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Mandy Moore – I Wanna Be With You Lyrics 22 years ago
This song is really cute...I didn't too much care for Mandy, until I saw her in A Walk To Remember.

Love Spit Love – How Soon Is Now Lyrics 22 years ago
I finally found out the name of this song and the group its by!!!! Charmed is one of my fave shows and I always hear it on there; I love this song!

Britney Spears – I'm a Slave for You Lyrics 22 years ago
I can't stand Britney and this song sucks, but it's a great song to get your freak on to!!

Pink – Just Like A Pill Lyrics 22 years ago
I'm not a big Pink fan, especially a pop music fan, but I actually left this song on this time, and I love it! That's an aweseom comparison between the guy and the drugs. At first I thought it was just about drugs and then I realized it's the relationship she's talking about. This song kicks ass! The only part I can't compare is the part about the nurse. Where does that compare with the guy? What is the nurse supposed to represent??

*NSYNC – I Drive Myself Crazy Lyrics 22 years ago
You know it's so weird...I was listening to AOL Radio and this song came on-I haven't heard it in years because I'm not an Nsync fan anymore (hey, I was 13). Anyway, I just realized that this song is exactly how I feel about my ex...and this is the only song I've found that expresses that...who knew? An Nsync song...that's crazy.

Savedayzed – Trials Of Sleepless Nights Lyrics 22 years ago
"I thought youd be there for me/Cupid's arrow missed"-I love those lines! And I also like "I'll wipe your tears, sustain your fears" This one's good, but it's not my fave.

Savedayzed – Summer Nights Lyrics 22 years ago
Yeah, that was really really good. The first 3 or 4 stanzas had me thinking of that Grease song "Summer Nights" LOL, I couldn't help it. But, it's a lot deeper and definently written better than that song.

Savedayzed – Never Forget Lyrics 22 years ago
The first 6 stanzas kick ass!!! They're awesome! The way your words flow just paints a picture for me. It's beautiful! Awesome job!

Savedayzed – Hate Me Like You Should Lyrics 22 years ago
Wow, I got a sense of total anguish from this poem. It was definently well written, and the meaning came across very clear. Good work!

Savedayzed – Drive Lyrics 22 years ago
Hmm...I don't know if I liked this one or seemed kinda...what's the word....vague, maybe? I don't know how to put it into words. I like the 2nd stanza, though. Beautiful wording!

Savedayzed – Darkness Tides Lyrics 22 years ago
I really love the lines in this, but I'm not really sure exactly what it's talking seems like it changes subject a couple times throughout the poem.

Savedayzed – Broken Hearted Healing Lyrics 22 years ago
I LOVED that poem. I could see that being a rock song, an awesome rock song. GREAT work!!

Savedayzed – As I Watch You Fall Lyrics 22 years ago
That was depressing. I love the first half...the way it was written. But, I don't too much like the second half. I couldn't follow it as well, if ya know what I mean. Well, maybe you don't, but anyway, I like the way you write.

Avril Lavigne – Sk8er Boi Lyrics 22 years ago
And as for this whole, "Avril's pop not punk" thing. I read an interview over her and she said that she really regrets her album being more on the pop side. She said the record company execs wouldn't let her be as punk rock as she wanted to be. She said she got as far away from bubblegum (that's the exact word she said, lol) pop as they would let her. She said on her next album it's gonna be a lot different. So...there to all the Avril-haters!

Avril Lavigne – Sk8er Boi Lyrics 22 years ago
Heehee, I got a skater boy! For real though, I could be singin' this song to a couple chicks. Skater guys are sooooo hot!!!!! I love ya Parker!!! Heehee, sorry couldn't help it. I haven't heard this song yet, but the lyrics kick ass.

Avril Lavigne – I Don't Give a Damn Lyrics 22 years ago
I LOVE THESE LYRICS! HAHA, YEAH, GIRLS ROCK! hahaha I can't wait to hear the song!!

Sheryl Crow – Over You Lyrics 22 years ago
Woa, this song reminds me of my ex; I know a lot of people say that on this site...but man, that's weird. I haven't heard this song before, but now I think I'm gonna find it. I can most definently relate to this one.

Sheryl Crow – I Just Can't Stop Loving You Lyrics 22 years ago
Wow, I haven't actually heard this song, yet, but I can't wait until I do. This is a BEAUTIFUL song, the lyrics are so powerful. Wow.

