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Gerard McMann – Cry Little Sister Lyrics 25 days ago
This site getting rid of all paragraphs is not cool.

I'm going, as I always do, with what I think I am not stating this is the actual interpretation. A few reasons for this. One is I'm not convinced that musicians always tell the truth about what their music is about. If you wrote a song about your crazy ex or some sort of dangerous criminal would you say this? Secondly, this is how I get value from all music, what does it emotionally mean to me?:

"A last fire will rise behind those eyes
Black house will rock, blind boys don't lie
Immortal fear, that voice so clear
Through broken walls, that scream I hear"

The fear is 'immortal', because the child is young. Fear when we are that age, is all encompassing. "Blind boys don't lie" is that the boy is told that he should not look at something, perhaps his sister being beaten up. The last line is self explanatory. The first line hints at there being a death in the house, perhaps from abuse. But it could also be that the boy is dying inside due to child abuse. Becoming a broken person.

"Blue masquerade, strangers look on
When will they learn this loneliness?
Temptation heat beats like a drum
Deep in your veins, I will not lie"

'Strangers look on' is one of the really strong things that children that are abused remember. Strangers often cannot help and when they try to they make it worse. But even so there is a strong emotional impression in the child that adults do not do anything to help them.

"When will they learn this loneliness". Having to keep a secret like this means you can't connect with others.

"Temptations heat beats like a drum, deep in your veins I will not lie".

I am thinking a rythmic beat of the drum is indicating exactly what we might think in our darker visions, I can't think of another interpretation for that line. I am hoping that the brother has not succumbed to temptation (although this might be indicated by the Shangri La paragraph) but it is in fact someone, likely the parent, that is working on the sister and that he is commenting on this.

"My Shangri-Las
I can't forget
Why you were mine
I need you now"

Another interpretation of this could be that the brother has now escaped and no longer has contact with the sister. One of the upsetting things in abusive families is that there are different ways these things can be handled and some obsessively praise their abusers. So if you have one sibling that thinks rightly that physically and otherwise abusive parents should be cut out of ones life, but then another sibling has praised the abusers then the siblings can't connect. Or it could simply be that they don't like to contact each other but he misses her. Too many memories.

Also, something else worth mentioning. He says "Why you were mine". His sister needed and confided in him only for the reason that she was being abused, in this analogy. They have not had a normal childhood where they could partially bond, but an over intense closeness from an abusive environment. So the reason "why" is literally haunting.

I prefer the interpretation where it was not the brother succumbing to temptation.

"Cry, little sister - Thou shall not fall
Come, come to your brother - Thou shall not fly
Unchain me, sister - Thou shall not fear
Love is with your brother - Thou shall not kill"

This is the discussion of not taking revenge at the abusive parent. Thou shalt not kill literally. The brother perhaps would have liked to have stopped the sisters assault by killing the adult male, or more likely attempting to kill the adult male figure and getting himself killed, instead, he cousels her. He tells her to cry and not hold it all in.

David Gray – Freedom Lyrics 7 months ago
I think this song is about a relationship that has buckled under the strain of modern living. The two of them still love each other on some level but neither of them have the energy to continue the relationship.

This could be for a few reasons. Perhaps the husband went to war and when he came back him and the wife have no spark or they lost a child.

If it is the war side of things it might be that the husband, once he gets back home, doesn't feel that America really is as free as the patriotism suggests. Rather than live in a free country he is navigating the sewer of modern life.

The Alan Parsons Project – Eye In The Sky Lyrics 1 year ago
@[SomeRandomGirl:46115] This is my interpretation (mine) as well. I first heard the song from a youtuber I follow who talks about abuse.

To all the people who are saying things like 'the artist said xyz'. Well if it was about a narcissistic ex or agent then he might not want to say that. Secondly, a song like a dream can be about more than one thing, Third, sometimes the lyrics flow from someplace and we make up the reason later.

I do disagree with one element of your interpretation though. I see it as a call and response. The verse is the singer himself, the 'protagonist' as you surmised. The chorus though is the god like self image of the other party. It's basically I am a god and I can cheat you blind because I am so much better than you. Classic manipulator.

Thirteen Senses – Into The Fire Lyrics 1 year ago
I think this song is about burnout. A person has engaged in intense live and extreme sports perhaps. Perhaps even Borderline/ ocd types of tendencies turning them into a real party animal. So much so that their intensity feels like they are meeting god. This could also be cocaine/X or something like that:

"Put your hands into the fire".

