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Belle & Sebastian – Legal Man Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is interesting to me primarily as a foreshadow of B&S's career to come. "Legal Man" at its heart--were it reworked with synth--would fit very well on TLP. Put next to IYFS, BWAS, and possibly even FYH, it sounds bizarre and out of place. A sign of the reinvention of Belle long before it happened, it seems.

Belle & Sebastian – Your Cover's Blown Lyrics 18 years ago
This is by far B&S's best song. Absolutely wonderful--the Indie Bohemian Rhapsody.

Belle & Sebastian – Piazza, New York Catcher Lyrics 18 years ago
It certainly refers to both. Ferdinand and Miranda in the "O Brave New World" I-will-enlighten-and-awaken-you sense, and the Ferdinand Magellan in the "circumnavigate the world" sense.

This is certainly the cleverest song on DCW.

John Lennon – Imagine Lyrics 19 years ago

Three years on, now that I'm a college freshman as you were, I still think you're a tool.

The Monkees – I'm A Believer Lyrics 19 years ago
This is a wonderful song. Shrek disrespects it. Also, the end of Grail sucks. That is all.

Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody Lyrics 19 years ago
Hello all. I've stumbled back after a few years of not being here. I can't believe I remembered my password.

Anyway, thanks so much for all the kind words regarding my theory. I do appreciate them.

I've always thought this song is the essence of SongMeanings. Everyone posts what they think it means, they post critiques of the theories of others, and they appreciate great music.

Cowboy Bebop – Green Bird Lyrics 20 years ago
This does not at all sound like what the song sounds like. Does anyone else notice that? Is this a translation?

Cowboy Bebop – The Real Folk Blues Lyrics 20 years ago
When I first started learning Japanese from used textbooks I picked up off my friends who had actually taken the courses (I'm officially studying Chinese and Physics at the moment) I used this song as one of my pronounciation drills.

The Beatles – Hey Jude Lyrics 20 years ago

It was a joke. Not real.

Weird Al Yankovic – Polka Power! Lyrics 21 years ago
Starfish: Every album has one polka song (such as this, and he always has permission), about half parodies (which he also has permission for) and about half entirely original songs, which in no way is anyone but Al responsible for.

Weird Al Yankovic – Bohemian Polka Lyrics 21 years ago
Um...I personally think this is the best BR parody ever written. Taking the pretentious lyrics (which I love more than any other song's, by the way) and overblown, bombastic music (see lyrics) and simply putting it to a preposterous tempo, thus exposing exactly how ridiculous BR is in the first place.

Oh, and how exactly can one make a parody without "ripping off" a song? isn't a parody. 95% of the parodies out there suck. Weird Al, I believe, makes the other ones.

TheChildIsStarfish: get over yourself already. Stop being so judgemental, stop being so annoying, and stop being so self-righteous over a song.

Oh, and sorry if I'm "berrate"-ing you with accusing, judgemental, insulting words.

The Beatles – Nowhere Man Lyrics 21 years ago
Nowhere girl, please listen: you don't know what your missing! Nowhere girl, the world is at your command!

These lyrics are kinda wrong. Here's a bit more accurate copy:

He's a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

Doesn't have a point of view
knows not where he's going to
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere man please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere man, The world is at your command

He's as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere man, can you see me at all
Nowhere man don't worry
Take your time, don't hurry
Leave it all till somebody else
Lends you a hand
Ah, la, la, la, la

Doesn't have a point of view
knows not where he's going to
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere man please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere man, The world is at your command
Ah, la, la, la, la

He's a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

John Lennon – Imagine Lyrics 21 years ago
If I thought you did, I would have given you one.

John Lennon – Imagine Lyrics 21 years ago
YAD: You don't deserve one.

The Beatles – Wild Honey Pie Lyrics 21 years ago
This song is actually a deep commentary on post-colonial shallowness of society, as repitition of emotion destroys itself and therefore gives rise to a newer, broader, yet somehow shallower blindness.


The Beatles – Why Don't We Do It in the Road? Lyrics 21 years ago

Wink wink nudge nudge saynomore saynomore! This song "goes", eh? This song, "goes?" Eh? Eh? Wink wink, nudge nudge, he told him knowingly? Eh? Nudge nudge? Well say no more! Say no more!

The Beatles – Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! Lyrics 21 years ago

Care to explain?

The Beatles – Please Please Me Lyrics 21 years ago
Um...I don't want to disagree.
Well, wait, yes, I do.

There may be a subtext. There probably isn't. Let's not throw a sexual subtext into EVERYTHING, please. Could it, like every other Beatles song of the time, be about a teenage love relationship (not that kind of love, horny arse!)? Or is "Hard Day's Night" about male-dominated sexual relationships? Is "From Me to You" about sexual favors? How about "Help!"? Love Me Do? Could we just stop practicing our damn pseudopsychology EVERYWHERE and just learn to TAKE A FEW GODDAMN THINGS AT FACE VALUE?