Semisonic – Closing Time Lyrics 22 years ago
I was hopeing that by readin' these posts I could figure out what the song meant, but I think I'm even MORE confused now that I've read 'em, lol. I still don't know what the hell this song is talkin' about.

Cyndi Thomson – What I Really Meant To Say Lyrics 22 years ago
This is a good song, but it's really tough for me to listen to. When I was going through one of my toughest break ups, this song said exactly what was on my mind. I think the song means basically that every day apart from this guy is harder. She's totally heart broken and the only thing that'll fix it is to be with him again.

Tonic – If You Could Only See Lyrics 22 years ago
I wish more people would comment on this! I really don't understand this song. I love it, but I don't understand it. So, somebody who knows what they're talkin' about, please enlighten me! Thanks!

Jewel – Standing Still Lyrics 22 years ago
I think this song is about a girl loveing/wanting/needing this guy, but she doesn't know how he feels...maybe because (as in my case) they're not together.

Seven Channels – Breathe Lyrics 22 years ago
I agree with sic n twisted. I've heard that it was written about someone who died. But, to me, it talks of someone you're no longer with. After me and my ex broke up, I used to listen to this song a lot, cuz the words were exactly what was going through my head.

Tantric – Mourning Lyrics 22 years ago
I kinda have a different twist on this song. I think the girl cared for the guy (the singer), but either not enough to stay w/him or for whatever reason she couldn't stay w/him. She didn't wanna break the guys heart, though, so she stayed w/him, & kept those feelings hidden "...all the things you were tryin' to hide." Now, the relationships over, even though they both care for each other, & now "in the mourning" he can see why it didn't work. Sorry if I confused yall. It took me a while to put this into words. I'm in this situation right now, except we could never be together in the first place because of the problems.

Bush – Glycerine Lyrics 22 years ago
Thanks for the interpretations, yall! My best friend (a guy) put this song on a CD for me, & I just found out last night, that he put it on there for a reason (long story, we almost went out-problems happened). He told me to come to this website to look up any of the songs that I didn't understand why he put them on there. Now, I understand. This song fits us perfect.

Incubus – Wish You Were Here Lyrics 22 years ago
Woa, after reading some of yalls comments, my interpretation is a lot different. To me, this song talks about how this person has moved on with their life, and is really happy now, and there saying to their ex (or whoever) I wish you were still in my life. Not really regretting that they're no longer with that person, but just wishing they could be a part of something so good. Does anybody follow me??

Lisa Loeb – How Lyrics 22 years ago
OK, first of all, part of the lyrics is wrong. It's "You and your letters that go on forever." Not "are gone forever." I love this song so much. I'm not gonna go into an analysis what it means to me, cuz basically this could relate to anyone for several different situations.

Creed – Hide Lyrics 22 years ago
Every time I hear this song, I think of my best friend. (a guy) There's been so many times, when I just wanna leave everything behind, and be together with him...but because of our friends (& the fact, that we're both in relationships) we can't. I have this on a burned CD he made me, and he put the song on there for that exact reason.

The Calling – Wherever You Will Go Lyrics 22 years ago
This song is very personal to me because of me and this guy who were gonna go out, but because of things going on in each of our lives we couldn't. We're best friends, and I think, we still both care about each other as more than friends, but we can't be together. We had a whole conversation on the phone one night about how this song applied to us.

Alicia Keys – Goodbye Lyrics 22 years ago
It's talking about a good relationship gone bad. She knows its the end, but she loves him so much, that she's afraid to walk away. Maybe the guy doesn't realize its the end, and she's the one that's gotta break it off. This song is so personal to me, because of a breakup I went through. I used to listen to this song over and over for hours, just trying to convince myself that I had done the right thing.

Alicia Keys – Fallin' Lyrics 22 years ago
I think this song is talking about an on again, off again relationship. I think she's gotten hurt several times by this guy, but she can't walk away because she IS in love with him, ya know? I can totally relate to this song.

Alicia Keys – Caged Bird Lyrics 22 years ago
I think this song is about someone who is going through rough times, but keeps it inside, and they feel like no one understands them. They just wanna get away from everything ("Why not just set her free? So she can fly...") I love this song. There's been a couple times that I could really relate to this song, and just listening to it would help me cope with what I was going through.

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