But eventually it all gets too much and they are starting to palpably self destruct:

THIS TIME, I'm turning white and senses dying.

Perhaps even this is telling the story of their death that would be grim. 'The lights are dim' could mean either actual dying, or my preferred interpretation falling into an unbearable depression from burnout. This is common with people with carefully concealed borderline issues and such when they have stopped being able to distract themselves with youthful hyjinks!

The Heavy – Short Change Hero Lyrics 2 years ago
I see it as being about a dysfunctional family.\n\nThe first and second verse is probably the girl of the family. Like the daughter. It\'s all about doing dysfunctional things to please low lifes and "What matters aint the, who\'s baddest" could be the girl going for bad guys and ignoring the people that would actually support her.\n\nThe third verse could be the brother, who the mother enables. Of course, if we were to take the brothers relationship with gangsters (whom he knows on the "inside) or the sister had actually gone to jail then they could be the same person. But I see it more as two different people, the brother and the sister.\n\nThe chorus then is that in these family systems nobody wants to hear from the more virtuous individual who might actually call all this stuff out.

Mazzy Star – Look On Down From The Bridge Lyrics 3 years ago
When I first heard it I thought it was about a demon that was beckoning someone to commit suicide. "There's still fountains down here". I.e. Jump from the bridge.

But in practice, what it means to me, which is more important to me. Is just a relationship that has run its course, even a close friendship:

'I can't be the same thing to you now, I'm just gone, just gone'

Sometimes we are interacting with someone and a lot of dramatic crap happens and we are changed, we see the person differently after all the group manipulation has occured and we can't enjoy the same naive friendship we initially had. 'I can't be the same thing to you now'. I can't engage with you one on one in cute simple friendship.

'How, could I say goodbye. How could I say goodbye. Goodbye'.

This reminds me of friendships where there is a lot that is unsaid. 'How could I say goodbye?' Is difficult because the reason we would split up as friends or lovers can't be spoken, because its foundations were never expressed either!

In general whatever it is really about, and it sounds like it is about something really sinister, it meets some of the general malaise of misery of more simple but profound encounters.

Gerard McMann – Cry Little Sister Lyrics 3 years ago
comment deleted

The Heavy – Short Change Hero Lyrics 3 years ago
To me it's about making compromises in a relationship. The girl (most likely) he's decribing has all sorts of moral deficits. Just in general she is dysfunctional. So when it is said 'This ain't no place for no hero'. It's like if you are with someone in any sense it just isn't appropriate sometimes to say that one or the other behaviours is not ethical or whatever.

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Lyrics 4 years ago
I agree with the post of anima 69316 as to the actual interpretation but there is my interpretation as well.

I think it is important to be able to wish others well when things go south. I have separated from someone I knew for years recently and this song just hits the right place. I also hope/ believe that I will feel in the future that the break up so to speak was for the best as I am more productive in the future.

Britney Spears – Everytime Lyrics 4 years ago
Damn lack of an edit button...

I think Timberlake knows all this about her as well. Thus responding with 'what goes around comes around'. He didn't even play the bad guy to let her off the hook but referred it upward to karma.

Britney Spears – Everytime Lyrics 4 years ago
@[CodeMusic:31297] She does seem to have noticeably cracked after her and Timberlake broke up but I think this is due to negative social attention rather than the pain of a failed relationship. I don't think a person risks that kind of cheating with someone they really love!

Britney Spears – Everytime Lyrics 4 years ago
As sweet as she is, everything Britney does is calculated. So even though this might be a bit true I don't think she really feels this towards Timberlake. I think she played it to get the media and people off her back after the song 'Cry me a river' created a distinct coldness towards her.

When it didn't really work she made that Amy song. Which is probably more what she really feels. The vagina rules so deal with it.

She is though a very talented performer. She is a true musician in the sense her clearest interaction is through her music.

Not that I condemn her for any of this, we all live in the real world here. I don't think her and Timberlake were suited and I hope there can be some overall reconciliation between the relevant parties.

4 Non Blondes – What's Up? Lyrics 4 years ago
@[marissa93:30934] Thought to self... Bye their album!

4 Non Blondes – What's Up? Lyrics 4 years ago
People are making this song about something political and the words certainly do line up on that but for me, it could be that she feels left out EMOTIONALLY from men.

The woman in the video looks incredibly insecure. Like a smile would make her putty in your hands! I see that in other women as well, where they are deeply feminine and live in a female world and monopolise most people and relationships and are a little mystified by the connection men sometimes have as something they can't really penetrate.