Everyone is in such a race to prove their intellectual superiority they dig deeper and deeper into anything they find, no matter how barren, interpreting anything they find as absolute proof of a completely new paradigm.

Oh, and your "source"? Music editor of the Village Voice? Now THAT is a fair, unbalanced opinion. I can think of no place LESS into sexual post-modernism and Psychology 101 than the Village! Yep! Well, perhaps California.

Get over yourself.

Suddenly, I'm never going to view shallow-minded "thinkers" again.

The Beatles – Back in the U.S.S.R. Lyrics 21 years ago
Whenever I see a Moscow girl, I sing and shout. Whenever I see a Ukranian girl I pass out. This can make tourism in Russia rather conspicuous.

The Beatles – Yesterday Lyrics 21 years ago
YAD: Argumentitum ad Hominem. Logical fallacy. Don't use it.

Yes, doomy. We get it. Undomiel is not only an idiot, he's an idiot with bad grammar. It's like bad Engrish.

The Beatles – Maxwell's Silver Hammer Lyrics 21 years ago
Fun song to whistle.

The Beatles – While My Guitar Gently Weeps Lyrics 21 years ago
And the first "celebrity" to play in a beatles song was Keith Richards on Baby You're a Rich Man (oboe).

Disney – A Whole New World (Aladdin) Lyrics 21 years ago
Oh boy. A special talent, will get shared! I can't wait! Sign me up to listen to the amazing LJ--who has SPECIAL TALENT that the WORLD MUST HEAR!

Dashboard Confessional – Screaming Infidelities Lyrics 21 years ago
Hah. I think I'm about the last person to not post in this thread.

And yes, I did just waste your time. Forever.

The Rolling Stones – Under My Thumb Lyrics 21 years ago
Probably the most self-assured, coolest song ever written. Not that I think this song is cool, but that this song KNOWS it's cool. It's cool in its being, in its playing, and in its very existance. The guitar knows it's cool. The keyboard knows it's cool. Mick knows he's cool.

The Rolling Stones – Mother's Little Helper Lyrics 21 years ago
This isn't so much about "hard drugs" but perfectly legal prescription drugs (i.e. Valium) that tended to be overprescribed.

The Flaming Lips – Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1 Lyrics 21 years ago
pff. What do you think it means? Robot 3021 wakes up, attains sentience, and starts to love (presumably) Yoshimi, the little girl wearing yellow on the cover. Unit 3021 is sent with the other invincible Pink Robots to the City. Yoshimi kills them all, including her silent admirer in pt. 2.

Whatever. Just following the most obvious line of narrative here. It definately seems childlike.

The Flaming Lips – Fight Test Lyrics 21 years ago
IMHO, this is the best song on Yoshimi. Of course, I'm an idiot, so you can just ignore that.

The Rolling Stones – Start Me Up Lyrics 21 years ago
Not "dead man cum", it should be "dead man come". Jeez.

The Beatles – Dig a Pony Lyrics 21 years ago

Yeah, this song isn't all that great. It's like Walrus, only it makes more sense, isn't that weird, and is guitar-centered. Oh, and it really isn't as cool, doesn't get as much odd-publicity, and has an even odder title. Okay, they're not really that similar. Never mind.

The Beatles – Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey Lyrics 21 years ago
I'd say it's a combination of sex and John being...well, John. As for sex, I'm not going to go any deeper. Figure it out yourself, adding as much innuendo as you want. John is self-explanitory.

Not heroin. The Beatles weren't addicted to heroin.

Green Day – Who Wrote Holden Caulfield? Lyrics 21 years ago
By Early 1900s you obviously mean 1928.

It relates rather well, I think. Both show the shallowness of society, have a main character that simply floats through life, yet in their shunning of society, ends up being just as "bad" as society itself.

The Beatles – Hey Jude Lyrics 21 years ago
No offense taken in the slightest. Far too often things more preposterous are meant too be taken at face value.

John Lennon – Imagine Lyrics 21 years ago As a matter of fact, no. Not at all. Very few people have died of "communism". Let's see here...

The USSR under Stalin was an oppressive totalitarian government that was NOT AT ALL Communist. People were murdered not because they believed in the ideals of free-market competition, but because they held land/power and could feasibly have organized resistance (although unlikely) Here we have kleptocracy, iron-fist oppression and demagoguery, not socialism and public welfare (the tenants of Communism). I don't feel like repeating myself, so please see my above post for further thoughts.

