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Viatrophy – Seas of Storms Lyrics 12 years ago
One of the best albums I've ever heard to be honest. It's just awesome!

Love this - such a shame they split up!

Shadows Fall – The Taste Of Fear Lyrics 13 years ago
Damn Jon Donais is one of the greatest solo writers ever, all his solos are so damn creative! Awesome!

Slayer – Snuff Lyrics 14 years ago
Oh man I've gotta say again that chorus...

Hahaha, the camera never LIESS....


Slayer – Snuff Lyrics 14 years ago
Absolutely awesome tune, my fave on the album, the intro leads are crazy and the chorus just melts my face

Killswitch Engage – To the Sons of Man Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm not really into faith, God or spirituality, but I do think that the message of the album on the whole is a good one. I'm of the opinion that we don't really need God or spirituality to believe in what's good and right - understanding, peace, goodwill, etc - that can all come from within. Everyone has free will, you can do what's right and take on challenges every day if you give yourself the strength to do it. This album talks a lot about other people and how we are really all the same - some people just need to realise how precious life is and how lucky we are to be here, and imagine what their lives would be without other people.

Plus, this album just kicks the crap out of later KsE albums (the ones I've listened to anyway...I haven't listened to their latest stuff yet)

Arch Enemy – Silverwing Lyrics 14 years ago
Silverwing is a giant white dragon with silver wings (hence the name!) that burninates all the cottages and melts faces with his awesome solos. The song is about Mike's love for Silverwing and how awesome his riffs and solos are. Silverwing is actually the being who writes most Arch Enemy's stuff - he comes down once every 3 years to write a good hundred or so riffs for Chris and Mike to use on their new albums. Most of the time Chris and Mike have to throw away about 50 or 60 of the riffs because they are just too good and would cause mass hospitalisation to metallers across the nation.

The latest Arch Enemy album (Rise of the Tyrant) is the result of Silverwing being more involved in the writing process - which is why half of my face is literally molten sagging flesh.

Chris actually uses the power of Silverwing when he plays his solos live as no mortal apart from Paul Gilbert (who's actually posessed by Satan) can play them.

This is all based on a true story.

Metallica – The End Of The Line Lyrics 14 years ago
My particular affinities are drugs, sex, Xbox, shopping, shoes, tools, gadgets...hey wait...

Metallica – The End Of The Line Lyrics 14 years ago
Anyone else tried playing this song? I'm going to sue Metallica for giving my elbow RSI, and it won't be from hand shandies - it's from the constant downpicking all the way through this song!

Must...practice...downpicking....Dave....Mustaine.... rules...


Metallica – The End Of The Line Lyrics 14 years ago
Two things:

1. Your tab is upside down

2. About 2 billion other songs use those same two chords because they are simple power chords...what's your point!?

It's akin to saying that Tom Clancy is a plagiarist because he used the words 'turned' and 'around' in once sentence in that order in one of his books.

Megadeth – Foreclosure Of A Dream Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm glad Metallica got rid of Mustaine, it meant that Mustaine could go on to form the far superior Megadeth and Metallica got stuck with Kirk 'Sloppy WAH' Hammett.

I can listen to Metallica...I might even enjoy some of it, but when it comes to technical ability, creativity and songwriting, Megadeth take the crown.

Megadeth – My Last Words Lyrics 14 years ago
The solo in this by Dave absolutely kills, and the climax of the song melts my face.

Awesome, defo about Russian Roulette, High Speed Dirt is also an awesome song! In fact 99% of early Megadeth is awesome.

Just love the bit where it switches from the thrashy main riffs to the solo backing then you get the chants of 'YOU' and 'COME ON' when he's going 'you next to die' - awesome! That's how you end a song tbh.

Metallica who?

Divine Heresy – Bringer of Plagues Lyrics 14 years ago
Has this guy got pistons for legs? Those double kicks are insanely fast....

Divine Heresy – Redefine Lyrics 14 years ago
Seems to me like a breakout from a pit of depression, stepping out and facing it all after being confined inside yourself.

Awesome song tho - uplifting chorus and outtro with the trademark FF machine gun riffages and pro drumming!!

Arch Enemy – The Day You Died Lyrics 14 years ago
Awesome intro instrumental? WHAT ABOUT THE SOLO!"£?!"?£!?"£?!"?£!"£?

Arch Enemy – In This Shallow Grave Lyrics 14 years ago
This... song... rips... faces.... off!

It eats picks for breakfast, it destroys elbow joints Jeff Hanneman style, it melts eyeballs and screams heads off!

What a tune, why has noone commented? The whole album is virtually flawless....this is coming from someone who thought Doomsday Machine and Wages were average with a couple of gems (Burning Bridges being one of the best!)

This one kicks Burning Bridges in the teeth!

Rihanna – Rude Boy Lyrics 14 years ago
Why are they allowed to play this filth on the radio that my 6 year old daughter can listen to - the song is awful anyway, it's pretty much porn on the radio and the melody and backing are both dreadful.

Shadows Fall – Final Call Lyrics 14 years ago
This song rocks the crud out of everything! The chorus is so anthemic!

