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Lifehouse – Spin Lyrics 21 years ago
I didn't read all the posts, but the ones i did see (about Creed and Lifehouse not being Christian bands...) kinda made me wonder how ignorant people are of how Christianity works through people. Look at U2, Van Morrison, etc. The band members were clearly influenced by Christ, and they say it through their music. What makes music interesting is the replaying value. You listen to a song once and you think it's about a girl, you listen to it again another day and you think it's about God. So you listen to it again, to make your mind up. So you've listened to it 3 times now, and you still can't figure it out. Thats what makes music by Lifehouse or any of the other bands i've mentioned wonderful.
P.S The members of Creed are Christian, so that makes the band (the group of people) Christian. Maybe my logic is stupid in assuming this.

Lifehouse – Fool Lyrics 21 years ago
I think this song is about God, but it could be about another relationship also. It's about how you stumble in your walk with God, how you screw up and cannot be what you want to be. But how that you know you have to get up, that you want to be closer to God, but are so unperfect that you keep falling. I think about a moth with it's wings broken trying desperately to get towards the flame. That may not make sense to anyone, but God is perfect and we are moths with broken wings. Don't you love symbolism? I Do.

Lifehouse – You Belong To Me Lyrics 21 years ago
This is a great song, everyone has put up that Jason's voice is incredible, so i won't include that.... Hallejujah is a great song, too! I think that Rufus Wainwright has a great voice, and i really didn't like the version with Jeff Buckley...But anyway, this song is nice, but it isn't my favorite, Yes Jason's Voice may be nice, and it accents it wonderfully, but i like the music he does with the band better than alone.

Kevin Max – Existence Lyrics 22 years ago
Yeah, the rapping part was what made me look up this song >_

Led Zeppelin – That's the Way Lyrics 22 years ago
My Dad is a BIG Zeppelin fan, and i have to say that some of it has worn off on me. This is one of my favorite songs, it's best listened to in the rain, or in a car-ride. I guess it reminds me of alot of things that i've seen people i've met. It's about impressions, and how you can change the world with them. Kiss the flowers while they are alive.

Final Fantasy Game – Eyes On Me (Final Fantasy VIII) Lyrics 22 years ago
This song isn't *that* good. I would put it my "bad" song catergory. It might have been better if they had a better singer for it. Nothing against Faye Wong, but this isn't her best work.

Final Fantasy Game – Suteki Da Ne (Isn't It Beautiful - Japanese) (Final Fantasy X) Lyrics 22 years ago
It's funny how much better a song sounds in a differnt language. And when you hear it in english, then it's terrible. Nevertheless, this is a very pretty song. One of the Best sung Final Fantasy themes out there.

DC Talk – Jesus Freak Lyrics 22 years ago
I love DC talk, their truth and conventional wisdom in their lyrics shows. I went and saw them last spring, their energy moved me, they got up there and screamed the Word, not caring. Christians loose their way in our liberal society and some are afraid to tell people that they love their Lord, and believe in Christ. This song shows a wonderful state of mind, and gives me strength to become the type of Christian i've read about. Knowing that people out there are in the same shoes as me gives me comfort--for there had to be a reason to write such a song, unless i'm the only one who feels weak when no one else shares the same ideals. Human Nature is weak, we are weak. But with Him, we can move Mountains. We were all once lost, there has only been one who was born perfect and unerring. The choice of accepting Jesus in your life is something YOU decide to do, not that someone else decides for you. Just because your father is a pastor doesn't make you a "good" Christian. I honestly believe there isn't any such thing as a "good" Christian. We're All human. Jesus came to taught us to love. Love is what sets us free, Love is what teaches. Judging is for a Greater, Perfection.

Blyss – Storm Lyrics 22 years ago
I think that this song has religous meaning to it. Jesus walked on water, and he said that people with faith could do the same. " And I will walk on water" And the drowning could be the singer feeling weak. Take for instance viewing the Twin Towers falling. Some people asked "why would God allow this to happen?" I feel that underwater represents doubt. I guess i could relate to this song because it mirrors some moments i've felt in my faith. Weakenss. Going on my trait of thought, you know that If God was here, everything would be alright. The singer knows this, and looks for God. And he knows that he was meant to be where he is now, and doesn't know why...Sorry for Rambling ^_^

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