so deep if u get the real meaning... i think the new album is truly unbelievable and amazing... its so different than their other stuff, its more mellow and deeper, like soco amaretto lime stylee ~ i def can't wait til warped tour ~ rock on bN ;]

The Juliana Theory – Constellation Lyrics 21 years ago
my favorite JT song ever... absolutely perfect :]

Sophie B. Hawkins – As I Lay Me Down Lyrics 21 years ago
just perfect... all dawsons fan know 2 :]

The Rocking Horse Winner – Steps In Sand Lyrics 21 years ago
this song is so beautiful! i love RHW one of my fav songs ~ go listen to them if u neve heard lol

Taking Back Sunday – Cute Without The 'E' (Cut From The Team) Lyrics 21 years ago
yeah TBS is pretty amazing... i've lisetned to them for a while now and i grew to like this song a long while after I was listening to them... they're massively talented and I can seriously listen to this song like 5438574398 times in a row cuz its just one of those songs... yeah to the people who think they're gonna be sellouts n stuff just screw u, it shouldnt effect ur liking of their MUSIC, not themselves. cant wait to see them the 26th at skate n surf ~ woohoo :P

Brandtson – The Rookie Year Lyrics 21 years ago
this song is just amazing. . . its one of my top 5 fav brandtson songs n yeah it describes my life rite now :P if u never heard brandtson's stuff ur def missing out n u better go listen rite now lol yeah they're awesome n their songs r just gorgeous

Box Car Racer – There Is Lyrics 22 years ago
this song is absolutely AMAZING!!! i've never really gotten into boxcar racer until now and I totally love them! I've always been a blink fan but I love the sound of them . . . this song is def my fav... it reminds me of last summer and of the first person who ever meant anything and everything to me. Although it's been a year since we're not together, I'll never forget him... so I'm left with " will you sleep tonight, will you think of me"

Taking Back Sunday – Great Romances of the 20th Century Lyrics 22 years ago
this song is just AMAZING.... TBS is like my new fav band... they ROCKKKKKK! ;]

Rufio – Still Lyrics 22 years ago
My most favorite RUFIO song everrrr . . . I've been a fan for over a year now n they just blow my mind... they're awesome n def one of the best punk bands out there! Their sound is so unique and I can listen to them over and over... This song has so much meaning to me because it reminds me of my boyfriend :]

Slick Shoes – So Much More Lyrics 22 years ago
my absolute fav by slick shoes!!! ahhh sooo great ;]

Jimmy Eat World – For Me This Is Heaven Lyrics 22 years ago
my all-time fav JEW song . . . truly the best!!!! ;]

Weezer – Buddy Holly Lyrics 22 years ago
this is the first weezer song I ever heard like 5 years ago n I was kinda young but I kept watching the video over n over ! The song can easily get u hooked on them n ever since I love them... I saw them last nite n they totally blew me away!!! This is by far my fav Weezer song along with Say it isn't so

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