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Bob Dylan – All Along the Watchtower Lyrics 6 years ago
@[tayzha26:26194] I would say that this interpretation is spot on. Dylan read the bible quite a lot at one point. The Bible is a book containing stories about the struggles between the prophets and the kings. I think that in the song he uses biblical type imagery in the words he uses.

Eric Clapton – Cocaine Lyrics 7 years ago
This song could be about Gideon Osbourne.

Seriously though, the line is "when your RING is gone..." Referring to when you develop a hole in your nose ring or it falls out altogether from using the drug over a long period. Like Daniella Westbrook. Francis Rossi can thread a hankichief through his nose from his use of cocaine back in the day.

As far as I'm concerned you could replace the title cocaine with alcohol or nicotine and it would add up to the same thing. It just wouldn't rhyme. Alcohol is just as bad if not far worse but it's legal so is sort of seen as a more benign drug. Any drug when abused can cause serious issues. You can overdose from painkillers bought over the counter at your local chemist.
The point is, if you must use any drug, use your head and don't take for granted how lethal it can be if you don't respect it.

Paul Simon – Kodachrome Lyrics 7 years ago
I think it's about living in a fantasy instead of reality. Through the eyes of a view-finder. He's conscious that it's just a representation but wants to continue to be blinkered by it it because the 'bigger picture' of true reality is too hard to face. There Goes Rhymin' Simon is one of my favourite albums of any artist.

Carly Simon – You're So Vain Lyrics 7 years ago
From what I have gathered over the years this song is likely about a combination of men the singer was involved with on some level. Most likely it is largely about Warren Beatty. Beatty was the ultimate ladies man back in the day.

George Harrison – Faster Lyrics 7 years ago
George wrote this song about the formula one driver Jackie Stewart

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