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Something Corporate – Punk Rock Princess Lyrics 22 years ago
HEY LOOK! I'm making another comment - emo12PUNK12metal, you need to stop generalizing. Don't assume that all emo and punk fans only restrict their tastes to..emo and punk. I happen to like Nsync. I'll admit that they hardly compare to some of the other artists you listed. But a person can like Britney Spears, and Nsync, and Dream Street - and then go and like Thursday, and The Juliana Theory, and Jimmy Eat World - WITHOUT being a teenybopper.

Something Corporate – Punk Rock Princess Lyrics 22 years ago
I adore this song. And, just to rant a little - whoever the fuck said "they better not sell out, MTV SUCKS!!" - you are an idiot. I am sick of hearing that. So what? A band is getting popular, getting a larger and more diverse fanbase. If you were a real fan, that wouldn't matter. They could have one fan, or one million fans. You'd still like the BAND. You'd be in it for the MUSIC. You should be happy for any band [that you like, of course] for gaining popularity. They are SUCCESSFUL, and it's not supposed to be a BAD THING. You should be PROUD OF YOUR FAVORITE BAND FOR GETTING SOMEWHERE AND PROVING THEMSELVES. I don't get it. They aren't selling out. They are just trying to pay their FUCKING RENT. Ahh people, shut the fuck up about how un-punk Blink 182 is. For one, they were never punk to begin with. Second, if they were so "punk" back in the day, then why aren't they now? They sound pretty much the same, but they are more popular. If I remember correctly, The Ramones were popular. But they are seen as one of the most punk-iest bands ever. What I am trying to say is - if you stop liking a band because they are gaining publicity and popularity, then you were a BAD FUCKING FAN to begin with. Heh, I am so damn chipper.

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