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Pedro the Lion – A Mind of Her Own Lyrics 22 years ago

The album is actually about two brothers. One a crokked politician and the other a drunken screwup. The album is a pointed tale about how "success" doesn't necessarily lead to salvation. It's the drunken brother who get's pulled over by the cops and says "he's been such a good example" and "brother sat me down very graciously and explained if i'm going to help you i must make it very clear brother that i love you ". He doesn't want his brother (the politician) to be embrassed by his drunkenness.

It's the politician who kills his wife and thereby, ironically, shaming the Family Name. That's why at the end, the father cries "but lord i've always done what's right ".

This album is fantastic and David Bazan is one of the most amazing lyricists and songwriters I've ever heard.

Pedro the Lion – Rejoice Lyrics 22 years ago you have a link to that interview.

Pedro the Lion – Options Lyrics 22 years ago
In addition to my previous comments, I'd like to say that I had my doubts about this album when I first got it. Some of the elements are a bit much for a "christian" artist. While I realize that David makes no attempt to portray himself as a Christian, or Pedro as a Christian band, the focus of his lyrics and subject matter are crystal clear.

However, the more I listen to Control, the more I am thankful for a talent such as David's. The insightfulness and brutal honesty are quite refreshing in this world of throwaway pop music. I can always trust Pedro the keep my company in my moments of despair or depression with the knowledge that there IS something better, and indeed life IS meaningful as "Rejoice" laments.

Pedro the Lion – Options Lyrics 22 years ago

The song doesn't end with the husband "needing" his wife. If you read the last line, it implies that while he says he loves her (and she him) their words are hollow and meaningless. Especially in light of the the thoughts that he has in the first portion of the song. He says he loves her because he doesn't have the strength to say otherwise.

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