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David Byrne – Tiny Apocalypse Lyrics 2 years ago
I feel this song is about the little apocalypses that happen to all of us, like hearing that you are critically ill or that you suffer from serious mental illness. And about the experiences that come with that. Helplines that are unreachable, meaningless material possesions, the formulaic banality of medical treatment, the loss of control over your personal life when you enter hospital. And the wish to escape it all, tiptoeing away. There seems to be a female protagonist, but the song is also a comment on how society in general deals with these kind of things nowadays.

Talking Heads – Don't Worry About The Government Lyrics 2 years ago
There seems to be some discussion about whether this song is ironic or not. I think it\'s both and it\'s intended that way. It reflects the naivety of living the ideal suburban life, and in a way it also celebrates that naivety. The comfort of conformity, while being aware that it\'s artificial. A theme that often returns in Byrne\'s lyrics.

Thomas Dolby – Budapest by Blimp Lyrics 2 years ago
I always took Budapest by Blimp to be about a love left behind. But rereading it recently (including the Hungarian lines), I wonder if it could be about an ancestor or family member forced to flee from war or persecution. Maybe it has elements of both. Or maybe it\'s just a romantic historical fantasy. Any which way, it\'s quite an evocative song.

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