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Cursive – The Casualty Lyrics 22 years ago
Cursive has so much more groove than Thursday, and the guitar work is way more complex. These guys have been around longer too. Domestica is suppose to be Concept album, hence the repeated lyrics and overall theme.

Cursive – Excerpts from Various Notes Strewn Around the Bedroom of April Connolly Lyrics 22 years ago
Their frontman had to get hospitalized for collapsed lungs, had to cancel a tour, didn't have health insurance, and could barely afford surgery...and you complain about spending a few extra bucks on a Cursive Split!!!! That's funny.

Alkaline Trio – I Lied My Face Off Lyrics 22 years ago
Genres suck!!...To me this song means that you have to express yourself to the other person otherwise they're not going to get it and you're going to screw everything up. We shouldn't hold back.

Alkaline Trio – You've Got So Far To Go Lyrics 22 years ago
I'm straight edge, but I got to say...Never has drinking and smoking been so ROMANTIC!!!!

Alkaline Trio – Maybe I'll Catch Fire Lyrics 22 years ago
I like this singer's voice better than Matt Skiba's. Anybody else agree?

Alkaline Trio – Stupid Kid Lyrics 22 years ago
This song reminds me of the fact that girls are really fucking mean!!!!!I really hate worshipping them.

Alkaline Trio – Private Eye Lyrics 22 years ago
Alkaline trio rocks period. I don't give a shit if they go on to win a fucking grammy. That won't change the fact that they rock like a fucking hurricane. I don't think Matt Skiba would have it any other way!! OI OI OI!!!!

Fugazi – Argument Lyrics 22 years ago
I once read an essay on the internet about how fugazi
(other indie bands included) were to blame for mainstream music sucking ass. It argued that if they didn't have so much self righteous integrity then the public could have had a much better intake of music and therefore none of the mainstream crap out today would be acceptable. I personally think that All GREAT MUSIC should reach as many people as possible. Even if that means that the artist might make some money.(as long as the music isn't tampered with by the industry of course)

Cursive – A Red So Deep Lyrics 22 years ago
Don't you just love the outro?

Cursive – Target Group Lyrics 22 years ago
I wish everyone would get this song's message. It shows that everyone is trying to fit into "Target Groups" and so many people are the same. It harms everyone in the long run. Thats why I hate scenesters!!!

Cursive – After the Movies Lyrics 22 years ago
"In the movies Well, they never had it so good" I love that line and theres been times when I've felt that. Its the best description of love I've ever heard in a song. Too bad it had to end...Poor Tim.

Cursive – The Game of Who Needs Who the Worst Lyrics 22 years ago
By saying that shes not bashful, he's pointing out that she is such a flirt. When he sees this kind of thing happening he questions his own value in the relationship. BTW you're all forgetting the fact that TIM KASHER IS JESUS!!!

Cursive – Eight Light Minutes Lyrics 22 years ago
This song sort of seems like a pick up line.

Cursive – Sink to the Beat Lyrics 22 years ago
It's completely satirical. It pokes fun at the fact that even though being part of the industry sucks, songwriters can't help but create, like its some kind of disease. By the way Cursive is its own scene!! Completely unique!!

Cursive – Dedication to Desertion Lyrics 22 years ago
A simple song about loss. the "some doctrines of faith can be so misleading" is probably a reference to Kasher's resentment of religion.

Cursive – Excerpts from Various Notes Strewn Around the Bedroom of April Connolly Lyrics 22 years ago
don't get me wrong though, This is a song about SELF loathing...I would never insult Tim Kasher!!! The man is my idol!!!

Cursive – Excerpts from Various Notes Strewn Around the Bedroom of April Connolly Lyrics 22 years ago
When Trevor is describing love, he is really just describing sex. My impression of him then is that he is an infidelously, drunken hornball. April gets back at him by leaving him for another man...obviously. Also, any other longtime cursive or good life listeners might agree with the assumption that "Trevor Post" is a pseudonym for Kasher for April your guess is as good as mine.

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