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Keith Urban – You'll Think Of Me Lyrics 18 years ago
I always hated that damn cat anyway...

Blues Traveler – Hook Lyrics 21 years ago
Popper's genius shines through in this song. It is a satire of the music industry and the pointless cookie-cutter songs they produce every year. It is also a commentary on the lemmings that purchase such drivel. My favorite line is "Could be financial suicide, but I've got too much pride inside to hide, or slide. I'll do as I decide and let it ride until I've died and ONLY THEN shall I abide this tide of catchy little tunes and hip three minute ditties." That is priceless.

Rush – The Trees Lyrics 21 years ago
These lyrics are high poetry. The meaning is actually very simple. We are not all equal in every way. Any attempt to artifically create universal equality is ultimately doomed to failure. But no matter how inequitable life becomes, death awaits us all. In the end, we all end up the same.

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