Fleetwood Mac – Monday Morning Lyrics 4 years ago
There isn't another song to hand that captures womens light moodiness. I'll just float here and there, I love you, now I don't.

'You must respect my viewpoints.'

Dido – White Flag Lyrics 5 years ago
@[islandbeauty21:30391] Wow, thanks for that honest comment.

The way I translate 'I will go down with this ship' is... the ship is the relationship. So Dido will go down with the idea of the relationship whether it lives or dies. So she is holding onto an idea of a relationship that can't happen rather than moving on. I.e. as is clearly reflected in the chorus/ title. It is dressed up in warmth this song but is actually deeply morbid.

Hozier – Take Me to Church Lyrics 5 years ago
Well, this article at least says it's not about homosexuality:

Some songs are so beautifully complex I think having a personal meaning is the best way to go.

I think the girl referenced at the beginning is a girl who had a good value system and between them they opposed all the moron group think. I.e. the group says 'worship here'... whatever that is... 'let's go out and drink' perhaps. But then because they are passive aggressive everything you say to them gets used against you in some fashion at some time... 'I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife'.

I had something similar where a group of people decided I was a stalkerish personality at some point. Even though none of the girls thought I was this way they would eventually come to believe I was through my barely having talked to them.

Bob Dylan – Positively 4th Street Lyrics 5 years ago
I think the song is carefully written to conceal any hint of it's intended recipient. While it could be about Ochs the line:

"You see me on the street, you always act surprised
You say "how are you?", "good luck", but ya don't mean it
When you know as well as me, you'd rather see me paralyzed
Why don't you just come out once and scream it"

That one can't be about Ochs.

Seems to me a bit cowardly to say something but be so careful to not actually say anything. My impression is it is just about a group of people that are generally a bit crap.

Maroon 5 – Harder To Breathe Lyrics 5 years ago
@[musicrocks13:29577] Some moron 'disliked' this.

Maroon 5 – Harder To Breathe Lyrics 5 years ago
This is my interpretation. I interpret music loosely because that's what it means to me.

"And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there 'cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there 'cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe"

Basically in line with the 'domestic violence' theme. I think this line 'little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams'. His girlfriend makes loads of fuss and PRETENDS he is abusing her but he is in fact not... With the statement 'anyone out there' that is the groups opinion of him.

The rest of it is just how angry he is getting about her manipulations.

I once heard a guy that worked in fashion, who was a very strong man (African) once saying that he did not know what to do if a girl started seriously going off on him because if he hit someone 'they would not get back up'. It could be that kind of thing.

You could also say with the 'is there anyone out there' theme that that is how people have responded to him because of legitimate reasons.

Unbunny – Nothing Comes to Rest Lyrics 5 years ago
It seems similar in ways to their other songs although this one has the added theme of 'travel'.

'Living from the wrists'... A skill that makes life very easy.

A person that has it all worked out, has money etc. But feels a certain spiritual emptiness. This one travels.

Unbunny – Let it All Burn Lyrics 5 years ago
Wow.... No comments?

Great song.

I would love to know more about what it actually means/ how it came about. So many songs are not about what they seem to be. To start us off I imagine it regards a self reflective person that is quite rich. He knows that he has no particular virtue that sets him apart morally from the working classes, opposing the stereotypical rich persons attitude.. He 'pays the builders what their worth' i.e. he does not look down on them. He is aware of his shortcomings... He has not had to make moral sacrifices to keep himself going... 'Never had to use a gun'... Beaten up a bully or whatever that could mean metaphorically..

In a sense he values the working class and resents himself slightly. He has 'never had to use a gun' yet, when his girlfriends father dies he will inherit massively. 'Locked away from all your dirt'. I.e. no real experience of the world. He is powerless to change his situation and does not think he is suited to having all the power he will soon have.

Unbunny is an incredibly insightful band in my opinion. It seems to me there is a middle class guilt that often manifests itself in strange ways, that I myself have felt even though, I am not really middle class by local standards I live in a rich area and am sheltered from the effects of poverty in the rest of my country. Far better than another love song.

Eagles – Tequila Sunrise Lyrics 5 years ago
'Wonder why the right words never come'. At the end.

Has he even asked her or discussed this with her. It might be a love he never had the courage to pursue?

Bob Dylan – Queen Jane Approximately Lyrics 6 years ago
My interpretation, regardless of what anyone else thinks, is the girl is not a particularly nice person but is a sexy beast and Dylan wants her to use his body when she is sick of the rest of her commitments.

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