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Taking Back Sunday – Great Romances of the 20th Century Lyrics 19 years ago
goddamn, wish i could edit: it's "september never stays this cold". i'm sure there's other typos, but you get the idea.

Taking Back Sunday – Great Romances of the 20th Century Lyrics 19 years ago
as far as manipulative goes, there's no indication in the song of either the girl or guy being manipulative. it's fine that listeners put their own emotions, memories, interpretation to it, relating it to their own lives and such, but in regards to the actual song's meaning.... it's not there. that's the listener's meaning they put in the song. ;p

gotta love tbs for their brutal honesty. they're writing so plainly about the drama that happens in the bedroom, where you'd hope would be where the great romances happen, and stars explode. i'm a girl too, and i recognize this situation... the guy wants to make love that has meaning, that's amazing, and makes them both go crazy, but is faced with the girl's lukewarm response, whatever the reason. it doesn't say the reason in the song, could be that she doesn't care anymore, jaded, tired, it's too bothersome or... it just doesn't happen because it's damn hard to come for a girl in sex -- maybe other girls are are more experienced and better at sex than i am, but that's how it is for me. i'm wild about the guy, it feels amazing, and i don't care about orgasming, except i DO want to come so the guy knows how wonderful he is, and how crazy i am about him... i always come close but i never come easy, heh.. and that's the truth, although the other girl may just be saying that along with her other excuses in regards to why she doesn't orgasm. *sigh* such a familiar situation..... anyways... you don't want to hear about this and i don't want to tell you cuz it's my business, but just wanted to explain that sex and love isn't so simple as "the girl is being manipulative, evil, doesn't give a crap about him" or that that's what TBS thinks either. and that's what makes this song and TBS so amazing.... because they're writing about ACTUAL life and moments that normally people don't talk about, and it's messy... never simple, full of hopes that get disappointed.

Whatever the reasons the girl doesn't come, this is a guy's angry and frustruated response to it. he sarcastically tells her, wow, september stays this cold where i'm from... her frigidness just doesn't thaw even though he keeps trying. yeah, he's bitter but underneath he's hurt over it, but trying to not care... even though he's falling apart on the inside.

i don't think the girl completely doesn't care for him, because she tries to explain or give excuses, and at first he tried to be sympathetic about it, but the situation doesn't get any better, the thunder and lightning never happen.

dunno, to me, it just sounds so much like he's writing about what HE went through, not some generalized crap about love or how shitty relationships can be. and i'm sure you guys know that relationships are never easy to peg as black and white with 2D good and bad guys.

i could be wrong, but like i said, i recognize this situation, although all of our reactions are of course different (tbs and his girl, me and my guy, etc). this is also what makes sex in longer term relationships harder, cuz there's emotions involved. ^^ anyways, that's my take on the meaning.

Penfold – I'll Take You Everywhere Lyrics 21 years ago
one of my absolute favorite songs. i love it.

The Weakerthans – History To The Defeated Lyrics 21 years ago
lol, i love depressing songs. :P so ja, this is one of my favorites of the weakerthans. such a droopy sad song -- the title says it all. "Don't give me that look, I looked harder than most did, let details like sharp nails punch holes in my shoes."

Bright Eyes – No Lies, Just Love Lyrics 21 years ago
geh, such a heart-breaking beautiful song.

Bright Eyes – Bowl of Oranges Lyrics 21 years ago
What a cute song. It really reminds me of childhood -- the dream, the nightmares in the dresser, how everything's fresh and new, just the whole simpleness of the whole song. And the open honesty, where everyone admits their fears and offers hope without shame or duplicity... that's really what kills me about this. Like he's saying, 'it's ok to be afraid' and even though he may not be able to do anything else, he'll hold your hand and be with you for a little while.

And like life, the song can't be entirely happy. It's too honest to do that. But I disagree with Fadingreflection, in that the song is sarcastic... I think as we grow up, we're taught to not to make ourselves vulnerable, but this song disregarded all that an offered a small flower of hope although it knows that the world's can be a sad place that'll never be as neatly solved as math. The only alleviation to loneliness or a sad heart (that even a doctor perscribed, hehe).

I think he's saying that life's about moving, but if we pause for a moment, we can see beauty around us -- in a painting, in a bowl of oranges, in a gesture, or even in a song that's "like a story told by the fault lines and the soul."

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