The millions of starvation casualties in China during the Great Leap Forward were not at all related to "communism" but were instead related to "draught" and "the government doesn't know what the hell to do about it" because "they were trying to modernize the nation" and "no Western nations told them anything about iron smelting in the colonial years." to keep them from gaining economic strength and challenging the industrialized nations "profits".

In WWII, millions upon millions died (mostly Russian casualties, Lord Jingoism) to combat (or advance, depending on your nationality) totalitarian oppression and relentless expansionism. Communism? Used as an excuse by the Nazis, but not much else.

Actually, more people have died over racial superiority/tension than any other issue--and this goes for every race, not just Anglo-Nordic whites. Look at the number of people killed in civilian attacks, interracial murders, wars of conquest, and genocides in the last two centuries.

And I would like you to explain why John Lennon was a "tumor" on the body of the Beatles. He wrote over half their songs, sang half of them, and was undeniably the most artistic. Paul wrote pop songs. George wrote love songs. John wrote art.


Personally, I think it is the innocence of the song that sets us off. It appeals to the child in us, and we take it into ourselves. We internalize it, and it becomes akin to a stuffed animal. And when something internalized is insulted/misrepresented, we get angry. Think about when someone maligns your wife/kids/parents/dog.

The other kind of person doesn't "get it", is annoyed on some level by all the attention this song gets (vs. songs they enjoy), and attacks the song to "bring it down to where it should be".

Both rather petty.

My two pence, anyway. If you disagree, please do so respectfully.

The Beatles – Hey Jude Lyrics 21 years ago
We've all heard the story Bobo. It was a joke. Perhaps I should have prefaced it.

The Rolling Stones – Paint It Black Lyrics 21 years ago
Look at some biographies. Keith had lost his longtime lover, was painfully addicted to heroin, was exhausted by the band, and was miserable overall. And for god's sake, look at the credits in the album. This IS Keith's baby.

lilavati: no doubt, it did have drug-related themes. However, the Stones weren't that into hallucinogens at the time. It was heroin and pot for these boys.

The Rolling Stones – Satisfaction Lyrics 21 years ago
This is what the world seems like when you can't get any sexual gratification. The tenseness, the shortness, the way stupid stuff pulls on you...

Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody Lyrics 21 years ago
Damn. We're actually being good boys and girls now. Somebody flame.

The Beatles – Hey Jude Lyrics 21 years ago
I think it's interesting that "Jude" is German for "Jew". The Beatles got their start in Germany, didn't they? This song is obviously an expression of empathy for the Zionist movement. The Jews had undergone the Holocaust, and were in the middle of the biggest test of the state of Israel--the Yom Kippur War / Seven Days War interem period. Paul is calling the Jews to stay strong, but not cold--to go after their goals of security with love and peace. To not try to pull down the entire Middle East upon their heads, but to make peace--when they feel the pain of regional strife, Paul called Israel not to retaliate (refrain) and not to "carry the world upon your shoulders."

"You're waiting for someone to perform with.
And don't you know that it's just you.
Hey Jude, you'll do,
The movement you need is on your shoulder."

Israel lacked true regional allies, and was entirely dependant on American / UN aid to remain afloat. However, what the Jewish world needed to do was renounce foreign aid, and stand alone in peace with its neighbors by negotiating for peace.

"Her" is peace--in both Hebrew and Latin, respectively the classical Jewish and Christian languages--Peace takes the feminine tense.

And Jewish history has always been a sad song: the Jews have been among the most persecuted people in history.

Any takers?

The Beatles – Glass Onion Lyrics 21 years ago
Okay. Caps. Let's use 'em right, guys.
BD: And Badfinger was the original name for the song Paul was writing to the tune of "Yesterday".

This song, like so many others, was John playing. Having a joke. Parodying himself and the mythos of the band.

I like how in each "I told you 'bout..." there's a little reference to the song in the background...voice-synthesized "Walrus", Fool flutes, and Strawberry music.

The Beatles – Back in the U.S.S.R. Lyrics 22 years ago
Caps Lock Key. Hit it again, ladymadonna.
Um...the lack of Strawberry Fields Forever I was irritated by, but Piggies? Why the hell would one WANT to be exposed to that repeatedly? SFF was/is very highly regarded. Piggies?

The Beatles – Your Mother Should Know Lyrics 22 years ago
Funny how now this song seems to describe itself...

Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody Lyrics 22 years ago
Grr. I will now go and kill off several members of Creed.

John Lennon – Imagine Lyrics 22 years ago
Moulingalette: it was a joke. Read both my posts--if you took that seriously, you really need to wake up.

And so you're saying that everyone should be like JL? An egotistical, drug-addicted, lazy/uncreative (he didn't write a single original song for Sgt.Pepper) ex-hippie?


Wrong, wrong, wrong. Have you done any actual research?

