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Deadsy – Seagulls (The Macroposopus) Lyrics 22 years ago
i think a lot of the lyrics are wrong

Deadsy – Sleepy Hollow (feat. Jonathan Davis) Lyrics 22 years ago
Under the sand
Through the land
Find all i can
And form a clan
That teaches to last
Tears the past
Laughs at the rest
Beats the best
Defeats the west
Burns the nest
We passed all the tests

Thats what Elijah's lyrics actually sound like to me.

Deadsy – Fox On The Run Lyrics 22 years ago
haha, it is out of the 80s, its originally done by Sweet

Deadsy – Future Years Lyrics 22 years ago
I think this song is about fate guiding us through the future. "mercurial signs they read, make real our minds true fascination". Mercurial spirits are said to rule the Tarot, a system of cards used to tell a person's future. Also, fate alone dictates our future, "Just sit back and recline, i'll guide you through the years", meaning that we should just 'sit back' and accept the future that fate deals us no matter what because we can not change it.

Deadsy – Mansion World Lyrics 22 years ago
I agree, this song is about the afterworld. According to the Book of Urantia, the next level of existence for the human soul is the "mansion world."

However, there is indication in his lyrics that he does not mean for us to think of heaven in the adjective sense of the word, but most definately as a noun. That this "place we go to" is a physical world which we are reborn on.

Elijah often refers to ancient cultures in his lyrics, such as the Hittites. I think that he believes an ancient concept of the afterlife which was a strong part of Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian cultures and quite possibly had an influence on early Christian and Jewish Messianic beliefs. (However i can;t be certain, i would sure like to sit down with the man and pick his brain.) I'm pulling this from one line in this song; "faster than the seven sattelites." I'll try to explain as simply as possible as to why this is significant:

Surely most reading this would of heard about theories of a "Planet X" or a final planet in our solar system that remains undiscovered. There is one theory which holds ground in the ancient religious beliefs of aforementioned peoples and their astronomical observations. This theory is that in passing nearby another solar system, our extremely early solar system (im talking like, before any kind of life was on earth) picked up a Brown Dwarf star. This star then settled into an eccentric elliptical orbit, much like a comet, in which it passes nearby earth every approx. 3600 to 3800 years. This brown dwarf, which was referred to as "Nibiru" by the sumerians and "Marduk" by the Babylonians, was always depicted as a winged disc or a bright orb with seven spheres. These are the planetoids which orbit the dark star (the seven sattelites). According to acient myth, one of these seven plentoids are inhabited by a race of superior beings. All of the above mentioned cultures believed that when one dies, their soul lays in wait here on earth for the return of this star in our skies so that they can be reincarnated on the inhabited planet as a divine being. The ancient symbol of Nibiru is also prevalent in Masonic art, and Deadsy definately use a lot of Masonic symbols (you can see the set square and dividers on their homepage, in the key to grammercy park video etc.)

I hope all that makes sense. You can read more about Nibiru at and more about the book of Urantia at

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