Gotta be something to do with the crapiness of society and modern values, war maybe - I know Brian likes his spirituality and stuff so I'd imagine he's preaching a little about how corrupt everything is - he'd rather be an exile than be part of all the violence and war etc.


Shadows Fall – War Lyrics 14 years ago
Hell yeah, can't wait for No Woman No Cry



Shadows Fall – Still I Rise Lyrics 14 years ago
These are unbelievably bad...

Correct lyrics (minus one bit I'm not 100% on)

Stop searching the sky for answers
and look within
the greatest gift is the life we are given

This is the price you pay, throwing your whole life away

How can you know yourself
When your world is just a lie

Still I rise
From the ashes
From the ashes
Look inside, search for meaning
Truth can not survive
(Truth can not survive)

I feel the hate inside you, I watch it burn
You heard the warnings,
but you, you never learned

This is the price you pay, throwing your whole life away

Pretend to understand
You never even tried (this bit not 100% but sounds like it)

Still I rise
From the ashes
From the ashes
Look inside, search for meaning
Truth can not survive

Watch it burn
the hate inside you
No return, ignore the warning signs

Still I rise
From the ashes
From the ashes
Look inside, search for meaning
Truth can not survive

There you go. Good tune though!

Arch Enemy – Blood On Your Hands Lyrics 14 years ago
Arch Enemy are brutal, doesn't matter how melodic it gets it's brutal, you can go on and on about Deicide, Morbid Angel, Nile etc, yeah they are 'brutal' but you can't say AE aren't - that's like saying a 15 mile run is hard, but deadlifting heavy weight 50 times in a row isn't as tough. Two completely different flavours. Check out the second track on the album 'The Last Enemy' - totally crazy...

Anyway, I reckon like other people have said, the song is about killing each other :)

Arch Enemy – Hybrids Of Steel Lyrics 14 years ago
Awesome lead in this, even though it's a small one - should have been longer with those arpeggios...!! Love this tune tho, ambience to tha max!

Arch Enemy – Taking Back My Soul Lyrics 14 years ago
Song is amazing - chorus is amazing, pity it comes from an album with not that many top quality songs - I think they made a better album in 2007s Rise of the Tyrant - but in terms of song quality this is definately one of Arch Enemy's best!

This and The Last Enemy are just belters! Get them on in your car and for your own sake watch your speed, I often find myself doing over 50 in urban zones because of this music :D

Arch Enemy – Revolution Begins Lyrics 15 years ago

So pretty much this songs about taking no crap and getting off your arse and fighting for can be whatever you want to be, don't let other people or your own fears hold you down!

Trivium – Shogun Lyrics 15 years ago
I think Strongbad would love this song, so much meedly meedly meedly bits after the first solo!

Not sure on the meaning, something to do with society crashing down on itself methinks!

Trivium – Of Promethus and the Crucifix Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this is about being a martyr, doing something you think is right and facing the consequences - but braving them out and dealing with them like a hardcore sonbitch that can take getting his liver ripped out every night and be ready for it the next day!

And damn, this song is GOOD, the solo melts faces and the chorus riffs are awesome - I love the super high pitched Trivium harmonies in their solos, like on The Deceieved on Ascendancy.


Slayer – Consfearacy Lyrics 15 years ago
I swear this Slayer song is the bestest evah! This goes up there with War Ensemble it's just a pure onslaught and the whole rhythm of the lyrics at this bit:

Still I know that in the end
I'm expected to pretend
That I can't think for myself
Blame it all on someone else
Half hearted smile
While you look the other way

Gets me every time, the solos are pro too - how can Kerry King just mess about on the whammy and put some random notes together but make it a memorable solo? It's crazy stuff!

Anyway, the song meaning is as Child_uv_KoRn says, it's about the whole US government and in some parts I think it's specifically about Bush. "I can't relate to your verbal idiocy", think of the number of times Bush has said something really stupid.

"Complacency is your demise" - i.e. if you don't do something about it and just sit on your arse being complacent you will pay the price!

Trivium – Insurrection Lyrics 15 years ago
Prob best song on album from what I've heard so far - it's certainly the one which flows the most, the other few that I've heard are a bit stop/start

Trivium starting to do my head in with the choruses though, might grow on me tho

Mastodon – Siberian Divide Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is an amazing finish to the album. Hearts Alive ended Leviathan with the perfect mood. This one really sets the scene of the despair of freezing on the mountain top, and that crazy chorus part with the mega chords, falsetto and screaming is epic! I like the way this ends with a non-conclusion, kind of like in The Thing, where he just about gets out alive but is freezing in the snow and is still going to die and the other guy could still be a 'Thing' - you just don't know! Epic epic storytelling in song format - let's hope they don't go an ruin it by making a film about it :D

Mastodon – Bladecatcher Lyrics 16 years ago
This is so a boss battle! Gogogog wolfman, hit the boss in the knees to bring him down and shoot him in the eyes when they flash red... yay! 5000 pts!

This song rocks mah bits!

Timbaland – Apologize Lyrics 16 years ago
This is radio trash, and 'pologise' isn't a word.