Surprisingly, many people DID wat to waste their lives slaving away for the common good of humanity. People can be like that--during the Early Middle Ages, people tried to spend their entire lives slaving away for the common good of Christianity--and if that means slaughtering a few heathens here and there, so be it :p

People want to do what they are trained to want to do. You see, there is NO reason why Communism could not work theoretically. If a country has an equal amount of wealth, and the wealth is evenly distributed, on the whole everyone should be happier but the top 5%. In practice, although nobody technically "owns" anything, that doesn't stop people from *actually* owning things. PROPERTY is what one cannot own. Property should be evenly distributed.

No, Communism failed because Communism never existed. True Communism is enlightened anarchy--a perfect system, if it could be put in place. The world of Imagine.

What we ACTUALLY had was Totalitarian Socialism--the entire country and every aspect of it in the hands of the government, and the government entirely in the hands of a few. In paper, this is needed to condition the people to live together without class rivalry (yes, people, class rivalry does exist today--90% of all crimes committed by blacks are against whites. It's not racism, it's true.). However, in practice, the admirable goal of decreasing rivalry instead merely gets warped into a full-blown tyranny. Shows of power are the only way such a government can support itself, and it doesn't help that you are invariably threatened by a very unhappy Western Hemisphere. So you militarize, while still keeping the economy stagnant as a byproduct of opression. Uh-oh! You can't afford that! Better just keep building and let the standard of living plummet--can't show the world weakness or you'll get invaded, right?

We didn't win the Cold War through ideology or through flaws in communism. We outspent them. Gov't spending tripled during the Reagan years, the Soviets tried to match us--after Kennedy, they were pretty much doomed, but Reagan managed to expediate the process.

Have you been to China? I spent 9 months there last year--and amazingly, they're just as happy as we are here...some more, some less. As long as you're above the poverty line and as long as people around you have comparable wealth, income has very little impact on happiness.

Dui le, Dui le, wo hui jiang hanyu. Bu hui shuo Zhongguo hua, Zenme ke yi qu Zhongguo?

Now, see, people WERE unhappy during the Great Leap Forward. Indirectly, Mao ended up killing more people than Hitler did (discounting WWII). But that wasn't communism, that was the result of a foolish attempt to westernize a nation overnight. And that wasn't an ideology giving the orders, that was a power-mad dictator.

Finally...most of the reason people like this song is because of its innocence. The world has never been changed by people who say it can't be, and on some level we all inherantly know that. Innocence and purity are beautiful, and as such this song is beautiful. Very few people would like the following song:

"The world is miserable
Nobody likes me at all
Nobody ever will
We'll all go to hell

Pain and suffering forever
All that will ever come
And I know this song doesn't rhyme
Because I'm a failure at this too"

...oh, right. Sorry. I forgot about much of rap, heavy metal, popular music...never mind.

I'm going to go cry :)

John Lennon – Imagine Lyrics 22 years ago
He's a communist, trying to subvert us with his lack of possessions and his lack of a God!

The Beatles – I Am the Walrus Lyrics 22 years ago
By the way, the words in the middle are (with times)

Osw. Slave, (3:53) Thou hast slain me:- villian, take my purse. If ever thou wilt thrive, (4:02) bury my body, and give the (4:05) letters which thous findest about me to (4:08) Edmund Earl of Gloster. (4:10) Seek him out upon the British party. :- O, (4:14) Untimely Death!
Edg. (4:23) I know thee well, a (4:25) serviceable villain. As duteous to the (4:27) vices of thy mistress as badness would desire.
Glo. What, is he dead?
Edg. (4:31) Sit you down father, rest you. (Ends) Let's see these pockets, the letters that he speaks of may be my friends.. He's dead. I am only sorry he had no other deaths man.

King Lear :)

John Lennon – Imagine Lyrics 22 years ago
Oh my god! Lennon is actually Lenin! Lenin didn't actually die--the famous corpse is actually a wax dummy...KGB agents resurrected Lenin years after his "death", dressed him up, and sent him off to morally subvert America! It all makes sense now--listen to Side Two of the initial release of Abbey Road backwards, and then listen to Imagine sped up three times while turning the treble all the way up and the bass all the way down--starting to get it? Now play Strawberry Fields Forever next to a backwards loop of the "why she had to go I don't know" part of Yesterday (The name similarity between McCartney and Marx is too great to ignore) and you'll understand. Then cut any Meet the Beatles US release LP into quarters and rearrange them backwards, and listen to it normally whilst reading Das Kapital.

I can't believe nobody's seen this before!

The Beatles – Her Majesty Lyrics 22 years ago
No way. A perfect note for the beatles to go out on.

The Beatles – I Am the Walrus Lyrics 22 years ago

Best thing I've seen all day


The Beatles – Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! Lyrics 22 years ago
Found the poster...'tis at

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