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Rush – The Trees Lyrics 6 years ago

Well said

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Scar Tissue Lyrics 6 years ago
I find the comments to be a fascinating view into the psyche of listeners. So many perspectives....

In considering the meaning of the song, I think it's important to consider their age and experience of the writers. RHCP has been around since the early 80's, and this song was written in 1999 or before. These are guys are seasoned, and I bet they remember all to well the outcomes of their choices and experiences .

It's difficult for those who have not been there (yet) to see the "scars" of experience. The experienced minister's message falls on the deaf ears of those who do not yet know; accordingly, the minister's message has taken an air of sarcasm.

The experienced has the perspective of a birds eye view. This view provides an opportunity to understand how an action fits in to the larger picture. Often the experienced is not accepted or interested in participation, because the experienced knows the likely outcome and the big picture. The experienced outsider understands their limited ability to be heard or to effect change. This results in feelings of loneliness. A sympathetic kiss is the closest one gets. In other words, if one has the experience and scars, but they can't be seen, then one can only get close enough to touch it without effect.

The Kentucky push-up bra reference represents the writers lust for the invigoration of youth. The writer lust to taste the newness and vitality of youth, but youth has passed. Again, it's lonely know and lust from a distance.

A (young) southern girl bleeding (alone) in bathroom stall lends itself to a variety of situations and symbolisms, but the girl, upon leaving the protection and guidance of her parents, appears to be suffering from the consequence of a decision. It's "lonely" to sympathize with the suffering of another from a distance.

Scars and broken jaws hopefully result in wisdom and propriety. Distance can be your friend. Passing through seasons of life to another is perhaps sweet, but it is a one way street. It comes with a loss. We are all moving along a road to someplace. To the "moon" as we imagined? Enough beatings and broken bones may lead to crawling to finish.

The lyrics offer several lessons to those who are wise enough to look and listen. Unfortunately, many of us learn the hard way. The hard way is a sure path to memorable experiences, but they come at the cost of scars, sarcasm, lust, blood, distance and loneliness.

This scared sarcastic minister finds that life is an accumulation of one small choice after another. Each decision leads down a different path. The paths all lead to the end of the road (someplace). Enjoy each step of the journey, keep an eye toward the big picture and make wise choices. Make more good choices than bad ones, and you may make it to the moon. Crawl if required.

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