It's too late to pologise?

I was under the impression that apologise had 4 syllables.

Mastodon – Hearts Alive Lyrics 16 years ago
I've never read it but man, this book sounds heavy metal

This album has gone down as one of my all time favourites - amazing to think that a concept and a little bit of imagery adds so much depth and atmosphere to an album!

Shadows Fall – Thoughts Without Words Lyrics 16 years ago

That riff is just so Pantera - Great Southern Trendkill and is one of the best riffs ever!

The way you get the pinch harmonic leading into it.. Jon Donais cannot be touched man, pity the sound was crappy last time I went to see them - still they played some old stuff - maybe not enough off Art Of Balance which has become my fave album second to Of One Blood even...(by a thread)!!

It's just a pity where they are going with their sound, losing more of their better influences

Same thing that happened with Killswitch

Maroon 5 – Won't Go Home Without You Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm going to be negative - yes I know this is song'meanings' but listening to this song for 2 seconds on the radio I immediately spotted the guitar work from Every Breath You Take. The problem is, released in this day and age, the kiddies with no musical taste and no sense of history lap it up.

Maroon 5 are bad.

Trivium – Contempt Breeds Contamination Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah this is one of the best off this CD, the breakdown owns me, it's so southern style- almost a Pantera riff!

Down – I Scream Lyrics 16 years ago
It's about Dime! :D RIP Dime!

Down – N.O.D. Lyrics 16 years ago

I love Down officially!

As for the song meaning...well knowing Phil it's probably got something to do with drugs...but don't quote me on that, Phil was always quite cryptic (the best lyricist ever!)

Down – Lifer Lyrics 16 years ago
Theres no tempo change in this song wtf?!

Down – Pillamyd Lyrics 16 years ago
This song rocks! No need to talk about the meaning really :D

Avril Lavigne – I'm With You Lyrics 16 years ago
Avril makes me sick, shes got talent that's for sure, but wastes it on songs like sk8r boi or whatever it's called and that new I don't like your girlfriend crap.

If she made songs like this more often I'd respect her a little more. Makes me wonder though - which songs are really Avril and which are just the record company pop wondersongs?

Shadows Fall – Of One Blood Lyrics 16 years ago
Man if you think that solo in this song is fast, check out some bits of Ghosts Of Past Failures on their 'The War Within' album... I tabbed it and it's pretty close to spot on (most of the other tabs were completely rubbish)

Note that these are 16th notes at about 210 bpm... try playing this I'm convinced it's all legato...(paste into notepad :D)

Gtr I
|-------------------------------------| x3 Very fast


Linkin Park – Bleed It Out Lyrics 17 years ago
Quoting subroc:

He knows going back to these hard times is the only way to get quality lyrics (Can't contain him, he knows it works.)

Quality lyrics? Linkin Park write atrocious lyrics.

Something really poetic? Check out anything off Panteras 'Far Beyond Driven' album

Shadows Fall – Crushing Belial Lyrics 17 years ago
I have to say Shadows Fall fall (no pun intended) into the category of a very musically mature band - check out the guitar layering in Root Bound Apollo - just amazing work all the way through that track

Shadows Fall – Fleshold Lyrics 17 years ago
See now Shadows Fall are good, don't like KsE much since the new singer - their sound has got too basic...there's no texture in the music

Shadows Fall got layers and layers!

Slayer – Skeleton Christ Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah once again Slayer manage to come up with one of the best outro riffs on a song EVER!

To do it twice on one album is amazing... Catatonic.. and this... have the most amazing outro riffs!

Pantera – Shedding Skin Lyrics 17 years ago
This song makes me puke its THAT good. At the end when Phil loses the plot....damn this is one of my favourite songs with the triple solo madness etc etc Pantera rock meee

Slayer – Flesh Storm Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah god DAMN Araya knows how to sound mean when he's like 'IT ALL STARTS NOW WHEN YOU PULL THE FUKKIN PIN' RAAARRRRRR!!"£!"£

Slayer – Temptation Lyrics 17 years ago
Negative - weakest my arse, that chugging riffage near the end of the track is the PROest riff on the album


Avril Lavigne – Not The Only One Lyrics 17 years ago
Avril Lavigne is a waste of time - her lyrics are a joke and she has no sense of grammar - ironically just like rock chick...

'Why haven't anyone commented on this song?'
'There's other fishes in the sea'

Notice the pattern of gramatical incorrectness.

Also notice the fact that Avril has not a single shred of talent and she can manage about 3 chords on her guitar when she's pretending to play. I think she spends more time on makeup than she does on writing...

Pity that really because there are some REAL women musicians out there..

Slayer – Catatonic Lyrics 17 years ago

God that riff at the end owns me, as soon as I got home after listening to this I broke out the 50 watter and broke some neighbours windows with the same riff!! Slayer RULE.

Machine Head – Days Turn Blue To Gray Lyrics 17 years ago
I love the whole MH n.h. thing, like that intro high riffage being played totally on n.h. so damn trademark MH and so damn CREATIVE!

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